In schoool
Friday, February 26, 2010 @ 7:07 AM
hey? HEYY:D bahahahahhh!! i'm in .. SCHOOL OF COURSE:Di lovelovelove my new skin:D and. puhlease. i didn't just copy, paste, write in the profile, add in the cbox OKAY?! i actually went to change the colour of the fonts... thewords you see up on the top of the screen... and like, some other words... uh huh.
so HOW'S MY NEW SKIN? i find that it's a little better than the previous one. like, you think it's really simple so i must be quite umm.. ladylike._.? YEAH. then you read the words.. my posts and NO I'M NOT THAT INNOCENT REALLY:D
OH MY GAH. FITT run todayeee!!! and i got side pain right nowwws! HOW!? oooh. ahhhh. ohhh. WE'RE SUPPOSED TO GO FOR ASSEMBLY NOW. bahahahah. so everybody's going "2 more minutes puhlease!!!' oh really gotta lerhh. seeee youuuuu:D
Labels: random luhhhx
Thursday, February 25, 2010 @ 1:34 PM
my teeth hurt D: i'm in school, 1S1 classroom:D it's lunchtime but i'm not eating cuz anyway, I CAN'T. anyway. this thing is so awesome. wu yan and i are webcamming and there are like, SO MANY EFFECTS. i look so retarded in those effects luhh! I CAN SKIP CHOIR TODAY:D that's so awesome. well, i'm not skipping for fun, of course. i'd die. buttt. my teeth hurt like cuhrazy! so i have every reason to miss it. my dad approved:D soooooo i duhnno luhh. two parents' letters per month.
sooo. MY MATHS TESTT!! i'm gonna die. seriously. i just got about, 10 marks minused already... IT SUCKSSSSS. i'm telling you i went around asking every single person i know what they put for this and that... and like, i got practically all of them wrong. and we had sorta like a debate on the answers. i got -900... some got 900.. some got -810? gahhh.
okay so right now wu yan and i are trying out effects for webcam :D how awesomeee. i love the pink heart shape frameeeeee!! hahahahhh. i'm writing my own name on the thingy.. BAHAHAHAHH IT'S SO HORRENDOUS. sorry.
oh dear. MDM KALA'S THERE. which is terrriiibbblllee. 'LL CONTINUE LATER.
kayys. i'm back. ummm. now it's the TPC training thing. we-ell, who is even bothering to listen? NOT ME. or wuyan. or marlene. and i see a lotta people playing with stuff and listening to music xD and OH. GUESS WHO'S THE TRAINER. Karlton Phua. the one which i emailed the TPC order form to..? YEAH. lucky he doesn't knowww i'm in that class.
okay. right now marlene, wu yan and i are talkingg. on msn. and since wu yan and i aren't listening, marlene's typing the info and sending them so uss xD hahahh. ooooh someone's signed in. wu yan and my peng you. SOOMEEONNNEE. hahahah. so we're talking to that person:D bahahahhh..
i'm preventing wu yan from playing her game!! i'm so eeeevil. hahahhh. okay. SCHOOL HAS ENDEDDD!!!! yayyyyy!! hahahahhh. okay. i shall continue back homeeeee(:
and here i am, BACK HOME:D hahah. sooooo ummm. what happened today... hmmm. in the morning i came to school and rushed my science graph thing. we-ell it's hard. so i didn't do. alrighty. after which, i had to go down for CHOIR PUNISHMENT. the running.
and so i had to finish up the last line of my si han[chinese letter] then pass it up, with marlene and wu yan's... therefore i was LATE. brenda and sharon and hana as well. so when we went down, we had to run FIVE rounds.
so we started running... running... and i ran with sharon, ahead of brenda and hana. then we finished the 4th round.. then sharon stopped. well we were behind the rest... so they were already gathering and all. but i told her we had to run one extra round luhh. so we just went to run..
IT WAS FUNNNN:D hahah. i'm not kidding. i wanted to run ONE MORE ROUND. well yeah. cuz it was seriously nice running quite fast with your friend! okay anyway we finished.. then gathered... and Juniper asked who was late and had to run one more round but didn't run. only one person stood out. the resr [like hana and brenda!] didn't. and when Juniper went 'are you sure there's only one?' then one of the seniors told her that she knew sharon and i already ran our 5 rounds. yayy us:D
after that, paula, jeanne, hana and i went up to the auditorium to gather... and we sat at the front first. then we moved when awesome 1S1'10 came. i partnered neyaaa^^ righty ho. sooooo there was leadership moment today. and the peer leader heads or something came up to present. yeahhhh... bohring, pretty much.
comm arts, first period. my group members were using MYY TPC:D cuz the info's stored thereee. yeah. okay.. moving onn.. HMTL? i fell asleep._. well teacher was going through the TEST PAPER. and i was sitting there, going "WHEN'S THIS GONNA END?!'' yeah. i woke up only when the bell rang:\
recesssss? we brought our TPCs down. "for science". and i had umm. porridge. which tasted horrrrrrible. seriously. like, NO TASTE!!#$%^&*(! ughhh. braces = horribleness. for the fact that it hurts a freak lot, you can't bite at all? totally! i mean, i used to think braces were just there to make you look good, without PAIN. i thought that was the whole point of spending $4000++ on this metallic thing!
okay we had science. patheticpatheticpathetic science! we got back our test results. i got 13/20... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! first test of secondary school and this is the pathetic score i get. awesome. then I WAS SUPPOSED TO GET 2 MORE MARKS LUHH! but teacher went 'nooo! this one is very CROOKED! that one is MESSY! didn't use RULER!' hey. i write with my paper diagonally facing me. and it's just by like, A FEW MM. i did use a ruler. IT WASN'T MESSY AT ALL[asked all friends] ughhh!
anyway. my teeth were hurting like CUHRAZY during science. the worsttttttt ever. in my 1.2[approx] years wearing braces. WTH. so i was sms-ing my dad and mom... and they were telling me to go General Office to get panadol. so after marlene and i finished the experiment, she followed me to go to the G.O. then ms azrina was telling me that she would let me go, but was quite sure they wouldn't give me._.
and yeah, they didn't. "We cannot prescribe medication to you. We're not nurses or doctors. Later you got any allergies, we get blamed you know?" hello? i know my OWN body better than YOU do, woman. i know if i've got any allergies! and the answer's NO.
so i told my parents. and my dad was asking me to get the G.O people to call him. but of course, NO! cuz they would know i was smsing during classtime. DEMERIT MANN! duwan. then he told me to give him the school tel. number. but i didn't have. after that, my parents told me to go Cheers. BUT WE CAN'T GET OUTTA THE SCHOOL! sooooo yeah... then they never reply.
so we finished science class, went back to our classroom for MATHS TEST O: we were given 20minutes to revise... and ask questions. and at that time, everyone started asking questions.. hahahah. mr teo was like 'how come during classtime you don't ask, last minute then come and ask?' ): ooooh by the way. HE CUT HIS HAIR. looks so... childish now. but we were all laughing at that.
and maths test, as you know, was totally horrendously horrible!! can die lorhh! ughhh. okay whatever. so after maths, was lunch... then yeah read above... and then PBL, we were all on our TPCs, searching for materials to back up our proposal. but we were more of chatting on VGLF xD yeah. but we did do a teensy weensy bit of work!
okay. that's about it. OH WAIT. during lunch time, in class, i called my dad, and that's when he said i could skip choir!! hahahahahh. so i had to go home alone cuz most CCAs are on Thursdays. so i was sitting alone.. and opposite me on the bus there was this middle aged guy.. and was playing on his PSP like he was a teenage kiddo. WEIRD.
yeah and i got off the bus... and went to buy bubble tea:D i know i had it yesterday... but i didn't have lunch, okay?! so i bought the same drink as yesterday. then i said i didn't want pearls cuz obviously i can't bite them! so the aunty was really nice and gave me a lot more flavouring. oh wait. that's cuz there's no pearls. blah. whatever.
so i got home and i finished drinking and here i am? YEAH. THAT'S IT FOLKS. SEE YA.
TPC life at crescent day 1
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 @ 10:40 PM
HELLO PEEPS:D -from my LIFEBOOK T series Tablet Personal Computer. BAHAHAHAHH. so far, OF COURSE, I'm lovin' it:D puhlease. who doesn't like a touch screen computer with inking feature?! that person is totally stupid. or maybe it's just me. gahhh whatever.okay. so umm... today was a really... weird day? or maybe you call it horrible, i don't know. okay but in the morning, when i went to class... all i saw were black covers of TPCs staring at me. which is totally 'scary'. in a good way:D hahahah. so i went to my own seat, and wu yan was there[i was late today cuz my mom didn't have to work, so we left later] and then i started up my TPC. it felt awesomee:D first time ya know?
hahahahh.. so ummm i just went on facebook a little while. AND MARLENE KEPT SENDING ME MESSAGES. like wth._. so i just shouted to marlene "MARLENE KOH! STOP SPAMMING ME WITH MESSAGES CAN OR NOT?!" then everyone started laughing._. weird. but anyway. we were almost late for assembly cuz we were all too engrossed in our TPCs:D hahahahh...
so today for morning assembly, there was like, the skit again. and it was 3S2_ hahahahh. it was ummm. quite funny but i wasn't laughing cuz i had major tummyache. seriously at my stomach and not umm. anywhere else. like wth? it was EXCRUCIATING i tell you. i had to lie on neya. blah.
okayy.. so lessons?! i won't bother to talk about it. except that every single teacher would go on and on about how we shouldn't be surfing the net during class time. and they would ALL use Facebook as an example. like this - "You all shouldn't be on other websites during classtime, like Facebook!" blah. I'M NOT KIDDING. every single teacher. bahahahah...
okay then last two periods of Comm Arts, we had this Poetry Slam course, that we paid a hefty sum to attend. and it was seriously funnn! reg. no. 1-20 one class, 21-40 another. so i was with teevee and wuyan:D hahah. so we had to get in groups of 4, so of course, we 3 plus Dana were in one group. we had to choose a poem to say and act out.. so we chose "Nothing To Say, Except" and memorised plus acted out the whole thing.
feedback from teacher? we're absolutely TOO hyped up:D all the poems, that we're supposed to be sad... we're all happyhappyhappy:D hahah. but overall it was really fun. the whole of 20 people even did one poem together. it was awesome. oh yeah, the teacher's name is Mr Steve. caucasian.bahahah.
i went home after maths? so in the bus mar and i were totally hyped up and cuhrazy. laughing like crazy luhh. okay so i reached home at about 2.20? and i rusheddddd to do all the stuff... but i finished all that at 2.40. and my dental appointment was at 2.45!! so my aunt and uncles were here. 1 couple and 1 other uncle. yeah so they, incl. my mom, were talking. and so they stayed and we took taxi to NDC.
okay so yeah. normal procedures. and i got black and pink:D but the pink's a little horrible. cheapcheapcheap looking pink. but whatever. oh yeah. I HAVE TO CHANGE DENTIST D: it won't be Dr Anna anymoreD: will be Dr Robyn. weird name huh? yeah. cuz Dr Anna would be changing to Tuesdays and Thursdays only. and those are the days i have CCA. so yeah.
okay. so i came home.. my mom continued chatting with my relatvies... and i was using this laptop to blog my previous post. hahah. okay then i was studying like cuhrazy[RARE RIGHT?] for TWO WHOLE HOURS. bahhhh. then here i am. I COULDN'T HAVE ANYTHING FOR DINNER. just soup+rice. horrible combination. ahhh whatever. kay then . BYESS.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 @ 9:06 PM
lalalah~ READ THE TITLE:D IT'S IMPORTANT. but well, i'm not THAT excited anymore. thinking of how much LESS group work there can be done... i think. ahhhD: and all those TESTS there are?! WTH. plus projects, projects and more projects... STRESSEDDDD. but i'll still do my daily blogging:D even though i know no one bothers to read... BUT STILL.i can blog in school now. in the morning or something:Domgawsh stupid motorists D: trying to 'impress' people with their 'awesome' skills? think again idiots! HOPE YOU GUYS CRASH INTO SOMETHING! bahahahahhh! i'm eeeeeviiiillllll.
