Wednesday, March 31, 2010 @ 2:39 PM
haiii... i forgot whut happened today.i just wanna say i feel like crying. Arch... why can't you talk luhhs.. i think i might actually die of emo-ness... i mean... yeahhh... before monday...
why am i being sho emo?
ohkay i'm better now. marlene koh. I KEEEEEL YOU.
i asked you the question and you just continue talking -.- sho mean!!!!
kay then. i'm still in school... cuz i needa sort ouf some stuff~ marlene is staying back with me(:
back at home!!! hahahaha just now marlene and i took the bus back home.. then we were like laughing like crazy.. and when we got off... one queensway girl[suying's sisterr. forgot th name lerh xD] and a queenstown girl sat on the bench there...
then marlene and i were being overly dramatic. i was pretending to be colour blind. sho her face was green, hair was pink, bag was gold, school uni was brown and red O: zomg. that means my own uni's brown and red Dx disgusting~ but whutever.
kekeke. then we were slapping each other. being overly dramatic._. and laughing TOOTOOTOO much. it's like. suying's sister[I KNOW I'VE NOT FOUND OUT HER NAME ZOMG SU YING JUST TELL ME HER NAME~] and that queenstowner were like. 'you guys are crazy'. tyty!
heheheheh. some stuff happened later. won't bother lerh. kay then. buaiis!
Keeel Marlene!!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 @ 1:15 PM
haiii. tiring day at school... cuz i slept at like, i duhnno HOW late last night. webcamming with marlene xD kekeke. veryy huaii dann right... pfffft. i said that i was gonna go at 10++pm... but i was like. chattingchattingchatting till 11.30++ before we both said that we were gonna sleep. at the same time.sho todayes.. morning assembly was funnn! kekeke. had the prize giving thing for the houses. and pankhurst is frigging 3rd._. outta 3._. very whut lehs. ahhh whuteva. we shall try our best to catch up on thursday! kekeke. go pankhurst~
then we had the winners of the school cheer competition. HAHAHHAHAH the cheer that won is quite aweshum. by 4C2... and then Pavithra was like "OOOH MY MADAMMMM'' the whole time. cheeeel! kekekek.
thennn LS CEP. discovered something SHOCKING that i won't tell ... anyways. we read the script for our LS CEP project. i can proudly say it's quite aweshum. hehehehehh.
ummm D&T.. TEST D: hahahaahahha not that bad luhss. it was fairly easy~ and i think i'll pass.. i hope... heheheh. well lucky i revised a leetle. at least i could answer a 5mark question. and thennn yeahhs...
got free time after that:D hehehehh. then i went to this. and that. and here and there. and when i was listening to some song that is aweshum, mdm kala came in -.- then she was like 'AH. EARPLUGS.' ._. wth. it was free period, cann?! then i was sitting at teevee's seat... sho i went back._. suckss luhhs.
at 12:45pm we got dismissed!! HAHAHAHAHA. cuz there's no assembly today. it's only for... sec 3s. yeahhh. BUT SAD THING. I HAVE CHOIR. THEN MUST STAY BACK. NO USE LETTING US OFF EARLY. unfairrrr. wu yan got to go home._. i bet she's enjoying. while i'm here shou ku-ing.
marlene is currently letting out disgusting whining noises and lying on my shoulder-.- when i'm trying to buhlogg!! and going "WHY EVERYTHING MUST SAY ONE ARH YOU!!!" and "WALAOOOO!! WALAOOO! WALAOO!" "BOO HOO HOO!! BOO HOO HOO!! BOO HOO HOO!!" really. she's saying all that. and i'm typing that out. and GETTING HIT BY HER-.-
kay thenss. keeel marlene if you ever see her. TYVVM!
Th Pankhurst House Girls!
Monday, March 29, 2010 @ 10:30 AM
haiii. i know i've not posted about stuff for thursday and friday AND saturday AND sunday sho i shall do that now. sho i shall about the stuff that happened. for some stuff i'll go into detail since i CAN be bothered since i wanna... share(:THURSDAY
on thursday i forgot whut happened O.O" heheheh i just know that choir was aweshum! swear. cuz mrs lim was. not. here. and that is the aweshumest kind of choir practice any sec 1 Crescentian choir member would WISH for. i guess...
umm.. before choir actually started, athena, paula, a sec 2 newbie and i went to on thetarte gowns. i know i've done th measurements thingy but athena forced me to go.. sho i just went for funn. anyway choir hadn't started yet... and i was freakfreak bohred. yeahh... i tried S... couldn't even fit in it manx Dx ehh i'm not THAT big sized. it's just that there's that .. thing... sewn around it sho i can't fittt!
ohkay umm we did SECTIONALS. and i love sectionals cuz they are sho aweshumly FUN!! for the fact that we don't reeeeeeally sing... just laugh. talk. laugh. talk. xD ohkay we do sing. but halfway through, for SOME reason, we would definitely break out LAUGHING. and then yi bin will come and start getting us to sing. even when she's here it's sometimes funnn..
sho anyways.. we had sectionals for almost the whole choir session. then one teacher came in to listen to us.. and we were seriously aweshum. the teacher said so, yi bin and juniper said so. then they commented that we're usually not this good during choir practice:P
we sang joiku... i mean for sectionals. thenn it's like first part of sectionals, before the ''performance'', we were at one side of the MPR... then we didn't actually do anything... since it's like winny can't really be bothered xD then after th ''performance'' yi bin was with us, singing a certain part of the song... cuz Alto2s have been learning the wrong thing. cuz the teacher has been teaching us the wrong thing. pfffffft.
after that i went home! :D
haii. on friday it wush so. freak. FUNNN!!! kekeke. IN YOUR FACEEEE to those who didn't WANNA join 11-leggy-racey. cuz it's funn. and builds up house spirit! HAHAAHAHAH. ohkay i won't bother to talk about whut happened during school hours.. cuz i can't really be bothered. HAHHAHAH except that mr teo came back :D back to "FOCUS FOCUS" anndd "NO FACEBOOK, NO VGLF, NO TWITTER, NO BLOGGER, NO SUPERJUNIOR.COM". rofl!
ummm after school, which means after all that D&T and comm arts which was quite ohkayyy... and after that running up and down in index order within 7minutes acting according to Mdm kala ... we had lunch. all the people who stayed back for heats from 1S1. seeee we're not house-ists. we're UNITEDDD ^^ and yeahh marlene and i were going cuhrazy. pffft.