sawrie. i'm really mad. never mind. skip topic. ughh... okay so today, we had FIRE DRILL. and skipped FITT runn:D! hahahahh. so in class, before assembly, the councillors anounced that there wouldn't be FITT run. then we were screamin... and we could hear other classes screaming as well:D. okay sooooo after morning assembly, we were in class... mdm kala was asking some stuff... then suddenly the siren went off. like, REAL loud. at first it stopped a little while.. then it started again. woaaa-oh. i could see everyone streaming outta their classes and starting to laugh like crazy.
okay. so we took 6 minutes for attendance Ö that's a long time. for getting down to the foyer area, we took 5minutes 19seconds. just 19seconds away from target. it's okayy. for the first time gathering at that place, it's counted quite good. as said by ms ong:D bahahaah. so we were trying to draggg. so we could miss geog xD and we did miss by 15minutes!
lalalah. so after geog was recess and then EL SCEP. so funnn :D we did fun with construction.. didmicrosoft word... microsoft excel... well basically, just going through that Fun With Construction softward + going through Microsoft Word 2007. great stuff. BUT. Ms Bri told us that the Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Word WON'T BE INSTALLED TILL EARLIEST THIS FRIDAY!! that is crap. if you did read one of my previous posts, you would know WHY. gahhh!
okay after that was D&T -groanss...- ugh. so we were supposed to do another of the paper models[WHAT?!] and draw the outline of that stand on the acrylic sheets. soooooo WE HAD TO MODIFY SO MANY TIMES THE PAPER MODEL CUZ MR CHEW WASN'T HAPPY WITH IT. criticism.. again.. what hell. but whatever. it FINALLY got approved(: and umm yeah. so we went to get the acrylic sheets. then we started. and we practically failed.
whatever. after that was class interaction. what i did during that... i forgot. OH OH OH. wu yan and i were singing Innocence by Avril Lavigne, off my lyrics book:D bahahahhh.. I'M IN LOVE WITH THAT SONG. bahahahah. i'm not the only one kays?!?
okay then there was assembly... there was this guy from some company and blah blah.. but he was awesomme^^! very fuhnny xD BAHAHAH. i was laughing so much i had to lie down on wu yan who was sitting behind me x ohhhhh. so maybe it were the VIDEOS that were shown YEAH. hahahaahh... then when they say 'RELEASEDD. SEC1S STAND UP QUICKLYYYY!!' then of course, we ran to the room.
the guy sked us why we were late!! gahh. not like it was OUR fault they put 1.30pm when there was assembly?! BLAH. then we RUSHHHEDD to queue up:P and i was the third one in the class to get the TPC:D hahah. we had to form three rows muhh. i duhnno but the other row but two of them were 'lead' by natasha and teevee and i was standing behind teevee. soooo yeah.
then i got mine and went to the other side to get the people to set it up... then teevee's was setting up already.. but natasha's wasn't. so then the same guy setup both of our's. and mine was done first:D MWAHAHAHAHHH. but yeah. teevee and i waited for natasha and marianne to finish first. then we went to class.
okay so in class there were a few people already... so we were all going crazy over the fact that we got our TPCs already!! hahahahh. then i saw Jeanne, and we went down to have lunch[we, on purpose, took our own sweet time:D] then we went up... saw paula.. but couldn't wait for her cuz we did tell the seniors[COMM MEMBERS O:] that we were going for lunch. they'd get suspicious!! bleh.
sooo ummm choir wass bohring as usual... but jeanne and i did miss like a full hour of choir cuz of our TPCs!! which is so awesome. but apparently THE TEACHER WASN'T HERE YET. and when we WENT, the teacher came._. blehz. if only S1ers were the ones who took the 3-4.30 slot. I'D MUCH RATHER THAT. since anyway, i couldn't use it even if we took the earlier slot._. so yeah
so i realised after choir, that mrs lim[choir conductress] has to have an r at the end of practically each and every single word. 'peoplurr' ..? and she tries to cover up for her mistake by saying something else. like... she was reading out the lyrics... then she got some word wrong... then she started saying what she said wrong and asking us to say it that way as well.. okay. guess what. WE HAVE TO BE PUNISHED FOR WHAT OUR SENIORS DID WRONG O: like, they were talking like crazy[actually i was talking a little as welll..] and now the WHOLE choir has to run around the parade square tomorrow morning 4 times! gahh..
okay so the first thing i did when i got home was to charge my TPC, of course:D hahahahh. i was so 'ganchiong'._. and i found out that the stewpid stewpid stewpid guyy who helped configurate everything DIDN'T SWITCH MY TPC OFF. stewpid! then i had to spend a LOOOONG time trying to get the thing ON. bahhhhh.
okay i guess i'm done with crapping. seee yaa:D
Monday, February 22, 2010 @ 6:14 PM
i'm bohreddD:D&T suckssss
i took like half an hour..
and it looks terrible omgshwth
thinking of TPC currently makes my heart skip a beat
i duhnno why
but i'm still not jealous of anyone!
okay. i've not done CME yet.
asking around to ask on HOW to do.
seriously, i get different answers all the time.
which one to believe?
ahhhh! i think i'll just do BOTH.
in case:D
i paused a little while before writing this.
so now i'm done with my homework.
including CME:D
right now, i have to..
wait for my mom to write the cheque
for TPC for me to bring tomorrow!
hahahhh. so i shall go now.
see ya:D
Ö is a good expression
@ 3:17 PM
This innocence is brilliant,I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away,
I need you now,
And I'll hold on to it,
Don't you let it pass you by.
innocence by avril lavigne:D
hahahaahh... if not for the Canon advertisement, i wouldn't have known this songs actually exists(: sooooo. thank Canon :D !
blehhz. now i'm desperately waiting for tomorrow, 2pm. to get my TPC. ehhh it's just for the sake of Photoshop. cuz i wanna see how i look l ike in bangs. I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED BANGS. but thought i might look like totally disastrous. but aby cut bangs. and she doesn't look too weird. so I WANNA TRY! but first... must go through photoshop. to see how i really look like. if not i cut then i look horrible D:
kayy. ummm right now i'm being chased by an evil creature from outta space!! okay it's not CHASED, and it's not an evil creature from outta space[though i wish it were real:D] okay. being bothered by a weirdo. messages on facebook... smses... handphone calls.. HOME phone calls... using another person's phone to TRICK me into picking up the phone.
that's horrid -gasps- well. i'll just ignore that person! - bleep bleep bleep. a message from that person -gaspsÖ-! okay -opens message- Ö talking about committing suicide? everybody hating that person? yeeeeeeeeeeeah. riiiiiiiiiiiiight. totally.
i'm being a little too dramatic here :P but yeah. the above stuff i wrote are 100% true. believe it or not.. UP TO YOU. lalalah... ooh. ive not even started on the actual blog post Ö kayy then. lemme see. today.. MATHS REVIEW. gahh i know 4 marks are sure to be gone. cuz last question - WRONGG! third question as well! ohmygosh.. i think i got the second one wrong as well! GAHHH!!!!! lucky it's not counted!!
ohkay. so today we had free period after maths review cuz Mr Teo didn't come. oh he did but he was with the NCC cadets. out for a trip or something. soooo this stupid idiotic freaking crazy teacher came in... then we[like.. Marianne, teevee, and some others] were crowding around the notice board at the back of the class... then like talking while writing down the answers for maths assignments[BTW I LOST MY ASSIGNMENT 11, THE ONE WHERE I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO GOT FULL MARKS D:] oh wait i found my assignment:D i left it in my Geog textbook:P hahaahh. soooo yeah. and then Marianne and Wu Yan just went there to talk xD
and the teacher came.. and 'scolded' us. sort of. and said that those who went there to talk had to go back to their own seats.. D:SHE SAID WE COULD TALK! and then after that say cannot): soooo yeah. i PRETENDED to be copying. but teevee, natasha and i were just talking XD
then then then i gave up trying. and went back to my seats. AND FOUND OUT, TO MY HORROR, THAT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO HAND IN CME JOURNAL!! but wait a minute. it wasn't MY fault. cuz i finished it the day after Ms Sim told us to... then i handed it up to Farhana... but she told me NOT to hand it up. and last week i handed it up AGAIN. but she said the same thing. SO IT WASN'T MY FAULT WHAT. and i wasn't the only one. some others didn't as well. INCLUDING the chairperson:D so didn't need to worry
then when the reccess bell rang... we were dismissed.. then i forgot why but wu yan and i were laughing sooooo bad... i fell down. at the back of the class. then I JUST REALISED TODAY THAT WU YAN HAS HILARIOUS WAY OF LAUGHING xD okay so science was bohring, as usual, but wu yan was fuhnny. WELL, THROUGHOUT THE DAY WE WERE LAUGHING XD. hahaahh. yeah. and we went through the science worksheet and we were still laughing xD BAHAHAHAHH.
okay. CME... nothing muchh... HMTL.. nothing much. except that we played a game the last 20minutes of class time! cuz 1G1 pupils had to go for lunch, before collecting their TPCs. hahaah.. and my group won!! hahaahh. i wrote da cao jing she for the group. well it's about idioms and yeah... i kept raising my hands FASTER THAN THE OTHERS but the teacher didn't look this wayy! so the OTHER group got the chances... GAHH.
okay. so i came home? yeah. not used to marlene and i being the only ones getting up bus 111. so when the bus came we forgot to flag. but lucky people had to go down hehh x yeah.. so i reached home... had spicyspicyspicy noodles for lunch. and went to buy BUBBLE TEA on my OWN:D you should get the message. and yeah. this is a fairly short post. but whatever. byes.?
Sunday, February 21, 2010 @ 8:17 PM
as the title suggests, READ THE POST BEFORE THE QUIZ!cuz you know they will show the time when you START the post. and i continued it just now.. just posted it. so it'll be before the quiz. which means, two posts before this. yeah...
so today.. did practically nothing. woke up at about 10.30? yeaahh.. then ummm i watched The Gem Of Life. i love Gigi Lai! she's so pweetttyy! and she's great at acting(: hahaahh.. yeeeeeahh.
then i went with my dad and younger brother to the bookshop to buy my younger brother's stuff. cuz i wanted to see if there were thick pink/purple ribbons to make pweettyy roses(: AND some magazines to kill time.. but nuh uh. didn't buy any magazines.. and there were no thick ribbons):
oooh. you know ChiaoEn jiejie is the senior designer for certain magazines.. so during chinese new year, she gave me a copy of Seventeen and SimplyHer magazine, for MARCH. which means it WASN'T out yet. yayyy(:
ohhhkay. then we went to buy lunch. i got carrot cake for lunch! been craving for it for like, i don't know HOW LONG. hehh. then we went home... and i did my homework.. then i slept.. and i got on the computer.. had dinner.. now here i am._. bohring dayy. yeeeah. i posted this mainly to tell YOU. to read the post BEFORE THE QUIZZ(: bye.
just a random quiz :P
Saturday, February 20, 2010 @ 10:37 PM
Type down your first reactions when someone says these phrases to you.WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS LIKE THAT?
- like what._.
- siao
- huh?
- i'm not cute wth
- if you wanna get zero..
- o.o
- and why does tuesday come before wednesday?
- i don't like linkin park..
- siao. -punches your face-
- OUCCHHH! change 'for' to 'ON'!
- >.O
- im a prefectly normal girl, thank you.
- hmmm... will you spam me with messages?
- i don't dance.
- i can walk on my own, and i know the way, thank you.
- love who?
- sounds like it's from a song.
- nevverrrr
Who is in the house with you?
-my dad, younger brother and maid
Who are you thinking about now?
- nooooooo one
Who did you last talk to on the phone?
- uhhh... my mom.
Whose house did you last go to?
- my dad's third eldest sister's house.
Whose birthday is next?
- lemme see... duhnno.
Who was the LAST person you loved?
- loveD? no one i guess
Who do you hope will take this survey?
-duhnno, don't care, don't wanna know
What was the last thing you ate?
-ice creammm! :D
What was the last thing you drank?
-uhhh. plain water?
What is the closest item near you that is blue?
-my elder brother's[previously mine] iPod nano 4th Generation
What instant messaging service do you use?
What is your favourite colour?(1 only)
-either pink or black. duhnno
What is your most used, away message?
-hmmm. i say 'gimme a min' orrrr maybee.. 'Be right back' I DUHNNO LUH
What is your favourite shoe brand?
-lemme see.. I DUHNNO. i like Mephisto cuz it's really comfortable.. i like Papillo too.
What song are you currently hearing?
-Innocence by Avril Lavigne. i'm addicted to it. dang.
Where do you live?
-somewhere west central of Singapore.
Where do you sleep?
-in my room DUHH
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
When is your birthday?
-20th october. this year it's speeeeciaalllll. 20/10/2010(:
When did you last burn a candle?
-uhhh. i've not burnt a candle before..
When did you last see your dad?
-like.. if i turn around i'll see him.
Why do we have to go to school?
Why are you taking this survey?
-for funnn...
teeheeh(: i'm just bohred... bohred. like. crazyyy! nothing to do on the computer): but i'm still using itttt cuz i don't wanna sleep! blah. okay then. byyeessss.
i saw two gays and one mute person today
@ 9:13 PM
hellooo(: todayyyy i went toooo shopppppp! at orchard roaddd:D hahaahh.. ummm. and two people got me like. seriously madddddd):soooo. i woke up when my mom woke me up? and just brushed my teeth.. got ready.. then left luhh._. yeahhhh. my mom went to the ATM at blk 19 first.. THEN we went(: bus 111 took freeeeeaking long to come luhh): ehhhh yeahhh...
then of course we.. WENT ON THE BUS? yeeeeahhh... then at the Commonwealth stop, a lotta people came on. so you know my mom, younger brother and i were sitting at the back, with five seats. so we were occupying the utmost RIGHT seats[view from sitting at the back. which means the side to the fire exit] and on OUR left, a couple sat there.
and then this 50+ year old WOMAN walked to the back, then gave me THAT look, that 'youknowidon'twannasaythisoutsogiveupyourfreakingseattome' look. then i was just glaring at her :3 AND THEN SHE FREAKING SQUEEZED IN BETWEEN THE GUY[of the couple] AND MEE!!!! her butt's seriously hugeeeee man. she had to sit on ME. literally. so i had to get my mom and younger brother to MOVEEEE. and then she was STILL partly sitting on me. DARN HER.
after that, cuz we wanted to get off at Lucky Plaza... so when we like WERE ALMOST REACHING, the WOMAN stood up, so i thought she was gonna leave luhhs. soooooo we let her go first... BUT SHE SAT DOWN AGAIN OMGWTH. and sat ON. MY. HAND. so my mom, younger brother and i just stood up and squeezed past her. you know i'm one who always purposely KNOCKS into people if i bu shuang with that person.. so i just HIT HER when i squeeezed past her xD
ohhhhkay. so first. we went to .. someplace(: and there we spent like a really loooooooong time. AFTER WHICH, we went for lunchhh(: at Paragon. had JAP FOODD!!!! i know i know i knoww!!! and i ordered a really big set. comprising of cold soba, spicy TOFU(:, tempura, chicken, AND LOTS AND LOTS OF SOOOOOOOOOOOOSHII!! oh. and dessert. with green tea cheesecake and vanilla ice cweam(: bahahahahahahhh! i was like, seriously full when we were done!
okay. we had to rush to Julia Gabriel at Forum. cuz my brother's going back there for enrichment classes. hahah! annnnd yeaaahh... my mom and my brother waited there till 2.30.. oh and me of course. then my dad went for lunch. and he called me... asking me to go help him finish his fries xD soooo i went down.. then at B1 i saw Karen. my Julia Gabriel teacher 2 years ago. and she didn't recognise me. didn't say hi. so i just pretended not to know her lorhh. HER MEMORY IS SERIOUSLY BADDD!
ohhhkay. sooo i went to help finish xD and.. I DIDN'T FINISH x hehehehh cuz i was SERIOUSLY FULL as i told you.. sooo my dad put it in tha plastic bag soooo i could have it later? soggysoggysoggy fries Dx hahahahh. then i went back up... my mom and i left... after sending my brother to his class. his teacher still remembers him from two years ago worhh! hahaahh.
we went to Massimo Dutti after that(: uhh.. since we went like, 3 days ago, my mom didn't buy anything. very rare x) blehhhz. ohkayyy we wentt to Esprit.. won't talk about it. just that it was SERIOUSLY COLLLDDD
ohkay. so after that we went to Wheelock. cuz my mom wanted to buy some stuff from Nike. for mountain climbing with her friends at Mt. Kinabalu Ö hahaahh.. okay. so my mom was looking at the shorts for rafting... then she went in to try... so i stayed outside.. and then i saw my dadd :D hahaahh. well i never thought he'd go there. so i was like. 'DAAAADDDYYYYYYYY'^^ hehehh. then we talkedtalkedtalked.. and my mom came out and my mom xia le yi tiao x haahh. ohkay then my dad went off.. cuz a while later he had to fetch my younger brother and get him to music extra lesson[MWAHAHAHAHH!] cuz his theory exam's in march.
alrighty. afterwards my mom and i got to Ion. ion's weeeeeeird. anyway. so my mom went to Columbia .. spent some time there.. then went to The North Point. or whatever that shop's called. and spent a seriously long time there, i fell asleep. well. while sitting down and waiting. with some stuff): aaaaand then she was 'done'. SHE HADN'T BOUGHT ANYTHING YET. bleh. she had to ummm. look around. well. go to World of Sports. AND i was really thirsty. so we went to Basement 4.
and we were looking around for a drink.. i was like. i didn't know what to drink..but i wanted some ice blended stuff. sooooo we couldn't find.. so just kept walking and walking.. then we found Each a Cup! hahah.. i got lychee ice blended(: and my mom.. red tea. this place's drinks are better than the ones at Sweet Talk. seriously. at sweet talk i get water-y ice blended stuff... but anyway. then my mom went to world of sports... spent some time there.. then went up to The North Point again.
and my mom's friend YeeWen jiejie was coming.. so i said i'd go home first.. then i called my dad, told him that i was going back.. and since he had to pick up my younger brother at 7o'lock[that time it was 6.30].. at holland, so i told him i'd take bus 106 to holland. yeahh... so my mom brought me to the bus stop.
soooo when i reached the bus stop, i waited for about a minute then the bus come lerhh. the newer bus. which i don't like cuz there's really little seats._. yeeeah. soo as expected i went up the bus and there were no seats. well maybe there were one or two.. but i didn't sit luhh. cuz there were a lotta people behind me. so i just stood. you know there are steps up to the sitting area? and at the foot of the steps there .. there's a place for you to stand? yeah so i stood there.
so the bus left.. it went quite fast... well yeah. but then IT JERKED LIKE CRAZY. and i'm not kidding.. everytime i would hit myself somewhere. sooo the first REALLY bad jerk was at Four Seasons Hotel there... i was holding on to a bag of stuff, so i only had one hand to hold on to the waist-level pole. and i just like, fell back a few steps and hit the seats' front. it hurt my FOOT. gah.
then the second time was at Gleneagle's Hospital[where i was born^^] yeaahh. and this time i hit my hip. at the pole. bleh. even the ahmahs sitting down had to hold on to the stuff at the front. crazy bus driver >:( then third time was at the .. what d'ya call that.. some place._. and i almost hit the person in front of me.. who was blowing bubbles with her bubble gum. haahh.
ohhkayy. i reached the bus stop and my dad was there.. so i got off.. and i shouted... 'DAAAADDDYYYYYYY!' hah. ohkay. then we went to sit outside this dermatology centre ? well near the previous POSB place. then i went on facebook a little while.. and my dad and i talkedtalkedtalked.. then my younger brother called to say that he was done.. so we went to fetch him.. and we went for deenarr. at Swensens. i was like seriously full so i had the kiddy meal x) the sauce tasted a little weeeeird. and my dad had baked rice. and we shared mushroom soup. yeeeeeeeeah.
after that we went to Häagen Dazs(: to collect a free pint of ice cweeam(: and other than that i had one cone of some ice cweam of which i forgot the name hehh. but it had CARAMEL AND FUDGE(: then my dad had dark chocolate and orange.. and my younger brother had.. I DON'T BOTHER TO REMEMBER(: yeahh. and for the free pint, i insisted on STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE FLAVOUR! cuz it rocks, obviously.
kayys then we went to the old Fairprice to sit down and eat(: ahhh then we went home.. and i started on this post.. oh wait before that i bathed.. yeah. then i watched some videos.. did that quiz above.. SO YEAH. IN CASE YOU'RE WONDERING, THIS POST IS BEFORE THE QUIZ, BUT IT'S POSTED ONE DAY LATER. YEAHHH.. uh huh .. so i guess i'm dragging this a little too much and yeah. BYE.
Friday, February 19, 2010 @ 8:27 PM
cann i sayy... BOO!! hehehh^^okay so this is gonna be a really really short post cuz all i have to say is... oh wait.
I FORGOT TO SAYYY IT JUST NOWW HAHAAHH. so today i went home by bus. well like i always do._. and ummm. so i was alone cuz mar and neya and teevee and wu yan were so mean. which is why i wish that arch didn't get into NJC [SORRY ARCH, BUT THIS IS WHAT I REALLY THINK] cuzzz she is the BESTEST FRIENDDDD ANYONE CANN HAVVEE! and i'm serious. YOU WILL NEVER SEE HER LEAVING YOU ALONE. recalling the days she used to wait for me every single day[except for when she was sick): poor thing] at the bus bay. even if it was like, 15 mins. SHE WOULDN'T MIND. howw wonderfulll ehh?!
then she would always bombard me with prezzies(: and she knows every single thing i like. oh m gosh... ARCH. FOR ONCE YOU'RE SO MEAN!! i'm starting to cry. a little. i remember how we used to go cuhrazzyyyy in school. and i remember how she supported whatever i did. and helped me whenever and wherever with whatever and whoever. even if she was really busy.
hahahh.. i'm going awayy from topic. sooo i was sitting down.. and then a few stops later Beatrice went on the bus(: so we chatted.. and chatted... and then suddenly at the commonwealth stop of something a lot of people came on. so beatrice and i were sitting at different seats... like not sitting at the two by two seats together. soooo beside us there were spaces. and the people filled them up
and both of us were so dao mei lorhhh! we got smelly-welly people. aunties i mean. but i was worse off. the aunty had that horrible and disgusting perfume... AND SHE WAS DIGGING HER NOSE. SERIOUSLY. well not like seriousl digging it soooo bad luhhs. but i could seeee her digging. WHICH IS GROSSS! gahhhh!!
hahahaahhh. so i reached home. posted that previous post. then i went to sleep. as stated. thennn i set my phone alarm to 5.05pm. so i could practise a little bit more of piano then go for lesson. but then, i could only hear it ring at 5.30pm. then i was like, soooo tired i went back to sleep. and i woke up on my own at 5.55pm!! 5 minutes left to get to my piano teacher's house. ughhh.
BUT I REACHED THERE ON TIME ;) hahaahh. cuz from my house to her house it only takes 5 mins if i walk just a teensy weensy bit faster. sooo i was having gummies on tha way there. i was sooooo tired and hungry..
soooooo during piano class... blah blah blah and blah blah blah happened. then blah blah blah did blah blah blah... gosh. nothing really. soooooo i went home? well bought bubble tea along the way. oh. speaking of bubble tea. soooo. maybe i found out i don't need someone to pei wo when i wanna buy bubble tea. i don't need to get it on tuesdays and thursdays for the sake of accompaniment.
umm. if you read my previous posts[duhnno which ones...] then you'll know what i'm talking about. it means i don't need something or someone for whatever, whenever, wherever. get it? i won't bother to mention what or who it is. but i think you should be smart enough to guess.
yeah. sooooo had dinner... well dinner was goood. but i didn't finish the rice : cuz i ate a lot, and i mean A LOT of veggies. hahaahh. cabbage muhh! my fav;)
oh wow. i guess you can never believe me if i say my post is.. umm.. short. IT'S NEVER THAT SHORT. hehehh. okay then. sooo i'm talking to sherlyn nowwws(: hahaahh. and smsing ARCHH! soooo yeah. i gotta go nowws. byeeeeeeeee
a whole week's ... recount?