thenn Pankhurst peeps from 1S1 went to the hall to practise. it was DARN funnn i tell you!! our pankhurst captain and excos helped us:D they were telling us the secrets.. or formulas... AH WHUTEVER... to being FASTFASTFAST for 11-leggy-racey. sho we followed their instructions and practised. PRACTICE WAS FUNNN. SHUPER FUNN. for the fact that we could fall on the mats... then we were like. jumping on the mat after finishing. kekeke.
sho we practised like about a million times:D and then we had to untie our shoelaces which took us about 15 minutes. cuz they were all in dead knots Dx hahahaah WeiNing's and mine were in a shuper deaddead knot. and joleen helped untie(: thankyou! ohkay after that we rested... went down to th canteeeen to restrestrest. sho it was Bronterians and Pankhurst..ians? ers? AHH WHUTEVER. bonding time for S1-ers~ i shared a drink with... WHO UHH?? forgot lerhhs. i think natasha ... hahahaha.
we went to watch the human fooseball in th fieldd(: saw Marianne(: she was like. being very, very bohred. since it wasn't her turn for the game. after that we went back up to.. of course, PRACTISE! heheheeh.
ohkay i shall skip to the part where the competition started. sho we waited for our turn.. like OMGG curie was DARN fast!!! neya was hilarious xD hahahhha then after a LOT of waiting, it was our turn:D and HAHAAHHAHAH Pankhurst seniors cheered for us!! shee the special.. BONDING? HAHAHAHAHH. i just know Pankhurst ish aweshum:D
so i daresay we were quite fast... and yeah.. twice, we did quiteeee ohkay. though on the second time we fell... SHO WHUT:D ahahhahaahah. umm on curie's second time, a few of them fell and neya did a split!! xDxD hilarious!! ohkay sho after that we went home, like yeah duh. then uhhh i went home with aby... and we were talking about all sorts of stuff? hehehehs.
we went shopping!! and i won't elaborate much. or maybe AT ALL. cuz i forgot xD but yeahhs. i got a Baby-G watch! and a hairband that i absolutely lovee. kekeke. yeahh that's about it:D cuz i forgot :D
hahaahs. went shopping at the same place again. but nothing much . just got a Little Miss Chatterbox T-shirt!! yayyys:D hahaahahah. yeahhh... then i had lunch at Xin Wang again:D
was late for singing of national anthem.. i mean not late as in really late. but when S1ers went down they were already at their places.. hehehehh.
first period, maths. nothing much luhhs... then came recess. we went down to the mini forum to see if we got in for 11-leggy-racey, AND YEAHHH! WE GOT IN!!! Curie was first, Keller i think, second, and Pankhurst third. STILL, we got in!!! well teevee and natasha, good try:D
i don't feel like talking about any other stuff anymore. webcamming with marlene by ways. AHAHAHAH we've been webcamming a lot recently. it's funnn:D kayy then. buaiiis!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 @ 11:56 PM
BOO(: morning... had a skit presented today by some class that i totally forgot cuz i don't bother to remember such stuff anyways... sho it was epic fail manx -.- like, i didn't even know what they were talking about. graciousness.. my foot -.-umm first period, science. which was ... quite ohkay... just that we have HOMEWORK): about whatever wind blah blahs and yeahhh... groupwork though, sho it's ohkay(:
then recess! hehehehh i brought doughnut but then the sugar melted and then was all sticky. still ate it luhs. don't wanna waste muh. then we were at the ''regular'' table... and laughing a hell lot. hehehehh^^ i mean, i can't help it with the UffleFoodiez... can i?
LS CEP after recess. LS CEP is like, DUH one of the best subjects for the fact that Ms Bri and Ms Law are sho aweshum!! hehehh. today we talked about copyright.. then got a mini quiz on copyright... i got full marks:D actually almost the whole class did...
kekeke. after that it was.. pffffsh literature. can't be bothered to actually TALK about it sho yeahh. buaiiis.
Tiring choir..
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 @ 8:00 PM
BOO! hehehh. uhhh just an update. today, poetry slam was.. weird?! ROFL. it was more about ... something like tongue twisters. sho we made a poem that had similar sounds... to make it sound like a tongue twister poem. and it's aweshum. but i can't be bothered to post it now. i'm seeeeeriously tired manx.choir. by far the WORST practice. i'm telling you the choir conductress is seriously biased luhs! you know right, we stood all the way from 3-5.30... then it's like, the teacher got Sop1-Alto1 to sit, whereas Alto2s had to continue standing!
ohkay so maybe taking turns? it's ohkay? but guess what. we had to stand for a long time. like, we sang once, twice, thrice etc... and she wasn't satisfied and found faults with us leh! that's so unreasonable! and it's like, for one of the last times we sang, she was like "YES! THAT'S GOOD!" then we were like, YES! can sit lerh. but guess what? she told us to sing AGAIN to let the Alto1s hear -.-
then we could FINALLY sit down. but for less than a minute ya knows! the Alto1s and Sop2s stood up, and then sang... then teacher went ''QUITE GOOD[wth?!]'' and got Alto2s to stand up again to combine and sing with them. BIASED! how come we're the only section that needs to stand so long lehs?
UGH. we only got a pathetic break at about 5.40. then Hana, Sharon and i went to the toilet... ate gummies. hehehehh. love the sour squirms^^ hahahahah. then in less than 10minutes we had to be back lerh ._. sho unfair luhhs.
ohkay luh. it ended at 6.20 though it was supposed to be 6. then i went to cheers with Jeanne and Hana. i bought seaweed!! OH. talking about seaweed, i still have it. have not finished yet^^ hahahahah yayy? and then when i got outta cheers... was at the road at Crescent's there... and i saw bus 111. so i was like running... behing the sutpid car which wouldn't move. and i got on?
HAHAHAHH on the bus... about to alight that time, there was a huge JERK. then i was like, not holding onto anything cuz my hands were full.. so i fell sideways. like almost hit a person x\ paiseh..
OHKAY THEN. currently webcam-ing with teevee. after a while imma go sleep. rare. i know. but honestly i'm SO TIRED! heheh. remember to visit the UffleFoodiez buhlog kayy? buaii!