@ 3:10 PM
I GETT ITTTT! stop that lecture on how i've not posted for a long time ._." since sunday. and it's currently friday. woa-oh. record breaker! ahhhh whatever. soooo here's what happened for the past few days... WHICH IS PRACTICALLY A WEEK. but anyways..MONDAY
ummm... lemme see... oh. i went to my dad's eldest sister's house(: ehhh actually that's about it lorhh.. nothing much to talk about anywayys. same old bohring stuff. seriously. just that i drank beer:D Carlsberg! Probably the best beer in tha world xD i duhnno if i agree.. BECUZ IT WAS SOOOOO TASTELESS. or maybe it was the ice._.
hmmm. tuesday was the fun-est day of the .. 4. yeahhs. cuz my brothers, my dad's second and third eldest sisters and my elder brother's gf[OH DID I MENTION? WeeLing jiejie(: met in Hokkaido derhh worhh!] and i went to Tampines... i mean like. my dad's third eldest sister's house which we went to is in Bedok.. and then my elder brother drove us to Tampines.. the newestttt mall. and we just had COFFEE CLUB stuffiez.
soooooooo we all shared ONE mud pie, and WeeLing jiejie+my elder brother shared a drink... my younger brother+me shared a drink and my two aunts shared another drink. and umm.. okay luh nothing else ta say.
after that we went back and i talked to WeeLing jiejie. so long lerhh.. forgot what we talked about.. hahaahh. oh. and i chiong-ed my homework. well.. i had a few but i only managed to do maths. cuz i only brought my maths book thr. and i didn't know how to do. so my dad taught me ONE questionnn and i did the rest myself. and my elder brother checked. ALL BUT ONE WAS CORRECT^^ hahahaahh. finally got MATHS ALGEBRA understood^^!
we reached home at 'bout ... 4am. I KNOWWWW. that's what usually happens during CNY._.
nothing much happened. or maybe some stuff happened. but i forgot. ohhhh maybe EL SCEP was funnn(: soooo as usual, partnered none other than *ahem* . B..Natasha :3 YEAH NATASHA, I .. RESPECT YOUUU(: hehehh. at least you're like a million times better than .. SOMEBODY. ya know who. p. bleh.
uhhhh okay. now whatt. eeeeeeee... DUHNNO.
hmmm... that's yesterday. right? oh okay. so yesterday, we had absolutely pathetic PE. okay so why do i say it's PATHETICALLY PATHETIC. cuzzz we have ooooofffffffffffficcccciiiiaaalllllyyyyyyy sssssttttttaaaarrrtttteeeeeddddd TRAINING FOR NAPFA -gaspss- noooooooooo!! guess what ms ong and mr chong made us do. RUN AROUND 4 TIMES AROUND THE WHOLE SCHOOL!!! okay yeah, it isn't that hard. but imagine having done like a few dozens of crunches?
i couldn't run.
like, i started running and on the first round ALREADY i felt like dying! the crunches' eeeeeevil deeds): my stomach started hurting like crazy. as if someone was pulling it. till the extent that it would or might break anytime soon. gahh.
soooo i wasn't the only one thoughs. like about 1/3 of the class was trailing behind wu yan, athena, christi and i. hahahahhh. sooooo on our 3 round, christi ran aheadddd. leaving athena, wu yan and i running together.
umm soooo on our last round, i sorta ... fell? collapsed? yeahhh cuz my stomach was hurting like CUUHHHHRRRAAAZZZYYYY. so i just fell. bleh. thennn wuyan and athena helped me up. and we like.. held hands[sounds quite wrong..] and just ran together. hahaahh. yeaahhh. the running downslope, we all chiong-ed. hah^^
soooo we reached THA END!! which is the basketball court. then i paced around just a little. and i couldn't help it. just plonked down on the bench. then suddenly.. 'GIRLS!! GET OFF THE CHAIR NOWW!!!' blehh. then we had to walk around.. and all that.. after that, we had to RUN up to the hall mann! ughh. given TWENTY SECONDS. can kill lorhhs! but everyone went up slowwwwly(:
WE HAD TO DO STANDING BROAD JUMP D: seriously. and there's a .. Crescent style of jumping(??) yeeeahhh... right... so we all lined up, after the little tries of jumping... and then each of us jumped on the mat. i was like, one of the last luhhs. soooo i jumped... then i actually had a good jump. but i landed with my hands behind my legs. so 130 only. bleehhhh.
aftterrrr that we had mother tongue. BUT THE TEACHER DIDN'T COME :D haahhh. okay okay okay thennnn. i'll skip tooo PBL.. oh wait. nothing much happened. soooooo choir barhh.
CHOIR WAS SERIOUSLY TIRING!!! i mean seriously. standing for 2.5 hours?! can killlll!!! and at first i stood with Brenda. but after that the STOOOOOPID conductress told all of us to mingle around.. like, not just sec 2s with sec 1s. sec 3 and 4s must as well. sooooo Pearlyn [sherlyn's sister...(:] told me to stand beside her. and oh boy. she was seriously hilarious mannn. really random.
AND SHE MADE MEEEE HUNGRRRYYYY! she was like 'IF YOU LISTEN CLOSELY, YOU CANN HEAR MY STOMACH SCREAMINNGGGG. -patts stomach- awwww it's okay.. shushhhh tummy' or something like that. then 'I SHALL HAVE MAGGI MEEE LATTERRRR- and during break [at 5.30!!] she really DID have it. and she came up late.. and totally made me hungrier than i already ammm man):
uhhh. nothing else yesterday.
today... umm SCIENCE TEST AND MATHS QUIZ!!! PLUSS FOOD AND WATER RATIONING!! sounds horrible right? but nuh uh! wasnt that badd. at all.
so today we like, celebrated total defence day? so in the morning the 4 UGs marched... and the band played[ STUNNINGG!] then there was the looooooong bohhrrinnnggg speech. haiiz. and after that there was SCIENCE TEST!!
but overall, it was quite okay luhhs. though i already minus like, 5 marks. GAHH. okay so after that it was high mother tongue. which was, i tell you, seriously bohring. i was trying my BEST not to fall asleep!! we had to copy notes but i couldn't be bothered... hehh.
RECESS TIMEE!!! we went to the canteen. and Marianne gave out one pack of biscuits each plus a bottle of neWater[EWWWW!] and i ate the biscuits, but didn't have the water. cuzz newater is DISGUSTINGG! haahahhh. umm. okay. then the red cross was there.. getting donations... and i emptied out my whole coin part of my wallet which contains several dollars worth of coins... and donated that whole amount(: hahaahh.
anddd umm. mr chong did something seriously hilarioussss. well he did something that i could make up a joke on. soooo yeah. but i won't bother to say what he did. cuz it won't be funny anyway. soooo yeah i walked with mar and wuyan outta the canteen... and someone shouted 'YONGQINGG!!! YOU LEFT YOUR WALLETT!!' whoops!
haahhhh. so i went back to get it. blehhh. so embarrassing luhhhs. everyone literally staring at me. so i just got my wallet, thanked the teacher and walked off with mar and wuyan again. uhhhhh. yeah.
after that i won't elaborate much about lesso... OHWAIT. stupid D&T. i told TeeVee i would post about it. okay. you know we're supposed to design a stand, so that we can put our artifact[national symbol... like a souvenier. with this theme] on it. and this stand can hold a light sensor inside. so that if anyone tried to steal the artifact.... BWAHAHAHAHH. hehh.
sooooo we had to do 5 designs each, soooo we work in pairs... therefore we had 10 ideas. and we were supposed to make a paper model of it. so teevee and i combined our work[actually, my work. she didn't want to use herss!] to make something better. like, a square base, with two hearts that are standing, and another square, to put the souvenier, on top of the hearts. then some swirly wirly stuff around it.
soooooo we finished.. and we were like, quite proud with our work. cuz it looked quite nice. hahahah. so we showed it to mr yeo. and YOU KNOW WHAT HE DID?! we started criticizing[ however you spell that] our work, then saying he would need a.. microscope or magnifying glass to be able to see itt. LIKE WTH!! and he said it was ridiculous... HE SPIT ON MEEEE!!!!!
seriously!! did he have to criticize it like that! and even worse, after that, we went back to our seats, and then mr chew asked the whole class to crowd around the table i was at.. and then he started talking about how we should make something that can be made using acrylic. AND HE USED TEEVEE AND MY WORK AS AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT WE SHOULDN'T DO! ridiculous!!
then he was like, staring straight at ME when he talked about all that ridiculous stuff. and how it's umm. too SMALL, can't fit the stupid SENSOR... he doesn't even know that it's just a miniature version of what we're ACTUALLY DOING!! so what right does he have to criticize it like that?!!
ughhhhh!!! okay. so that's the end of this whole thing. later there's piano class. and i'm exhausted. so imma go rest a while and practice a little piano before i make my way to hell for an hour. blehh. okay thennn. see yaaa!!
Labels: i hate you i hate you i hate YOU
Sunday, February 14, 2010 @ 12:59 PM
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR & VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!weeeeheeee! okayyy ummm i'm going mad lerhh. cuz it's soooo freak bohring at relatives' houses. oh wait. i've only been to one relative's house so far. but whatever. seriously. with no cousins at least ALMOST as ... young... as you, you can DIE of boredom just sittin' there, doin' nothing.
ohhkayy. so yesterdayyy mornin', my family and i went to my granny's house. meaning, just 5 blocks away from our home. for lunch. yeahhhhs. MY GRANNY'S A GREAT COOK! not boasting or whatever... but i love her cookin'(: ummm yeah. so we had lunch... then we had to baibai to ah gong and my uncle, who both passed away when my mom was 17... cuz on a ship, where my ah gong was captain, the fire extinguisher leaked. and out of 3 people that died, they had to be TWO of them. so now you know why i'm scared of fire extinguishers & why i freaked out when emily dropped it last year.
ohhkay now what... oh. so we went back home to like. prepare to go to my uncle's house.[daddy's younger brother] okay. so we all bathed... and then my dad drove. hehehhs you know at the carpark, there was this really kiasu guy[he doesn't even live in Ghim Moh Gardens!] who like stopped sorta RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR CAR just cuz he wanted that spot[at the 2nd level]. and my dad HONNNKK!!!-ed him realy loud and he made way >.O"
okay so we went... won't talk much about it.. just that i was just listening to songs on my iPod the whole time i was there. blehhzz. and i was writing a .. note[which became a letter] to my bestie^^to go with the belated valentine's day gift. cuz SOMEONE'S BEING MEAN AND IS OVERSEAS. having fun ehh? WHILE IM NOT.
ahhhh whatever. so after that [meaningl like, at 1am], we went off(: so you know about my encounter 2 years ago horhh... if not, read my really oldd post. i think my 5th post. or something like that, hahahahhh. sooo yeah. we had to go by THE STAIRCASE. cuz the car was that way. like omgshwth. sooooo i was like, treated like a lill baby who still didn't know how to walk up and/or down stairs... and i held onto my mom. my dad was like 'you should go hold onto yongqing you know.' and my mom went 'you mean, she's already holding onto me so tight.' hehh..
and ummm we got home. nothing else. soooo talk about today. wait. i don't feel like talking about today. cuz there was nothing as well. just went over to my granny's house again. okay then. i'll get ready to go to my aunt's[daddy's eldest sister] house now. ooooooh IM CHEWING GUMGUM(: ahahhahhhs. kay then. byess^^
Labels: this gum is horrible
Friday, February 12, 2010 @ 9:56 PM
IIIIIII WENNNNNNNNTT BAAAAACK TOOOOOOOOOO HENNNNNNRY PAAAAARK TOOOOOODAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!henry park henry park henry park henry park henry park henry park henry park FTW!!! omgsh omgsh omgsh. I STEPPED INTO HENRY PARK TODAY. ahhhhhhhhh!!!
perhaps i should stop that and talk about my day instead. hahahahhh. okay in the morning, neya gave out red packets filled with sweets[OMGSH henry park 'tradition']there was none other than FITT RUN!! which is so awesomely fuunnnnn!! hahahahhs. today, i ran with teevee and neya. ummm i wanted to run with Bee and Wu Yan but they were umm.. trailing behind us... hahaah... but today it was a little harder than on tuesday cuz my lungs hurt): hahahh. ummm yeah but eventually i finished it. and when i did, i felt like running another round>.O hahahhh. seriously. cuz i'm always hyperactive. EXCEPT when i'm doooooown. or halfway through FITT run. bleh.
okay so i'll skip all that lesson stuff.. oh wait. science. which was after recess. so we went to the faraday lab... nothing special, seriously. and today, she didn't even allow us to talk a single bit, if not she'd send that person outta the class[i would rather do that than be in her bohring class] so ummm Sally got caught. it was just asking someone something. and she got caught. but since it was the end of the lesson already, she just fa zhan.
oh. and today she was seriously BADDD except for the part where she kept us back. for like, 7minutes. cuz we didn't want mother tongue class. cuz mother tongue class is pathetic. i've got a phobia of it :3 the test is the culprit!! so anyway. she yeah, kept us back. hahahh. but right, when we went up to class, THE TEACHER DIDN'T COME. so i was wishing she didn't keep us back instead. so we'd have more free time.
okay. now going on to tha CELEBRATION!! omgsh omgsh omgsh wth wth wth it was seriously AWESOME!!!! seriously. better than henry park's i'd say._. cuz they hired performers from other places. sooooo yeah they're TALENTED. uh huh. so the first performance was by none other than the CRESCENT CHINESE&MODERN DANCE CLUB MEMBERS! doing, the LION DANCE(: for students, it was quite awesome. and the 'lions' were seriously cutee ya know xD! hahaahh.
then the second performance was by the people from other associations. you know the one where some ladies spin that plate thingy and do acrobatic stunts? YEAH that one. and they were so professional man :O! seriously! they did all that stuff and then they like did cartwheels and some sorta spins, and they even stood on top of one another and did that spinning thing!! we were all like cheering. and wu yan, marlene & i were having a friendly competition on who could cheer the loudest, hahaah. we would be like ' AH!' then the other person 'AHH!' louderr. blehz. but yeah. at the end of each stunt we'd cheer. and those people seemed to love it. cuz when we cheered, their faces sorta lit up(:
hahaahh. then next it was this ballet thingy by a guy and a lady. wah sehhh! the guy was seriously sissy-ish >_< reallyy! but the lady was seriously good i tell you. they did all sorts of stunts. and i can't remember all of them luhh. but, ONE OF THE STUNTS included the lady like ummm. having her head right under the guy's -censored- bleh. AND ONE STUNT WAS SO FREAK AWESOME I TELL YOU!!!!!! that guy had this protection thingy on his head, then after that the lady stood on his head and did that tiptoe thingy that only involves like, the tip of your toe!!!! LIKE OMGSHWTH!
okay. after that there was this AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME performance by still the same association. this time, it had a few parts to it. firstly, a few people came out with the chinese type of fan thingy, then just danced around... then 2 people stayed. and one of them put the fan on her... head. i think. or wherever that was. then the other person grabbed a cup, put HER fan on the other girl's, and put the cup on top of it. then the girl balanced. and she like, did a split! WHOMGSHWTH. seriously awesome. but that ain't the best part.
after that, the ladies went backstage to prepare other props, then came out with a really long pole, and this thing... like a small rod or something. plus a flower pot with flowers. ehhh no luhh. the flower pot was just made of wood i think. yeah. cuz YEAH, SHE DID WHAT I THINK SHE WOULD DO. she placed the rod and pole on the bridge of her nose. then balanced the flower pot on it. AHHH. hahah, AND SHE DID A CARTWHEEL WITH IT! but she dropped. that's how i realised that it wasn't dangerous at all. but still, quite an accomplishment already.
and she repeated this with another group of stuff. a kind of like this rubbery thingy[forgot the name of it] which you put drinks on? yeah. so it had 4 rounded ends to put 4 glasses. so she put that thingy on the pole, then put 4 REAL GLASSES, then put another of that thingy, and another four glassses, then put ONE MORE LAYER, with another 4 glasses. and then another lady put a lotta more smaller glasses on the thingy. LIKE OMSHWTH. then she did a split!!! O.M.GSH.
okay. then after that the Crescentian dancers danced. awesome(: and after that there was a magic show. i hate magic shows. so bohring. buttttt yeah. OOOOO SO FASCINATING! not. ahhhh bleh. okay i won't go on anymore. just that at the last performance, i didn't get the sweets):
OKAY. NOW. AFTER THE PERFORMANCE, 1S1 FREAKING HAD TO STAY BACK. AND WE WERE RUSHING FOR TIME!!!! we had to get the 'certificate' sorta. for the collection of TPCs. ON 23 FEB! ahyahhhh. such a long time! uggghhhh. okay whatever. so when we could go, we chiong-ed up. then packed our bags and left.
reached the foyer, and then waited and waited and waited for all of them to come. then we all chiong-ed to the bus stop. deciding to take a taxi. then we waited. and we waited. NO TAXI LARHH!!! ugh. so in the end bus 111 came, then we chiong-ed up. AND WE HAD TO WAIT FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE TO GO ON BEFORE THE BUS LEFT. ughhh.
when we reached like, near ghim moh, we found out bus 92 was right in front of us. so we quickly got off the bus, then ran like crazy to stop bus 92. and we were just on time. cuz one second later and the bus would've left. HAHAHAHH. so we ran up, then i was going crazy over there. cuz the celebration had ENDED!!!! ugh ugh ugh.
so when we reached the stop, we didn't care about the cars[anyway there was a traffic jam] so we rannnnn across the road and ran into henry park. i was like, screaming and shouting. and running to the canteen cuz arch was there.
so we reached the canteen, i saw arch, and i ran over. and caused her to drop her food. heheh. but i seriously didn't give a damn. and i just hugged her. i almost fell. GAHHH. and she was like 'YOU CAUSED ME TO DROP MY FOOD, YONG! I'VE NOT EATTTEEEENNNN!!' in the really friendly angry wayy hahahhh!! i miss that drama): BOO HOO HOO[quoted from arch] mehh.
okay. thennnn... we talked... she gave me a prezzie. and i wanted to give her the test tube... but i was like so crazy, I DROPPED IT. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! AND IT BROKE. nooo! but she still kept it^^ awwww! hahahahhh. and we hugged each other soooo many times. oh yeah, huiling was there as well. i hugged her too! hahahaha!! she changed you know. to become so much pwettierr!!
ummmm then we went to look for the teachers. in the end, all the teachers left already... except for Mdm yan. and yeah, you guessed it, i got teary eyed when i saw her again. i had to hug arch to stop it. and i was complaining to mdm yan about how hard the chinese test was. and i said i was sure to fail. so she was like [in chinese]' how can the students i teach fail!!!' so i said the pian duan suo xie really hard... so she told me to email or sms her whenever i need to ask a question. YAYYY!!! hahahahh.
okay. then we walked one round around the whole place... then went out... went to the general office and looked for Mrs david. hahahh. so they were talking.. i was just standing there looking like a retard! ughhh... i was the only 6Initiative-r. blehh. but whatever. after that, we just sat on the comfy sofas in the G.O! hahahahahhh. then after that... we went out?
and i saw hui ling again. so i took a photo with her(: and she.. left or something. so Fer and i played tap tap on arch's phone(: AND I BEAT HER^^! hahahahhh. she was like 'I'M BEATING YOUU!!' so i told her my score and she went 'NOOOOOOOOOO!' rofl!
thennn... arch left. everyone left. except Fer, Mar and me. so we put our bags at the ... wherever that is luhh. then we walked around the school... and went up to the 6H and I classrooms^^! hahahahahahh. so when we went, we realised. HEY YOUUUUUUU!! ahh. you know who you are ;) and YOUR friend were there. hahahahhh. so we just carried on with the writing on the white board[SHHHHH!!] and lifting up the table covers to look for our old tables... yeah.
then we went out after a long long time, and sat on 6H classroom's lockers. then talked and talked and talked and talked and "HEYYY GIRLLLLLLSSSSS WHHHHHAAAAAAAAT AAAAAAREEEEEEEE YYYYOOOOOOUUUUUUUU DDDDOOOOOIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG TTTTHHHHEEEEERRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEE?!" uh oh.
so YOU AND YOUR FRIEND ran away. well, TRIED TO(: but you guys had to STOP to listen to US geting scolded! bwahahahahahh. so you guys got sabotaged by awesome marlene lorhhs(: hahahahhhh. no luhh. you guys should've known better than to stay there and listen to the lectures. BLEH. and then when that stupid freaking mr maliki told us to GATHER ALL OUR FRIENDS, we immediately turned to you guys and SHOUTED 'COMMEEEEEE!!!!!' heh^^
okay. so yeah. Mr Maliki told us to follow him. OH NO. hahahahhh. so we all walked like really slowwwwllllly.... then he went into the lift. we went in too. then he asked why we were there and mar said cuz we wanted to look for our old tables._. i was seriously trying my BEST not to laugh okayy!!! i was smiling. had to bite my lip.
okay. so we got 'chased' out of the school. and i was like, swearing while walking out. i've not sweared for a long long long long long time. but i had to swear cuz he really got on my nerves. ugh. hahahahh. so then i went home... with mar and fer. we took 92 and saw YOU AND YOUR FRIEND walking again. cuz we took the loooong way to send mar off as well.
after that yeah, won't talk much about whatever happened after that. so i reached home, immediately went to bathe... then went to my granny's house. actually, she called to tell me to eat the subway sandwich my brother bought. so i ate... then went on the comp to check some stuff... and at around 4.45pm my dad came home. and after that he went to the market and i went to buy bubble tea before going to my granny's.
okay so i went... and came home... and went for reunion dinner(: at vivo! hahaahhh. crystal jade(: and ate and talked? and came home... and here i amm... OKAY NOTHING ELSE TO SAYY!!! kay then. signing off. BYES(: [wow. seriously long post!!!!]
Thursday, February 11, 2010 @ 8:22 PM
hii... i'm like, seriously depressed right now okay... and nothing much really happened today. oh wait. something DID happen today. okay ummm whatever. i'll just write about the two things that happened today and i'll end this cuz i'm really really upset. hahaahh...ummm today there was the chinese test. which i seriously detest. to the CORE. cuz like, I COULDNT DO THE QUESTIONS!!! wth wth wth! first section, FAIL. only know 3 out of 7 questions. actually i could've gotten one more... BUT I WRITE ONE WORD WRONGLY! so like, what the heck. i'll utterly fail this test. and i don't want to get a fail mark on my CA1 column!!
yeah. okay then after that blah blah blah happened... don't bother talking about all that. just that there was science. with that DARN teacher. yayy..? and ummm she was still being cruel, as per normal. oh, and fast as well.
ummm. moving on to the stupid stupid stupid CCA umm. what. WELCOME PARTY? yeah. it was totally a welcome party. like, making a new sec 1 friend in Alto2 from 1G3. that was totally getting to know one another. yayyy
OKAY SERIOUSLY. i expected like, WAYYYY more from choir. cuz choir is supposed to be the awesomest. ehh well it still is. THE BEST CCA EVER. other than the part where the teacher gives lectures instead of asking us to sing. like, 3/5 of the time, she's lecturing us. totally cool. right. i'd rather ms loh come and teach us!! we'd TOTALLY get a gold for SYF.
okay ummm... so what happened was that we went in... then went into our sections [Alto2 FTW!] and then like. talked? but basically it was just the seniors talking to one another, juniors just staring at them. i was just playing with my pencil all the time. cuz seriously, there was nothing for me to do.
after that, we went to the basketball court to play dog and bone [if that's the name of that game] but then the other CCA people had to use the court. so we went to the place outside the EL SCEP room. WHICH WAS ALSO FREAK HOT):
okay then ummm yeah we played... i was number 6(: and i wasn't called till like, almost the end. then i was called upon lotsa times. and i ran supposedly quite fast, i gained 1 point for the section. actually, i was supposed to get TWO points. but the other section's fingers brushed against my back and that was counted. so the other team got the point... BLEH. okay so in the end Sop2 won.