@ 10:39 AM
haiiii!!! i'm currently in a so-called clique. ohkay it's not really a clique ohkay?!? just a small group that consists of 8 people - teevee, marianne, marlene, neya, pavithra, wu yan,natasha and me :D we're called `Th UffleFoodiez(: click HERE to go to th blog^^ hehehehh.ohkay so ummm sunday ... which is two days ago... some exciting stuff happened!! no luh. i just had bullfrog for lunch :P it sounds disgusting but honestly, bullfrogs are nice!! i had 5 bowls of porridge. small bowls luh. then i had a lot of bullfrog. which is nice. aweshum! tastes like chicken kayy?!
guess what. after lunch i wasn't full. i was still quite hungry._. yeahh... but no choice. had to wait. and wait. ohkay whatever.
you know we were planning on going to orchard?! but the stupid rain RUINED the plan): sho i had to stay home. i went on the computer... VGLF... and chatted with teevee lorhs. webcammed... then had chocolate^^
after that i went to sleep... till about 7pm... then woke up and had dinner which was nice(: but i didn't finish it._. cuz i was too full. from eating carrot cake before sleeping xD
OHKAY. YESTERDAY. hmm... what happened uh? uhhh as usual, sang national anthem, recited pledge, sang school song on the platform with CrezChoir. this time i was standing at the last row^^ hahahahh. then aby didn't come -.- she was SITTING beLOW and CHATTING with her FRIENDS. wth?!?
ohkay whatever. first period was CME.. talked about HAHAAHAHHA stress(: and like, ms sim was unusually nice today O.O then we were like.. talking about all sorts of stress. including stress from teachers xD and parents and homework and CCA and tuition and blah blah blah. she was funny and nice worh. rare.
after that it was HMT. very fun^^ bully Marlene^^ BWAHAHAHAH. rofl. then we were like, talking... laughing... to our hearts' content. then.. we had to read the passage... we read it with much expression. TOO MUCH :P heheheh xD
uhhh... after that it was music. darn bohring luhh (-.-)zZz all we did was kearn about chinese music and the instruments... Idiophones!! Idiot-phones!! that name is too idiotic. pffffffft. then there's aerophones.. chordophones blahblahblah. O.O i can remember worh! HEHEHH.
comm arts... nothing muchh... after school went to cheers with marlene(: bought seaweed. cuz i was hungry Dx then walked to bus stop... and halfway waiting, michelle called to tell us to wait for her cuz she didn't bring her wallet. HAHHAAH when she was walking down the slope, the bus came. then she started running in that cute manner ^^
went home.. slept. till 6! that is a long time... and i regretted it):
at night... video called with teevee, AS USUAL. heheehh.. then slept at 1 ._. regrettt!! cuz right now i'm so SLEEPY): AND THERE'S CHOIR LATER!!
sho today... we didn't didn't didn't have FITT run. SHO SADDD): i like FITT run ya knows! in its place was FITT workout... which was seriously sucky. cuz it was not at ALL fun. unlike FITT run where we can like run together and cheer one another on. this lehh... BOHRING):):
on our way back to class... we talked about our names for the Uffle Foodiez group. and i'm alREADY pudding. sho just added Yuffle to Pudding. THAT'S MY NAME^^
lit. first period. wanna keeeeeeel man x\ the whole time i was writing on my book, like what-to-do-s for the buhlog. yeahh. then during recess i created it. AWESHUMNESS
we were 2 minutes late for class. "GIRLS, STAY OUTSIDE FIRST. ANYONE ELSE COMING??'' -.- what the -.- we got up at about 9.37am. and we had, supposedly, 5 minutes grace to walk up to class whut. sho when she asked what time we had to be in class, we said ''9.35am'' then she was like.''WHAT? WHOOOO SAID 9.35???'' what the hell!!!!!! got a big scolding for WHAT!! bu shuang that we were JUST 2 minutes late and she had to exaggerate stuff. 10 minutes late. yeahhhh righttt.
science class SUCKED. like, it was seriously BOHRING!!! and then guess what? she was being a BIG. FAT. MEANIE. she told Vicky to stand up and read her answer, and she made Vicky repeat 10 times!! approximately... and humliated her):
ohkay right now it's maths. free period!! HAHAHAAHAHH cuz Mr Teo isn't here today): UGH. cuz actually it'd be the same with, OR without him. cuz we'd still be on the computer.
HAHAAHAHAH. ohkay now it's time for poetry slam. shall update at night(: kay. BUAIII!!
Mom's birthday(:
Saturday, March 20, 2010 @ 11:44 PM
HELLO!!! it's 20thMarch(: ohkay yesterday we went to Marina Barrage or Barage or something. yeahh. epic fail luhs -.- sho we had lunch at Geylang. or Aljunied. it was awesome! had 2 bowls of rice^^ hehehh.. and it was raining freeeeak heavily ): my sandals got seriously W-E-T. pfffffft.lucky it was quite ohkay when we got to the Barrage/Barage. omgshwthroflolmao. uhhh yeah... I LOVE TH BALLOONS!! sho big and cute! hehheh. we took the lift to the rooftop... and walked around... T-R-I-E-D to fly the darn kite. but when i just took TWO pathetic STEPS on th GRASS, my sandals got all MUDDY!!! i had to spend 15 minutes DIRTY-ING MY HANDS just to clean my feet and sandals -.-! isn't that pathetic..!!!
but whatever. just that it was a freeeeeak waste since th weather was purrrr-fect for kite flying): sho we just took a looooong walk around the rooftop. which took about half an hour to complete. but it was nice. family moment~ without my elder brother... we took several photos(: which were quite unglam. i mean me. cuz th stupid sun was shining real brightly):
ummm after that i realised my iPod was supposedly missing. i mean before we went out, i couldn't find it. in my red Nike bag.. th main compartment or something.. sho my dad and younger brother were going home, my mom and i to Orchard.. and i asked my younger brother to help findd. my dad drove us to orchard(:
uhhh the whole time i was freaking out cuz my younger brother said HE COULDN'T FIND IT!! yeahh. well i was panicking the whole time. thinking i wouldn't have my iPod WITH MY NAME ENGRAVED ON IT for the rest of my life.. ROFL exaggeration. but yeah i WAS quite scared. for some time only. cuz shopping always takes up most of my... concentration?
I HAD HOTDOGG(:(: heheehh orange julius. chicken bacon and cheese^^ hehehh. it's hard to eat when i'm sitting near the roof where the rain is dripping though O.O
thenn we went Massimo Dutti again:D i mean like duhh.. since it's my mom's favourite shop. I LOVE TH CLOTHES TOO! very classy~ hehehehh. and then the salesperson that knows my mom and i cuz we shop there often was there again^^ she noticed i cut my hair~ well she always knows it when i cut my hair. sho observant eh? heeheeh
uhh we went to Gap after that. then i was sho tired i sat down. and two freeeeak annoying toddlers were there doing mini somersaults -.- rolling around showing their undies... climbing up the railing of the stairs[WTH?!] yeahh. reeeeeally got on my NERVES.
then we went to Best Denki to buy the thing-which-you-use-to-boil-water-at-home. duhnno what it's called. yeahh... bought th DISPLAY SET. cuz no more stock and we reeeeeeally wanted that one. got 20% off(: don't like th service of that stupid guy. bu nai fan.