ummm after that we went back to the room to 'have food'. it was just a piece of like. that sponge cake and a few pieces of Pringles plus one bar of that chocolatey bar thing. yeah. i was expecting way more._. but whatever. a few of us went down to the canteen where the computer club was having THEIR party, then we saw TeeVee and she gave us a packet of popcorn AND roller coasters. AWESOME(:
okay. then we went back and ummm talked somemore? yeah. and we played that whatever game. won't talk much about it. yeah. and at 5.30, darn it! the conductress had to come SPOIL THE FUN. she was like, 'yeah you gotta have fun, but singing is another form of fun, right?' umm. yeah. but hello? it's more of YOUR LECTURES than singing! ahhhh whatever. then i went home [aby's mom fetched me] and that's about it? as i said, imma just finish this thing and sign off. kay. bye.
pfffft is my awesome new word!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 @ 8:53 PM
i didn't post yesterday... APOLOGIES. toooooo wu yan x( cuz there was pathetic CHOIR. pfffft not saying that choir is pathetic or whatever. just that the teacher is. dragging onnn.. and onnn.. and onnn... and she expects us to finish the song in ONE week. imposs man._. 2 weeks lerhh.ummm... ehhh.. yesterday... what happened arhh... ummm oh yeah. in the morning, wu yan and i were reading something i think. then suddenly a dead bee just landed on her desk. and we, surprisingly, didn't scream. hehehh. we just backed off and went 'dana? HELP.' hehehehhh. and woah-oh. she just took a tissue and wrapped it and then threw it away.. AND ANOTHER BEE CAME!! nahh. Bee was just coming to see what happened.
what's next.. OH YES. FITT RUNN(: ohmygee you would NOT believe that i actually think FITT run is funnn!!! ehhh seriously. it is. soooo yesterday, i was running alone again Dx blehzz. cuz at first we were all running together. 'we' includes marianna, teevee, natasha BEE, wu yan, marlene, neya, pavithra and me. thenn, i ran ahead of them.. okay teevee and marlene and marianna were running ahead of me at first.. but then i overtook marlene and teevee at the last round(: teehee, teevee!
okay. umm so i was like, one of the first! hahahaahh. first time you know!! and heyy PEOple! running up slope is easier than running down slope, seriously!! upsilon's bad for the legs, down slope, for the LUNGS. and usually it's your lungs that are tired, no? OMGSHWTH. i used to think running down slope was easy and that my mom was kidding me till yesterday. heheheheh. bad thing is, there's only ONE up slope, and TWO down slopes?!
ahhhh whateverrr.. soo after that we went up to continue bohhhhhring lessons. and anyway. i forgot anything interesting that happened during lesson time. ohhh wait. yesterday there was only Geog, EL SCEP and D&T. okay. Geog, skip. EL SCEP? BAHAHAHAHAH. ummm Bee was reading this blog during lesson time. and we had to anyhow rush to complete the worksheet given on the comp. which required us to use the MAGNETIC lasso tool on Adobe Photoshop O:
and ummm. lemme see.. D&T? it was SERIOUSLY AWESSOMMMEE. nothing to do with the teachers. thank MOE for the syllabus. okayy. so the three periods, we were on ummm that... AHHHH NOOOO I FORGOT WHAT IT'S CALLEDD!!! you know, that thing where you have to melt the metal and when it cools it sets around the electric circuit..? YEAH THAT ONE. if you know.
umm. so i paired with teevee. she's an awesome partner ;) hahaahah. sooo umm. we had to do the light sensor.. buzzer.. ing thing. on our own. like, do the circuit with all the small little pieces x( gahhhh. okay. so umm we had to melt the metal so the components would stay on the board thingy... and we had to use this electrical thingy that is SERIOUSLY HOTTTT!! to melt the metal. and trust me, even the PLASTIC part of it's hot.
so umm... teevee and i took like, turns? to melt the wire. and to hold the components into place. soooo i had to melt it first. i was like, freaking outt. i kept screaming >.O okay seriously. and teevee was going 'JUST START.' bahahahahah. so i just did that. and ZOMGSH. the smoke-y thingy BURNT MY EYES. literally. and umm it was seriously smelly. that stench. oh gosh.
ummm. so after that it was teevee's turn to burn the metal. AND SHE WAS FREAKING OUT hahahahahahhhh!! i was as well. like i had to hold the other metal thing that had to be held seriously close to the hot hot hot hot hot thingy. but whatever. so i just held it. AND OHHH. MYYYY. GOSHHH. it burnt my finger!!! okay not burn. butt it was seriously hotttt!!! we had to get mr chan [cuz AHHHH mr chew wasn't there. pffffft] to help..
ummm. then after that it was assembly. and this really oldddd lady came to talk to us. cuz she is an ex-crescentian. so she was going on about the school compounds. and OMGSHWTHROFLMAO! she was trying to indicate to us how little land crescent occupied in the past, compared to now. so she went up the stage. and jumped or tiptoed to point to us. having a hard time there. then another teacher went to the laptop to go to the next slide. which shows what that lady was trying to explain. -silence- HEYYYY IT WAS FUNNY WHEN IT HAPPENED KAY?!
umm. yeah. moving on to CCA. ummm. i won't elaborate too much, if not i'd take ages... but yeah. so today, i got to sit beside aby. though she's Alto1 and i'm Alto2. cuz we sat at the... what's that called... but basically you get it luhh huh. okay. then on my left sat this senior... dunno the name . she's quite nice, really. hahaha(: talkative, just like me;)
hahahahahahhs... ummm now what. NOTHING. thennn i'll talk about today. today. umm today today today.. WHAT HAPPENED ARHH?! argh dammmmitt... FORGOT LERHH. ohhhhhh yeaahhhhh!! in the morning there was share-a-thought. soooo one of the sec 3 classes went up to perform a skit? AND IT WAS ABNOUT POWERPUFF GIRLS! omgshwthwthwth. suddenly i'm loving powerpuff girls again >.O actually it's cuz they played the song.
Blossom! Commander and the leader,
Bubbles! She is the joy and the laughter
Buttercup! She is the toughest fighter!
Powerpuffs save the day!
Fighting crimes, trying to save the world,
Here they come just in time!
The powerpuff girls!
Oh no, it's the mad Fuzzy Lumpkins!
Watch out! It's the repulsive Roach Coach!
Get him! It's evil Mojo jojo!
Chasing evil out this town!
Fighting crimes, trying to save the world,
Here they come just in time,
The powerpuff girls!
Fighting crimes, trying to save the world,
Here they come just in time,
The powerpuff girls!
AND THEY'LL BE fighting crimes, trying to save the world,
Here they come just in time,
that song is officially stuck in my stupid stupid stupid head._. and, if you're wondering, yeah. i went to youtube to search for the lyrics... okay i'm being kiddy again. and i don't actually care. cuz it's funnn. and my friends SING ALONG with me!! hahahahahhh. but Bee and i, more of Naturally by Selena Gomez ;)
okay. now what... i don't really feel like elaborating much lehhs. ahhyarhh... so i'll sign off lorhhs. hahahhh.. see yaaas tomorrow ;)
Labels: this is looong
Monday, February 8, 2010 @ 2:42 PM
hahah... umm hiiiiiii(: today was an awesomely horrid day for chinese 1s1ers... and yeah luhh huh, don't get too worked up people;D BY THE WAY 1S1, I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO TALKED! someone even s-h-o-u-t-e-d. i only LAUGHED. bleh. and i stopped 'acting' when chenchen told me tooooo!! seriously!! i quietened down. i mean, marlene and i. we only TALKED. with a 10-inch voice[i know there's no such thing but yeah..] and laughed. i wasn't even talking when mr lim came in kayy!!ohhhemmgeeee:( today's singing on the stage or whatever wasn't that bad, but it was totally awkward. in a way.. ohkay so i reached school .. went up ON MY OWN cuz neya was so mean as to go up FIRST[i wasn't even late! she just went up._.] sooo yeah. i put down my darn heavy bagg... then started on talking. and then i realised i had chinese homework we were supposed to do. i guess. so i quickly chiong-ed...
after a while, everyone came... then it's like, out of five choir members in 1S1, three had to go for the health and fitness thingy. so it was just left with Jeanne and i.. ahhhh pathetic. hahahs. so we went downn at 7.07am approx, and then BROUGHT A BOOk obviously... put it on the pillar near the parade square. then went to stand. anyhow. so of course i stood with aby and jeanne! being ALONE is totally horrible. i've experienced such stuff before...
blehz. i'm being eeeemo): kayys. ummm then we were standing there already... all prepared and ready to go... when someone found out assembly was in THE HALL): that's worse ya know. the platform is like, wayyy higher. ohhhhkayyyyy.. i don't know how to say it but it's just way scarier. OH, AND I FOUND OUT ABY IS MOST LIKELY MOVING TO INDIA): LIKE, GOING TO A BOARDING SCHOOL OVER THERE!! aby, you're mean. oh, and it's in APRIL! aby, if you're reading this, i'd rather you DON'T have a farewell party. i mean, that you CAN'T have one cuz you're NOT leaving._.
ummm okay i'll kill her like, tomorrow i guess. since she doesn't read this blog often.. i guess? blehz. anyway. umm.. so we went up to the auditorium [a.k.a HALL?!] and ummm placed our books outside.. and went up to stand. I HAD TO STAND AT THE FRONT. oh wait. i already was at the parade square. AHHHH BUT IT'S THE A-U-D-I-T-O-R-I-U-M!! and our seniors told us to SMILE?! wth. how to smile when facing such a big crowd. in the end... i didn't smile. not one bit. but hey, i did try! just that who's there to see it? the whole school's not gonna focus on ME.
ahhhhh wth. okay whatever... we had this fire whatever.. whatever.. something. pfffft. quite funny thoughs. well, since when has ms ong NOT been funny?! she's THE awesomest teacher in CGS. bleeeeehhhhhzzzzzz. and anyway. the fire drill is sometime this week i gueeesss.. soooo. i hope it's during our... TEST? like on thursday. test. BLEH. chinese somemore): pian duan suo xie is totally horrible man...
and ummm anyway. now what. uhh... we went back to class... had .. omgwth. SCIENCE. deadly, deadly, SCIENCE!!! and we had to go through umm. DENSITY? SPEED? gahhh. and i was asking wu yan a question ... i think it WAS RELATED TO SCIENCE, and at that time, michelle was talking. so she went 'that girl over there, keep talking to your friend, tell me, what did this.. michelle say just now?' I FEEEEEELLLLLLTTTTT LIIIIIKKKKEEEE KKIIIILLLIIINNGGG HHHHHEEEERRRRR!!!!!!!
i went 'i couldn't HEAR' she went 'THEN WHY ARE YOU STILL TALKING' i went'i was asking a question' she went 'you've got any questions, ask me. now describe point C to me' i went 'blah blah blah blah blah blah [ummm... the description for point C (:] she went 'okay. sit down -disappointed look cuz i could answer the question!- OKAY YOU TELL ME, WHAT KIND OF PHSYCO TEACHER IS THAT.
bleh. umm... i'll skip the other periods.. and go on to the CME period. okay nothing much, just that it was really funny, miss sim was really nice this lesson. AND, mrs lim came to like, check on us a little. LUCKY WE WERE WELL BEHAVED BEFORE AND WHEN SHE CAME! hahahaha. okay moving on to chinese lesson.
the teacher didn't come. yeah. we were really happy... but we had to do a few worksheets. and most of them we couldn't answer cuz we've not learnt that chapter yet. so marlene and i just did the cheng yu part and two questions of the first section, then start talking.... like about kam chin ting... acted out how weird he was last year to the 1G1s, then we were too loud.... so chenchen came over to like, tell us to stop being so loud... keep quiet and do our work... so we finished the worksheet. like another section of it.
then we started talking again. but this time, a little softer. so we were still laughing and all, but we weren't any louder than the other people in the class... however... someone started screaming. AND MR LIM CAME OVER. ahhhhh. so he was giving a huge lecture. like on how we're disturbing HIS class... and how we wouldn't like it if we were the ones being disturbed... hey seriously. i felt like saying i LIKE being disturbed. cuz seriously. diverts all attention. it's really awesome. blehz.