AFTER THAT, went to XinWang ION. the 17-year-old guy who served us was seriously funny^^ hhahhah. had century egg porridge and french toast. shared with my mom duhh. and i was seeeeeeriously full after that :P 11++pm lerh.
WENT HOME LUH! heehehheh. and i almost forgot about looking for my iPod until my mom told me. then i opened my Nike bag and th only item in my bag? MY IPOD -.- at least i didn't lose it~ ohkay.. so i BATHED. and watched some shows.. buhlogged[previous post].. then slept lorhs.
happy birthday mama!! HAHAAAHH~! my elder brother and i spent the whole AFTERNOON making the present for her. like i came up with th idea of making roses.. at first i was thinking of making just like 3 roses to just give my mom like that. then my elder brother said we could make a lot and put it into a jar.
sho i taught him how to make the roses. and we bought 2 more colours [other than purple which i already bought] from the bookshop. and we spent the whole afternoon doing that. quite tedious, but REALLY fun(: hahaahh. oh yeah. we decided to put th roses in a plate, put some pebbles.. then put a candle in the middle instead(:
after that we went to vivocity celebrate.. and my dad and younger brother went off .. my mom and i... and my elder brother was sadly alone): but he went to daiso.. and bought the materials for the present.
we went to No Signboard Seafood Restaurant for dinner. it was reeeeeally nice. had crabbb!! me LOVES crabb!!! hahaaahahh. and there were other stuff. which were ALSO awesome, of course..
THEN we went to giant. bought GUMMIES and Seventeen magazine. hahaahh. after that... Haagen Dazs!! i had ice cream milkshake. if that's what it's called . cookies&cream plus strawberry cheesecake. YUMM!! rofl. OHKAY THEN WE WENT HOME. and made the present. here's what it looks like :
from here it isn't reeeeally that nice, but it's actually seeeeeeeriously preeeetty!! my mom loved it^^~
Me ish TIRED):
Friday, March 19, 2010 @ 12:22 AM
hmmm. maybe my ''tomorrow'' is just like about half an hour later :P hahahahh. uhhh... oh. wednesday and yesterday(: kay so wednesday, GOT MY BRACES TIGHTENED. purple and greeeeeeeeeen!! hehehehh^^ it's a weird combination but yeah.so umm i changed dentist.. cuz th previous dentist Dr Anne or something [xD forgot] can only make it on tuesday and thursday ... but those are the days i have CHOIR. yarh... and sho i changed. to someone named Dr Robyn Koh. she's reeeeeeally nice! she explains every single thing she's doing to me. reeeeeeeally patient! andandand she asks me if i'm comfortable before carrying on. YA KNOW THE CROWN THINGY WAS SO SOUR Dx! but it was only temporary...
uhhh... then actually i was supposed to go with my grannke... to People's Park.. but i still had lots and lots of homework to do so i just went home first... then at night i found out my younger brother HAD KFC): like omgshwth luh!
lemme see... the day ended? okay then ... yesterday... had pathetic choir *shivers* and umm i just took BUS ><
okay so today we STILL had to do th freeeeeeak hanging down exercise which GETS ON MY NERVES!?! i almost VOMITED ya knows -putshandsonhipsandGLARES- me hates motion sickness. gets SO totally annoying): like when choir maties' legs hurt, my head hurts. pfffft. oh. i even hurt my sides -threatenstoPUNCHsomeone- . how awesome.
ummm thennn we had to pair up with a senior. which is WTH. i know. and i got paired up with Winny. at first i was like OMGSHWTH! but then she was reeeeeeally nice(: ohkay ummm so we had to push each other's "centre of gravity" ... which is presumably four fingers below our belly buttons... then i was like. -freakingout- what to do lehs?! but then Winny guided meeee alongggg^^ hahahaahh.
uhhh... after that ... sec 1s didn't have to sing^^ cuz Juniper and YiBin wanted to hear the sec 2-4s... and see how they sounded like. then we just had to sit in front.. then we talked. naughtynaughty xD but yeah. THEN MRS LIM HAD TO COME x.x and we had to go backk!! sho mean luhs!
uhh... ohkay i won't talk sho much xS move to BREAKKK^^ sho happy. cuz at first Hana brought enough nuggets for each person[meaning like, us, FRIENDS~] then in the end, only Hana and i were down at the canteen. sho i got THREEE!! ahahaahahah. when sharon and brenda found us, only one left. they had to share xD and NONE left for Kit! BWAHAHAHAAHH >:D
OHKAY THAT'S ALL FOR NOW. it's 2:18am. 20thMarch(: hahahahhaah. SHO BUHBYE!
Just a thankyou post(:
Thursday, March 18, 2010 @ 11:35 PM
haiii people! actually i'm not here to blog about today... or yesterday... or whatever.. cuz i still have HALF a piece of letter writing to do(: that[blogging i mean], i shall leave till perhaps... tomorrow night? hahahahah.SO WHY AM I HERE!?!? ohkay i'm just here to specially THANK TEEVEE(: she's theeeee only one i wanna thank right now(: reason? NOT GONNA TELL(: private and confidential. right teevee?(: hahahahah. okay ummm she helped me sort out my thinking... and she stayed up till 11++pm just to comfort me.. despite having dance lessons the next day. THAT'S ONE HUGE SACRIFICE. beauty sleep is precious(: to anyone BUT me.
duhhh that's not the only reason, though if it was, it would still be SOMETHING WORTH COMMENDING(:... she wasted her whole day, not playing games, not doing other stuff[OHKAY MAYBE YESH... but still] ... just mainly focusing on guiding me... helping me... out of this... ordeal? hahahhahahah^^
then, she forced me to laugh. ridiculous, but yeah, she forced me to Laugh Out Loud. Roll On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off. literally. honestly, i couldn't help it xD yeahh. though i did make her laugh till her stomach hurt ._. ooops. yeah.
for everything you've done for me these few days(: i may sound emo, and yeah perhaps i really AM emoTIONAL right now... cuz of some ridiculous stuff.. but yeah. IT'S FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! gonna sign off now. i wanna go shopping tomorrow ya knows?! oh. tomorrow. piano lesson. PFFFFFFFFFFT! hmph. BYE!