AND GUESS WHAT?! HE GOT THE CLASS VICE CHAIR TO TAKE DOWN ALL THE NAMES OF THE PEOPLE IN THE CLASS. OMGSHWTH[i could say worse things, but nahh.] WE MIGHT GET I-N-D-I-V-I-D-U-A-L DEMERITS!!!!! kaaaaaaa POOOOI! darn it. that teacher is ONE MEAN TEACHER. and aby said, when i met her downstairs, that MR CHEW GAVE THEM A GOTCHA EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE NOISY. cuz to HIM, they were really, really quiet. seriously. that's unfair. THEY WERE LITERALLY SCREAMING THE WHOLE BUILDING DOWN.
ahhhhhh wth wth wth wth. i'll calm down now. it doesn't do any good. ranting. whatever though... ahhhh. gotta go. niggggghhhhttsssss(: and peace.
Labels: ahhhh i've not done part of my maths AND reflections for CME yet
ChunXiu jie jie's wedding
Sunday, February 7, 2010 @ 10:09 AM
umm... OMGSHWTH YESTERDAY WAS SERIOUSLY FUUUUUUNNNN!!!! ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh!!!!!!!! and chun xiu jie jie is SO. PRETTY. blehz. ehhh i can't be bothered to talk about friday noww._. sorryyyyyyyyy): hahaaah. umm. but for the wedding nothing much as well. whatever. i'll just blog what i can. i 'm hungry. bleh.okay lets see.. i woke up at a horredous 6am. to prepare. get ready. whatever. but that's freak early cuz we only have to be there at about. oh wait. i don't know. just NOT THAT EARLY!! okay sooooo i wore my summer dress[ from Zara ] and a .. brown.. coat?. on the outside. you know the one i wore on be yourself day last year? YEAH. that one.
so then my mom applied some eye shadow on me... and some lip gloss. I LOVE THE LIP GLOSS. so pink and glittery(: okay whatever. so i had to wear my gold-coloured pumps. yay..? NOTT. i wanted to wear my new sandalsD: but my mom said i had to wait till nightime. ahhhhh dammit._. sooooooo.. we went off?
we reached there at about... umm. VERY EARLY. uhh then we saw the 'jie mei tuan' preparing the stuff for the guys to do later. that included HAVING TO EAT bittergourd+chilli padi+marshmallow+crackers[PERSONALLY, I THINK IT'S HORRIBLE]. hehhs. and all this was thought of by none other than the BRIDE, chunxiu jie jie!:P
hmmm. after a while the other people came. i mean, other relatives. so we were like, talking.. talking.. preparing... and tying the tie for my younger brother cuz he was the guy in charge of opening the door for the groom. blehz. then suddenly there was 'HONK! HONK! HONK HONK HONK!!' [hehs] from downstairs. OMGSHWTH! the groom [named weihan] was here! hahahah. so my brother [with the cameramen and my mom and i] went downstairs(:
hahaha. ummm. so they[meaning the cameramen] took A LONG TIME to take those pictures BEFORE my younger brother could open the door. bleh. then okay .. he opened it.. then my younger brother passed the task sheet to tha groom. hehehz. SO. GUESS WHAT. the groom and his men had to do like, 20 pushups as one of the tasks! okay then we went up first.. and after that, the groom and his men, and at the door, they had to put those party thingies and dance. while the cameramen filmed the whole thing..
and of course, they had to eat the bittergourd+marshmallow+cracker+chillipadi thingy._. and guess what. the groom was like 'EHH, IT'S NICE!!!' .. ROFL!!! and i think he took two of that thingy O: i mean seriously luhhs. crazy is it? or ..ahem.. trying to prove to chunxiu jie jie -something- ahahahah. so they went in.. and the groom still had to put on a skit with one of the men. the groom had to kneel down, then propose to that guy. in a really funny way. ROFL. and then he was asked to kiss the guy. the groom went 'noooooo!!! my kisses are only meant for my wife!' WAHHHH!! so nice to chunxiu jie jie(:
hahaha. okay umm... as you can see.. THE BRIDE TOOK A PHOTO WITH ME:D hahaha i was like. prettyprettypretty versus uglyuglyugly in the picture. i know in the picture chunxiu jie jie looks a bit.. off. but no, in reality, she's reallyreallyreally pretty! sighs. okay.. then the roasted pig was cut and eaten.. all that.. and the bride&groom had to eat the tangyuan. uhhhhhh. yeah. then they left for the groom's house. and we all [meaning ummm. ALL THE relatives] went down to have breakfast... it was about... 10am. i guess. my family had been at my uncle's house for 3 hours._. but had nothing to eat. HUNGRY MAN):
ehhhh... we talked a lot? haahaah.. such a hugeeee number of people you know. we had to occupy 2 biiiiiiiig tables, and 1 small table. then my dad got me wanton meeeee. it was a lill spicy._. but i could handle it. I CAN TAKE SPICY STUFF BETTER THAN MY DAD CAN hehehh. ummm and i had iced milo. hahahahaha the beverage stall aunty had a hard time taking our order. cuz we ordered, then she came with some of the drinks... and we ordered somemore. ROFL.
after that we went back up to the house... and then waited for .. about 1 or 2 hours? sorry i can't be bothered to count. I DIDN'T EVEN CHECK THE TIME._. okay. then someone called, saying that they were on their way.. just left the house.. sooo we just waited will they came. THEY CAME WITHOUT WARNING. suddenly they just walked into the house.. blehz..
what's next. oh yeah. they served the tea to the elders? umm for chunxiu jie jie's parents and grandMOTHERS, both bride&groom knelt down [she was stumbling while trying to get up after that... poor thing!] and i think our granny gave her some gold pendant thingy.. and hung it around her neck. and then they served or whatever you call that the tea to the other elders.. and the elders gave red packets?
uhh. the buffet after that. i didn't eat anything. oh wait. i just had 2 pieces of sushi. BECAUSE SUSHI IS AWESOME(: and then 2 cups of fruit punch. yeah. and then we finished eating.. and took a cab to Volkswagen showroom to collect our car(: ummm so we were earlier than the arranged time... and we had to patiently waiit. till Ms Jessica was done with the other people. yeah. and we went to check the car... and Ms Jessica explained to my parents[and elder brother since he got his driving license(:]
theeeeen we moved the things from the OLD CAR[my elder brother drove it there. he didn't attend the morning thingy. cuz he had NS duty. we took a CAB there in the morning] and we like.. um... took pictures and bid farewell? to our old car WHICH WE HAD HAD FOR 5 YEARS O: had feeeeeelings for that car. great dude. i didn't feel that kinda... happiness usually when my parents get a new car... my elder brother and i were talking about it on the way home...
soooo when i got home i bathed.. did part of my maths homework, used the computer for a while.. while waiting for the rest to bathe and all(: ummm. then we got ready for the registration ceremony. ummm. I WORE MY NEW DENIM DRESS?! yayyyyyy. AND. my sandals(: hahahah. and ummm. WE DROVE OUR VOLKSWAGEN to PanPacific(:
okay so we were kanchiong-ing.. cuz we were like, seriously late.. and my mom drove at the wrong lane... and got to somewhere else. well it could still lead to PanPacific. but still._. hahaha. but guess what? we got there 'early'. thanks to the .. WHAT DO YOU CALL THAT. the guy who commences everything. cuz he was caught up by the previous couple[should i thank them?] and sooooo yeah he was late.
so cuz we were lateR than my other relatives... no seats._. but great service indeed, the who-ever-he-is grabbed more chairs for us... and we weren't the last few people. MORE relatives came. and we had to move here and there.. bleh. ummm yeah. soooo the whole ceremony was done in chinese. and chunxiu jie jie has such a 'cute' lill voice! heheh. quite high pitched.
hmm what next. okay so we went out.. at around 6.20.. then we had to sit around and wait till 7o'clock to go into the ballroom... and i wanted to put mascara on!! my mom didn't know how to._. so we got Chiao En jie jie [also REALLY pretty(:] to help. i just wanted mascara and in the end she applied eye shadow and blusher. with the mascara._. and she said, AFTER she was done... 'wahh. you look more chioh now ehh?' i was like .. ._. im n-o-t!!
ohhkayy... i went to the toilet.. looked at myself in the mirror.. and went dot.. dot.. dot.. i looked totally D-I-F-F-E-R-E-N-T. but not any better luhhs. yeah. so i went out... and my dad took picture of me standing next to a ... something. some plant.
ummm then the food was served. hehz? so the rose at the middle of the table was being taken away... but my mom asked if we could keep it(: hahahaha. so i held it for awhile... and then ate the appetizers? or was that starters. dunno luhhs. but anyway, i had all that.. then my mom took a photo of me with that mini bouquet of roses. hahahahahh.
looking horrendous there D:! but whatever. that person on my right is xin tian jie jie. hahahah. okay i'm being lame here. uhhh... okay so i was sms-ing the whole time. with my bestieeeee(: hahahah. but my bestieeeeee was being so meeeeeean): kept asking me why i was so depressed the other day. kept bugging me!
okay.. then ummm they made a speech .. and chunxiu jie jie was speaking, seriously, like a TEACHER. ehhh she is a teacher okayyy! oh, and right, two of her students she taught guitar played at her wedding(: hahahh.. okay.l i'll skip more of the parts... cuz it was just eating. and eating and eating. BUT RIGHT, the food was that kind of EXPENSIVE stuff!! abalone, sharks' fin, fresh scallop O: and the souveniers were, as well. CUPS? A PACK OF CARDS? bleh. weihan gor gor is soooo rich arh:)
kayy. after a while... the couple made their way back in again. wearing different stuff. ummm and then they popped the champagne. and i thought they would go the traditional way.. 'YAAAAAAAMMMMMM SENNGG' but nooooo. it was just 'cheers!' lucky no one said 'yaaaa...:x' heeheeheeh.
ooohhhhhhkkkkayyyyy... now what. umm. i was too full when it came to the second last dish... which is, in other words, the main course._. bleh. fried riceeee you knoww!!! the brownish coloured one... MY FAVOURITE): but i didn't eat it. not even a little bit. ahhhhh. regrets): but i did have the mango sago!! I LOVE MANGO SAGO I TELL YOU! but the bad thing is, there was pomelo... not the sweet type. the BITTER TYPEEE!! gahhhhh... so i sorta avoided the pomelo. and had THREE bowls^^ glutton-y meeeeee :3
ookkkaaayyy.. so after that the wedding dinner ENDED): ahhhhh dang. it was soooo nice ya know. hahaha. oh, you know, i wore that outfit and my aunties said they couldn't recognise me. cuz i like, turned to look at them and say hi BEFORE the dinner... they were like.. 'uhh. hi...' THEN realised it was me. and freaked out... sorta. YOU KNOW I'M TALLER THAN MOST OF MY RELATIVES!!! including chiao en jie jie. whom, last time, i thought was really tall._.
ohhhhkay then folks. imma go get ready for tomorrow): TIRING SCHOOL. plus, having to sing, even with the choir, in front of the school EVERY MONDAY, the national anthem and school song, AND recite the pledge, IS NOOOOOOT what i call good okay!! haiiz.. kay then. soooo looooooonggggg(: wow this is a long post ....
Labels: tha wedding which was aweeessommee
half done update :X
Friday, February 5, 2010 @ 8:52 PM
Stop ta-ta-talking boutBlah blah blah
Think you'll be getting this?