Happy holidays~
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 @ 7:44 PM
teeheeheeh. IT'S THA HOLIDAYS~!! but wait. perhaps homework piling upupup isn't that good. oh, no, it isn't great AT ALL. and what the freak luhhs ... one piece of creative writing. one newspaper.. reporting thing. then lotsa otherotherothers... sheesh.so saturday i was just at home.. woke up at about... 11++? sheesh.. i felt like going back to sleep ... cuz i slept for way too long D: but whatever. my granny forced me.. sorta.. to get out of bed.
now. then i got outta bed, duh, and i ummm just washed up... then i had lunch? ohkay FINE brunch. it's the same. literally. so i had.. cheee cheongg fann! yayyyyy!! and umm.. some sticksticky rice. which is nice ...
so my granny, the maid and i were the only ones at home cuz my younger brother had to go for theory exam. and my parents went along with him. grade 1... if he gets a distinction my dad'll get a .. game? for him. hahahaahh...
ummm after that i just did one piece of homework. sci-uhnce. sheesh that's about it._."
sunday, all i did was go on the computer._." and watch teevee xD The Gem Of Life!! love that show! i know i've said that before.. FINE. i won't say anything anymore. but the He Feng just became sho eeeeviiil D: but GiGi Lai [acting as YaTong] ish still pweetty!!
ohkay. i was hoping to have pizza for dinner that night. i'd been craving for pizza for a reeeeeeeeally long time! but -sigh- no.. cuz my granny was PLANNING on cooking. bleh. but at least the food that night was quite nice(:
yesterday.. OHKAY PRACTICALLY EVERYDAY - GOING ON THE COMPUTER. well TPC. butbutbut yesterday, great accomplishment for me! i finished an EXACTLY 600-word creative writing. it's weird... about a girl who has lotsa friends who care for her, but she isn't grateful.. cuz she can't have what she wants.. everything pink..
so one day she finds that her black box has a hidden flight of steps to another world? and that world haves everything she wants, and over there lives another girl. then they playplayplay everyday... until one day the girl from the other world doesn't let her go.
then her parents and friends find her, then bring both of them back, cuz the one in the other world just wants friendship. the stupid girl then realises that pink isn't everything. kinship and friendship is(:
WHY DID I BOTHER TO TALK ABOUT IT? well maybe cuz i'm bohred. ummm other than that, i finished a maths worksheet, and completed a 250-word diary entry(: well i didn't redo.. i just umm... added on to it. yeah(:
then i was webcam-ing with teevee. IT WAS SO FUN!! we were shouting and screaming... then taking photos.. and punching each other?! HAHAHAH. then at night i webcam-ed with... ... ... ... ARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHHHHHMYYYYYYGEEEEEEE!! i've got proof. HMPH. :D:D:D
hahahahahaha.. then today i woke up at about ... 9. yeahhh... my granny woke me up at 8.30 as i told her to, but i went back to sleep : then my granny finished making breakfast and woke me up again. i almost forgot to brush my teeth._."
then i went on the TPC again, comtinued buhlogging and all that... pffffffft. i couldn't finish. and i webcammed with ARCH!!!!!!! again!!!! and uhhh yeah she was showing me baby pictures of her... so cute!! i mean honestly, i was like ... literally screaming inside my head. i couldn't show it cuz my tummy hurt ):
ohkay. i was planning on leaving the house at 11.20am, but ended up leaving at 11.30. i was like OH NOOOO!! gonna be late D: butbutbut lucky i left at that time. cuz when i crossed the road, the bus just left the terminal(: then i reached at about 11.45. then when i reached i made my way to the Seminar Room... on my own.
i reached and Jeanne was there, then we talked about homework, then i started to write random stuff in my book. and THEN after a while Hana.. Brenda.. and a lotta other people came. then we talktalktalked... and then went into the room to start taking measurements. i'm size M. i'm not huge ohkay... it's just that S is too small for me... so they just took M lorhhs.
then we played... ran around... talked... from 12.30-1. then at 1 we started on the umm.. warmups. I HATE WARMUPS!! i'm telling you if you have motion sickness[I DO!] you'd hate it. so the first one was stretching... nothing much.. just the side stretches are quite pain.
then after that they made us hang down... i mean like relax the whole body[except the legs...] then stay there. blood rushing to the brain = OHMYGAHH D: and motion sickness... we had to stay there for like.. i don't know HOW long... maybe a minute? i had serious headaches after that...
so i was standing with hana and brenda for the whole thing... we sang joiku and paruparongbukid. awesome songs. but we were standing for a HELL long time. my legs hurtt x( but in total we got 30 minutes break!! hahahah. for the 4 hours there. hahaahahahhahhaha.
ohkay so hana and i kept doing the pendulum thingy. with our bodies. it kills time(: and it's fun(: ohkay uhhh we had two breaks ... so the second break, we were looking through pictures on Hana's phone. and saw some photos... reeeeeeeeally cute!
after break.. we sang somemore... and then we umm got rearranged to our places for performance. I'M STANDING NEXT TO HANA!! hahahahhahahahah... ohkay then after that we just stoof for a while... then the sec 1s were told to go in front.. to be the audience ... thenn after a while we went home? HAHAH..
ohkay i still have a whole lotta homework. gotta go, SEE YAAAA!
Three wishes...
Friday, March 12, 2010 @ 11:32 AM
i'm in love with hi-5 again. childish but yeah. hahahah. i'm like, loving all 5 of them, and allllll their songs yet again!! ehh. only the ''original'' people. Charli, Kathleen, Kellie, Nathan, Tim!i'm your genie
your best friend
if you need me i'll be here
take my
close your eyes
hold my hand
i will fly, fly, fly
if you
had three wishes
what would they be
three wishes
three wishes,
would you give one to me..
three wishes!
would they be?
okay now to yesterday and today. lemme see what happened yesterday... ohkay bohring stuff. i'll just talk about PBL and choir. so ummm PBL was in hall. and then we were told to open our TPCs.. then to close again. then some people hadn't closed it... so mr lim confiscated it x( then the first girl's to be confiscated is seriously pathetic luhhs.. the screen might break. cuz of the other 2 TPCs on top.