Nah nah nah
Not in the back of my
If you keep talking that
Blah blah blah blah blah!
i am b-o-r-e-d. but HYPER. i don't want to jump because i just applied nail enamel on my toe nails. for tomorrow!! Chun Xiu jie jie's wedding. I'M MORE EXCITED THAN HER. okay maybe as excited. for the fact that i can wear my NEW DRESS AND SHOES!!! i know. i'm vain. whatever. it's just THAT once.
booboogahgah!!! okay you know in school i was like, jumping around, striking a pose, then making some weird sounds. i've never been this hyper. seriously. we-ell HPPS is a mixed school so boys would think i'm weird. in Crescent, THERE ARE NO SECRETS O:. literally kay?! i still have some 'well-kept' secrets. that actually, i tell ARCH!! and up till now, no one knows my secrets yet. THANKS ARCH!! bleh. hahaha.
ummm. i shall try NOT to go one by one. i mean with the events of the day and all that. hahaha. but anyway, i have to start with today's FITT run. since it's like, the most.. exciting thing? well yeah anyway. sooooo. i expected FITT run, but didn't expect, AT ALL, 1 more round!! which is FOUR rounds around the whole SCHOOL. and it's 1.8km. WITHOUT WALKING. and within a certain time._.
soooo umm i ran with natasha.. wu yan.. marlene.. but then marlene and i ran faster than them and soon they were out of sight... AND, after that marlene had to be so bad as to run ahead. but i was trailing behind her the whole time. YOU AREN'T THAT FAST, MARLENE. my stamina's getting better^^ maybe FITT run is a good thing since i've always wanted to train but didn't have the.. motivation? bleh.
ummm so after that.. i ran and ran... I WAS ALONE O: but i didn't start walking. AT ALL. maybe like, just that little when everyone was squished into one place, and i couldn't run? but that was only like, 2 seconds._. hahahaha. so at the last round.. i met neya. and i had the guts to run with her again :P then we were running, and i was SO tired, when neya asked me a question i didn't even answer._.
and ehhh... when running up the slope i saw wu yan. so i was like, calling out to her [despite being REALLY, REALLY tired] but she didn't look back):!!! bleh. so meeeean):heheheh. and i saw natasha! she was like, standing at one side, resting[while standing] ... ahh then we were like... OMGSH!!! HIGH-5!!! when we completed the run (_oo)..(oo_) omgsh. those faces are. weird. BLEH whatever. and can you believe it i felt like running 1 more round! i'm beginning to feel that FITT run is. i can't believe i'm saying this but.. FUN!
soooo i sat with marlene... and we were talking about how tired we were? BUT IT WAS OVERALL FUN KAYYS. ehhh and i looked at wu yan. she was sweating like crazy! and her lips were like. pale? ehhh dunno luhhs. everyone was saying my face was RED. i believe i looked horrible. OH AND MY LEGS WERE ITCHING LIKE CRAZY WHEN I STOPPED RUNNING. weird..
uhhh what next. i saw natasha, and she told me that she vomited :X pity her!! okay. it was time for SCIENCE when we were dismissed [don't mind me! i'm going back to the usual way. i mean, blogging] so we went back to class.. grabbed our stuff and went down to the faraday lab. and natasha and i were seriously dizzy man!! BOOHOOHOO[quoted from arch] soooo we were 20mins late. AND THE TEACHER SCOLDED US!! i mean, she didn't run, of course she wouldn't know how TIRING it is right?! unreasonable._. and she even COUNTED. 23 mins. wth?!
ummm. SCIENCE WAS BORING, I DARESAY. umm. and she was going at such a speed. AND NOT WAITING FOR PEOPLE TO FINISH COPYING?! we couldn't even WHISPER. -whispers to one another...- -KEEP QUIET!! STOP TALKING!!- umm. we weren't talking, madam. we were WHISPERING for goodness' sake. ahhh i won't bother about her.
ehhhh MR TEO DIDN'T COME? hahaha. but only one pathetic period of him): and the relief teacher was.. quite nice i guess? beheheheh. she just told us to file our things for maths, then we could do whatever we wanted. AND, I DIDN'T BRING MY FILE, so i just had to copy from the sample, and then i could talk and talk to wu yan^^ hahaha.
AHHHH. can i continue tomorrows? daddy's rushing me to sleep cuz tomorrow i have to get up real early. blehz. okay then. tomorrow[OR THE DAY AFTER] i'll continue with what happened during the wedding. i have a feeling that it's not gonna be that great since everytime, when i look forward to something, it gets screwed up): kayys. byes.
Labels: the new rule is weird but i'm glad it's there
Thursday, February 4, 2010 @ 8:00 PM
this is late. really, really, really LATE. well, can't blame me. CAN'T. BLAME. ME. i tell you choir ended at 6.30 okay?! and it started at 3. whaaaaat pathetic timing. bleh. but anyway. today's post... if i feel like it, should be quite long. IF. i feel like it. cuz anyway there's only science homework. i'll still see. lalalah. today quite a lot of things happened.ummm in the morning.. i chiong-ed my comm arts homework. bleh. heeyyyy i'm not the only one okay!! at least HALF the class didn't do. like, i asked around... then when marianne said yes, we all were like 'WHAT!!!!!!' cuz it's like, there was no comm arts today, and there were like, TONS of homework last night. seriously. geog... maths... chinese... science.. E.T.C.!! hahaha. and we had to describe the SETTING. what to write about a POOLSIDE PARTY?! so i anyhow write... wrote more about the character xD
okay moving on. i anyhow wrote the stuff required. TRIED to use more ummm.. vocab? ehhh yeah it was seriously hard i etll you. orientation of the POOLSIDE. greeeat._. i can so totally, easily complete that assignment. NOT. i mean, talking about SETTING? and not CHARACTER? sorry. i did description of CHARACTER. because you said orientation. didn't specify. AGAIN, I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE.
okay. after that was morning assembly. and it was leadership moment. lalalah... ummm. Mdm... Azlina? showed us a video. about ladies/women, over the last few decades.. umm like. something something. oh. something about, of course, leaders. ummm. the rest of it? forgot lerhh x( I HAVE BAD MEMORY.
ummm then we had PE. yay? so we like, ran 4 rounds? around the second level. and then i was on my second round... when mr chong was there. and i was like walking... so he sorta scolded me[wth? it was only walking right. none of his business anyway] and ordered me to RUN!! ehhh. he's nice but that was totally unreasonable kay?! not like it was MS ONG RIGHT. but yeah so i ran...
then we finished... quite fun lehhs... and guess what. we were told to like, gather... so yeah we did. then mr chong himself told us that HE'S OUR CO-TEACHER FOR PE._. umm. no thanks?! i mean, for PE he's so strict!!! i'd rather he teach SCIENCE. PE, there's ms ong, that's good enough... hehs. he's wayyyy better during science class. friendlier by like, a lot. okay whatever.
soooo ummm... we did some like, mini tennis-ish stuff? yeah so i partnered farhana. and we were like._. totally bad players mann)x like, we serve, the ball flies till somewhere else. bleh. thennn once i was catching it or something? so i hit, hit, hit, hit, drop, hit, hit, BANG. hit my head. then bounced over to Farhana. and then she threw it back to me, hit my head AGAIN, bounced back to her AGAIN... bleh.
ummm. of course, in the end we managed to hit back and forth a few times, and we BOTH could serve quite okay. YAYY!!! but seriously. a former tennis coach has a tennis LOSER for a daughter[TALKING ABOUT ME HERE!]? totally pathetic. he said i have to practise my.. ball sense? my dad i mean. hahaha. and it's like, i can't even CATCH. blah. whatever.
I'LL SKIP TILL PBL. umm. PBL was just a series of talks. and more talks. then we had to like... umm. COPY?! but, for PBL leaders, wahh we're lucky!! cuz all that was mentioned during the talks were what we were told during our training. hahaha. so everyone was chiong-ing to copy cuz the slides were going seriously fast, whereas the people surrounding me [mar, michelle, wu yan, natasha & neya] were just sitting there, relaxing, playing with one another heh x
okay then after that there was cca!!! ummm after PBL, there was about an hour, so aby, neya[ELDDS] and i went to the library.. looked around at books, then at about 3.15pm? we just left luhhs.. didn't want to be like, any LATE or whatever. first impression is IMPORTANT! bleh. so neya went on her own.. well to find dana, so aby and i just went to the place. then when we reached, we could see like, no one, so we went to the canteen to fill up water, ask around 1S1s if they saw 1S1ers... they said NO
so we made our way back up to that place... walked around a little... desparate to find a person WE KNEW. so we wouldn't be like, walking into that place, seeing seniors, SENIORS, AND MORE SENIORS!! without anyone we knew. hahahaha. then a few seniors came.. they were from the commitee.. so they got us to go in.. oh. my. gosh. the sec 1s were already there. WE. WERE. THE. LAST. O:! not our fault that we were told to go at 3.30
so yeah they paired us up with another senior, then this senior was like 'I WANNA BE PAIRED WITH HER!!!' ahaha, so yeah.we had to stand alternate-ly._. and i wasn't with aby or any 1S1ers. i was dragged to another place to stand. so this girl standing next to me just kept smiling, then i smiled back. SURPRISINGLY, NO ONE ACTUALLY LOOKED AT MY NAME AND WENT O: hahahahaha. ummm. then the sec 1ers had to introduce ourselves... name, class, hobbies. yong qing, from 1S1, i like to play the piano and sing. so like, the teacher was looking for piano players? and she was like, oh, good, a lot of pianists here arh! ._. ummm? and ummm.. seniors could REMEMBER MY NAME AND CLASS
sooo we did some vocal exercises. like, do 'tsssssssss' for 10 counts, 14 counts, 16 counts, 20 counts. ummm. i could still hold!! and then we ahd a friendly competition(?) and we had to see who could hold the longest. record, 42 secs!! i was 32secs. bleh. that close man. but anyway. so we had to look at that choir teacher [mrs lim?!] do all that weird weird stuff... then all those exercises.
i'll cut this whole thing short. ummm. after that, for a long period of time, it was getting us sorted into Alto2, Alto1, Sop1, Sop2.. soooo yeah. the president called out the names, then we had to stand in order. SHE CALLED MY FIRST TWO YONGS): then 1S1ers were laughingD: sooo mean derhh you guys!! i kept 'hitting them'. sorta. they were laughing SO HARD. bleh.
ummm. so i can sing both high AND low. and we were split into two groups, i got the group to be tested by the president. so she went LOW first. then i was one of the people who could sing till low B. which is seriously low._. so i got into alto2. which, as mrs lim and the president said, is like the foundation, and it's seriously hard to hit that low, so if i can sing low, i should join alto2.
SO I GOT INTO ALTO2 ): i can sing better in sop1!! seriously! because that's like, not high nor low.. just right for me. BUT I GOT ALTO2. SO FAR FROM THAT! IT'S WAY LOW I TELL YOU. and you know, i found out only 3 of the 21 sec1ers got into alto2 O: which is. wow. and then we had to sing first part of a song[ PARUPARONG BUKID!!!! 2008 HPPS CHOIR SYF SONG!!!!!] and then we were loud. I DON'T MIND SAYING, WE. WERE. LOUD. as loud as the others that had wayyy more people than us.
then, mrs lim asked who can play the piano. then we went over to the piano there... and she took note. she asked us one by one what grade we are in... then everyone was like... grade 4! 5! 2! then when it came to me... grade 7? so she was like, you're in alto2 right!! wow! music talent arh! ._. ohhh...kayyy... so she got the grade 5 and above students to like, HAVE TO BE ABLE TO PLAY THE PIECES WE SING O: sian!! argh! but whatever. she said she's grooming us to become section leaders. which is a great accomplishment i tell you! and we have to teach the people who dunno basic music stuff.
so during break, people came to me to ask how to do this and that and this. so i was like. I KNOW HOW TO PLAY, NOT TEACH! but i tried luhhs... then this other girl from another class came to help me^^ she's seriously nice. oh, her name's Kit. and she's talkative. like meeee! hahahaha. so yeah, both of us helped like... Jeanne? and aby. blehs.
ummm after that, since you know the sec 2 & 4s were told to go somewhere else... so they came back in.. and we had to get into our parts. then the alto2 people came to like, talk to us? and i found out Pearlyn [sherlyn's SIS!] was also in. alto2. hahaha. the arrangement ... senior, junior, senior, junior arrangement again. i stood next to an ex henry parker!! hahaha. i remember my seniors kayy!! and someone else. they're really nice. OF COURSE. CGS SENIORS ARE ALLL NICE.
lalalah. so we sang all that stuff... and then WE WENT HOME!! at 6.35._. 5 minutes late. and then aby FORCED me to take her mom's car home._. and so yeah. we were talking about the trip.. OH YEAH DID I MENTION THERE'S A TRIP?! it was originally to ITALY! but then, too far away/too expensive.. so change to either HONGKONG or SHANGHAI. pathetic. i want italy!!! i've never been that far away!! i want to go there!! UGH. blame those whose parents say cannot luhh._. so bad.
okay so i reached home.. while walking, saw my younger brother and granny.. so we went up together? and umm had dinner... bathed.. and here i am. oh by the way, this time IS NOT ACCURATE. it's 11.30pm now. so of course i gotta go sleep. so tired -yawns!!- kay then. this is a fairly long post right, wu yan? hahaha. okay then. see yaaaa!!
Labels: i would like to rant about you but i'm not that evil like YOU are
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