ohkay... then we went for choir... and we were like talking and playing during the first half hour ^^ yeah. ohhohhohh! before that aby and i went to the toilet. then i was like, urgent, cuz i didn't have time to go during lunch [grrr.. released late] then umm we went and i just like, stood in front of the second cubicle? then aby in front of the third. and when the girl from the second cubicle came out, aby rushed in ... what da.
so i was like 'YOU GET OUTTT!!!' then i started pulling her out... almost.. almost... then i was like. FINE. just hurry up!! cuz no point wasting time pulling and all that... so i let go. and then she just fell. like that. sheesh. and she didn't reeally fall ya know, she was GOING TO. you know she fell where the you-know-what thing and the toilet bowl [...] is.. and like, halfway, and went '' I'M STUCK!!!!'' then she just purposely fell. and her butt got wet. sheeeeeeesh. and both of us were laughing soooo hard, she took 1minute to CLOSE THE DOOR.
and yeah. choir was fun. mrs lim didn't come ^^ so Juniper was doing all the stuff. during warm ups, we had to sing some scales... and then for our section, Juniper suddenly told sec 4s not to sing.. then sec3s, then 2s.. and there were only two sec ones, Brenda and me.. THEN BRENDA DIDN'T SING. so i was like ''mee faa s..'' cuz i realised i was the only one. sheeesh, Brenda, so mean.
then we went to the Giga Jam or whatever you call it place... and then started practising. it was funnn~... cuz it just was. i duhnno how to explain but yeah. then we practised till 6.15? then went back. hehehh. and when we went back, all the sec ones didn't need to sing. so all we did was sit.. i was whispering to aby... and we were dismissed^^
and i went home and chiong-ed homework cuz there was a HELL lot. like, 4. loooooong ones. but lucky, I FINISHED! well cuz i already thought of what i wanted to write. and do.
today, FITT run in the morning. and it was basically like how it ALWAYS is... and i ran with neya. so we were running up slope.. and when it was on level grounds again, there was Mr Teo. on the first round. then neya suddenly shouted[i didn't know she would] "FOCUS FOCUS!!!!'' then mr teo was like ''EH!'' in a ... hilarious way. and second round, when we were about to say it.. mr teo shouted.. ''LISTEN LISTEN! FOCUS FOCUS!!!'' then i was laughing sooooo hard ya knows.
and last round we shouted . sheeesh. he wasn't even listening. but whatever. we ran like seriously fast. and ya know? first time i realised the recycling bins STINK!!! like cuhrazy, seriously. i ran past it and all 3 times, i had to hold my breath, and when i breathed in again, thee stench was still there. sheeesh. i pity the person who had to stand there to ummm.. ''encourage'' people. a whole of 20minutes? O.O
okay then it was... comm arts. we did a diary entry based on chapter 7 of Chinese Cinderella and the Secret Dragon Society. yeahh. but for 45 minutes all of us were just playing. and last 15 minutes, all were chiong-ing. but it was overall quite fun to write. and GUESS WHAT. we were really quiet, but no teacher walked past. GAHH! no one was talking!! we were all concentrating on doing the diary entry):
okay.. umm HMT.. we have to do a newsmaking thing. like those news reporters on teevee. then pan lao shi was seriously funny ... cuz there are different ''props'' in there, so she tried on the ''wigs'' and the ''sunflower'' GEEEZ!! she looked seriously funny ya knows!!! we were all laughing like cuhrazy..
i won't talk about the other subjects. ohkay for music, vice principal came in. and we were 15 minutes late. awesome... then we did jingles and idents. won't bother to explain. okay then we went home!!
it was raining. and i found out that i lost my umbrella. well, it dropped outta my bag. how pathetic! so dana and i shared wu yan's umbrella. wu yan and her friend shared her friend's. and my TPC bag was like seriously heavy... hard to walk with!! oh yeah. i found out my lock is full of white rabbit sweet ''leftovers''. well how do i say that. okay so the wrapper, somehow, opened up and my lock is full of it.
okay reached home, then had SPAGHETTI!!!! and then used my awesomeawesomeawesome TPC, and i had a little nap. and then went for music class. which was quite ohkay today. won't say fun, cuz it never is, but at least i could play quite well. okay know ... we-ell, that's basically about it. KAY THEN, I GOTTA GO READ. SEEEEE YAAAA! for now, peace out.
[p.s. CONGRATS, NEYAA!! got third for 8x50m. it's quite good yeah? KEEP IT UP!! IMPROVE!!! to get second place next year!! first is for PANKHURST!! ^^]
[p.p.s. <--- is that how you write it? ahhh whatever... umm arch, MEET WHERE?!? i duhwann library lehhs!!]
Money, money, MONEY!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 @ 10:40 AM
now imma talk about yesterday and today? yesterday ... what happened arh?! -asks wuyan who's beside me- SHE DOESN'T KNOW AS WELL D:. ohohoh!!! i remember!!! hahahahahh. ummm three lessons only, geog, EL SCEP and D&T :Dso actually nothing much 'bout geog... just did some group work.. then LS CEP... just went through some stuff for the {GRADED} assignment O: and then there was cyber-wellness. UGH that mr sunir came in D: not Mr Rupert. i wann mr rupert ! and the lesson was overall, VERY bohring. like half the time, we were doing quizzes and reflection.. doing through quiz... I'M A CYBER SAINT :D well, half of the class is. mehh.
okay ummm aft's er that it was D&T. so duh i partnered TeeVee? and ummm like we started on our stand. the stand to put the souvenir. so we learnt to cut the plastic [whooooomgsh seriously cool!!] hahahahahh. when we cut right, the thing would keep vibrating and my hand would go all numb!!
then you know the machine, when it's cut, would produce... that powdery stuff? so i kept it. like a lot of it. inside a plastic bag. cuz the colours are so pretty!! so yeahh.. then colleceted A LOT. but then when we were supposed to clear up, MR YEO SAW. then he grabbed the bag from me D: and dumped it in the trash can D: BUT. i took it out ^^ secretly. SHHHH!!
hahahaah. then lunch. then assembly... natata nutella bee hoon's daddy came for the assembly thing. HAHAH! then it's like, her dad went ''being a father of two - in fact my daughter is somewhere in this hall..'' then everyone pointed to natasha. then the whole school started screaming. ROFL. sheesh.
choir time!!! we did sectionals for like... the whole time. till 5.45. and choir ended at 6. HEEEH! ;D ohkay so Alto2s meaning the sec 1-3s, well some of them, went to Mini Forum for practice. actually most of the time we were just talktalktalking. then they were all talking about like, the sec 2 overseas CIP trip.. then when Mr Tan came out from the staffroom, we pretended to sing. well we did sing, then when he went back, we all started talking again ^^"
okay that's all. now it's WEDNESDAY :D ummm i forgot what happened lerh [i started this buhlog entry on wednesday.. but i'm writing this on friday] ohh ohh ohh! PE. then it was raining, so it's like, we did lotsa rounds of shuttle run. sian mannn! my blister BROKE. well yeah then the skin came off... it was like. seriously pain Dx sheeesh. after that... sit ups. i did 27. wei ning too.
then there was SIT AND REACH *screams* i loveeeee it!!! cuz i can score *winks* so i got.. the third highest score in class? SI SI GOT HIGHEST. 50 marlene got second highest.. 47. i got? 46. SHEEESH!! she's just more flexible.. well. IF I TRAIN, MARLENE, I TELL YOU I'LL BEAT YOU!! mwahahahaahahhh! ._. i'm going cuhrazy.
okay ummm HMT... forgot what we did... ummm COMM ARTS. literature was bohring. COMM ARTS, THE POETRY SLAMM!!! eeeeeeek!! I LOVE IT!! we got to write our own poem in groups today. so each group was given a newspaper article. not exactly article... it was just some random cut out of a part on the newspaper. we got.. MONEYY. so we sat down, and i started blabbering some nonsensical stuff that didn't even make sense, and whatever i said, they wrote down. so my nonsense saves the day? ..
Disclaimer: we're not money minded, kay?!
POEM TITLE : Money, money, money!!
Money, money, money
Comes in 2,
5, 10 dollar notes.
Money, money, money
Comes in 10, 20, 50 cent coins.
"hmmm.." you say when you smell that note
"ewww..." for those
metallic-smelling coins.
as much as you deny,
you know that you love
cuz when you hold the money
you say..
{Repeat first 4 lines}
i lovelovelove the poem!! actually, i blabbered all of the above. then they edited it. whatever..
THEN WE WENT HOME. there was no homework :D hehehehh! i chatchatchatted on the phone ... and yeah. went on the TPC.. but didn't bother to buhlog? sheeesh. kay then. supposed to be listening to science. BYE.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 @ 6:56 AM
i'm posting about yesterday in school nowwws:D okay so about yesterday. not as fun as i e.. it was quite fun? but not as fun as expected... maybe my expectations are too high._." whatever.so yesterday... i just came to school... and was chiong-ing the jian bao and science cuz i didn't know how to do... i mean jian bao i didn't do the ju zi thing : yeah. so i was doing it.. then at 7:05am.. i went with Jeanne down to the parade square. to find that we didn't have to sing :D!
okay so went down for assembly.. so i partnered joleen... and teevee was sitting behind D: sohrie teevee!! we-ell then there was some bohring stuff. prize giving. *groans* and it went on and on and on ... never actually stopped ... like softball, then netball, then something else?! honestly, it was BOHRING. i was trying to stay awake. desperately. no luh. i was talking to joleen and teevee.
then ummm... ohkay. so everyone was saying "OOOOOH SO CUTEE!!" which was seriously weird considering the fact that i'm not, and yeahh.. okay so we went back to class... had maths. did some bar graph thingy.. and i was chatting with teevee so m uch that when Mr Teo was halfway through already, i hadn't opened the worksheet :P and when i opened... i continued chatting... then when Mr Teo asked me a question i was like *blinkblink* whattt?
heh! after that it was recess.. some stuff happened... that i'm not allowed to tell :X but it was... dramatic... and then there was comm arts. nothing to say.. cuz it was BOHRINGG!
highlight of the day, GET-TO-KNOW-YOU SESSION :D hahahah so 8 of us.. wu yan, yu qing, teevee, marianne, pavithra, athena, marlene and i went to the counselling room. and then we met the counsellor, then we talktalktalked... and we playplayplayed... so we all had one card of which there was a question... then we had to answer it. mine was ''what is your favourite movie and why?"
so it's definitely confessions of a shopaholic AND valentine's day. i've not watched valentines day duhh.. but for the fact that i love taylor swift? :D okay i won't talk about other questions... cuz we're not allowed..
OKAY. then blahblahblah... and we went home :D i talked to e stuff that we wanted to talk about, SHE AH TO arch on the phone for 2 hours you know!!! hahaahhh! pffffft. before we could even talk about the stuff that we wanted to talk about, SHE HAD TO GO! D: like, we were just at the fun part, but.. -groans-
at night.. it was BOHRING i tell you. so yeah. that's all? kayyyybyeeee!!s
Sunday, March 7, 2010 @ 2:04 PM
arch says i look like a FISHBALL D: because of my hair D: ARCH!! so mean D: never mind. ohkay umm.. i found out my bangs are actually reeeeeally long already? WHICH MEANS I CAN'T LET IT DOWN FOR SCHOOL!! just hoping it's cuz i just bathed. then it gets reeeeeally straight and long. but when it dries hopefully it won't be that long anymore?ohkay ummm nothing much to talk about... cuz yesterday and today, nothing much happened.. i can't wait for tomorrow:D not cuz of my bangs.. well maybe partly? but i can skip ms sim's lesson:D to go for the get-to-know-you thing. with the school councellor. and 7 other friends. lalalah~ IT WOULD BE AWESOME:D ohkay..
ummm... currently doing my homework ... i have not started on the phrase book and portfolio thingy for english!! i'll chiong it next week(:
ooooh. i still remember yesterday, i went to buy bubble tea... then i walked one whole round... like past the carpark.. then bookshop.. shop and save... to get to 7-11 hehh^^ " cuz i thought i would be buying sweets at shop and save.. but in the end i decided to go 7-11 instead. cuz the people there are FRIENDLIER. blah. kayy then. BYE.
Saturday, March 6, 2010 @ 8:59 PM
Lalalalalah~... I GOT MY BANGS:D yayyyy!! hahahahahh. i look weird though. WHATEVER:D:D:D hahaahh. this was just a random post._." well. i still have ONE more piece of homework!! AHH. kayy then. see ya.Just awesomness... and suckiness
Friday, March 5, 2010 @ 7:03 AM
hai? HAIIIII:D ohkay. so. umm. i am fully aware that i've not posted for 3 days. three. pathetic. days. oh whatever. now i shall start :DWEDNESDAY
ummm we went to the the the the the.. CIVIC DISTRICT:D ummm for our learning journey. so i partnered none other than... WU YAN! hahahahahh. ohkay i won't talk about the stuff that happened in the morning.. OH WAIT I'LL TALK ABOUT IT. cyber-wellness:D:D hahah. this guy called rupert came in. he's really nice. funny. awesome:D:D hahahah. then he was like sharing his life stories... in the past, people used to call him rupert the pervert ... sad thing. and they held a family meeting just cuz his cousin, pearl, posted pictures on facebook! isn't that partly what facebook is all about
so never mind... we went on the trip:D and then we were like, at the front... at the hall. cuz we went up earlier. so we got the back seats:D:D hahah. then ummm.. we zi pai a lot:D hahah.
so we reached.. then we went to see a lotta monuments or what are they called? yeah. "Our Glorious Dead" O.O -shivers- then ummm zi pai a lot of course:D hahaahh. i zi pai-ed with a lotta people :D:D i'm so proud ^^" yeah..
then umm.. cannonball flower!! hahahahh. so we got to see the tree.. and i grabbed two flowers from the ground. but then in the end i didn't keep any of them. you see, the first one, petals dropped. well. then michelle umm.. STEPPED AND KILLED THEM!! D:D: then 5 more dropped. for 3 of them, we VIDEOTAPED. and it's like.. a group of people killed the petals. but we gave a proper burial:D:D we taped the burial. which included feet fighting between teevee and marlene ^^" hahahaa!
after that the petals for the second flower dropped as well.. so i just threw it. ohkay.. we went to the singapore river.. near it. then whenever a boat passed by, like the duck whatever.. we all shouted HAIII!! like, the whole class. then we waved... and they waved back! hahaa ahh! tourists are so cute. in the.. wavy way.
theennn.. we visited the asian civilizations museum ... then yeahh... BeeHoon tour guide told stories.. which are so cool. though i can't remember a single one... hahahaahh ... ummm then after that we went out and had ICE CWEAMMMM:D:D yummmyummm:D:D i had bluebewwy wipple. then we got a picture of us eating ice cweam!!
ohkay. then we did some other stuff.. and umm it was time to go D: good thing is, the bus would be late by like... half an hour O: but that's a good thing because we[1S1] could take a class photo, and yeah.
here it is :D:D can see me?? second last row.. beside wu yan. BUT I BET YOU WOULD RECOGNISE ME BEFORE YOU RECOGNISE HER :DD [ right now when i'm typing this wu yan's killing me:] ohkay. after this... something really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really scary happened S: seriously.. and umm.. i'm not allowed to tell.. according to the teacher... so i shan't talk about it:D 1S1ers know. BUT YOU GUYS SHUSH, KAY?
then i went home._." and the day ended luh.
yesterday... nothing much happened really. like umm.. just cyber wellness? hahahah. so i tell you! the whole day was SO. BOHRING, i was eagerly waiting for cyber wellness... UGH... cuz another guy who doesn't even know what the name of this laptop i'm using came in._." mr sunir. whatever. then blah blah blah... bohring stuff. very, very bohring. then umm... yeah.. he's a police officer.. who does all that internet crimes stuff.. blah. bohring to THE CORE.
that's today:D:D YAYYY! TOMORROW I'M GETTING BANGS!! bahahahahahhh! just at ghim moh... s'ohkay cuz i really want them NOW. so countdown from the time i'm writing this... approximately 19more hours? i. will. live:D so anyway... lemme talk about today. it was actually quite horrible..
so umm in the morning we had.. assembly? umm yeah so we were told to like... bring our TPCs and science stuff down for assembly cuz we'd need to go to the physics lab later.. and i duhnno why but i brought my TPC and not my science stuff. ugh ugh ugh. so umm after assembly i dragged marlene along with me while i trusted natasha with my TPC. i mean she went to the physics lab first..
then when we reached class we found out that we had science in class:D hahahah. so we just stayed there. then umm.. bohring stuff.. and i was called on again. then i KEPT SAYING THE ANSWER... and she was like 'I CAN'T HEAR A SINGLE THING.' wth? is she deaf or WHAT. then i said POOR ABSORBER.. POOR. ABSORBER. then she was like 'WHAT?!?' ... right. go for a checkup puhlease..
integrated curriculum. ms sim came in, horrible. ohkay tell me if i should delete this neya.. but for now, i shall talk about it. so, we were in our groups... doing our work.. then suddenly a.. robin? flew and perched on the window sill.. and then it was injured!! poor thing.. so we called ms sim.. and GUESS WHAT? she like, grabbed it, then sorta.. chased it? OUT! .. i'm not talking bad about teachers and blah blah blah.. but yeah.
then... umm.. neya didn't bring her PUB bill.. cuz it wasn't here yet.. then athena told the teacher... and umm ms sim scolded her in front of the class so bad.. and said she was being irresponsible and what nonsense... and made neya ... cry... and nobody around her bothered to console her. which is seriously WHAT. THE. HECK. after that she told neya to go to the front of the class to speak to her... and yeah. so teevee, natasha, me.. and some others tried to console her.
she, of course, started laughing all the way through recess. like cuz SHE WAS BEING SERIOUSLY FUNNY AS WELL :D:D so umm we were at the canteen.. and then teevee.. i duhnno why, started laughing so bad. then as she was about to explain ... neya let out a HUGE AND LOUD burp._." then all of us started laughing like cuhrazy... and yeah i was having ice longan.. but i just fell then lay on the floor then laughed my head off.
umm then maths.. nothing much.. just that funnyfunnyfunny wu yan named the bar graphs wuyan and yongqing. weirdness. AND WE GOT DISMISSED AT 1PM!!!!! AWESOMNESS:D:D andandand today, wuyan followed marlene and i!!!! AWESOMEEE. we were playing throughout the whole bus ride.
ohkay. that's all now. later there's music class.. ugh ugh ugh!!! so i shall sleep now first.. then after that wake up... perhaps LATE:D seeee yaaaa
I want them NOW.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010 @ 9:53 PM
I FREAKING CAN'T GET MY BANGS TODAY. WTHWTHWTHWTHWTHWTH?!?!?NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my dad said no. I WANNNN MY BANGS NOWWWW!!! i might have to wait until SATURDAY!! nooooo! i've been waiting for TWO WHOLE WEEKS. supposed to cut on sunday as i told you, AND NOW IT'S DRAGGING FOR ANOTHER WEEK? CAN KILL!!i'm really impatient, yes i got that fact. but honestly. i'm sick and tired of having a fringe, but NOT BEING ABLE TO LET IT DOWN. so having bangs... i can brush them to one side... SIDE BANGS. hahah. which is actually almost the same as what i have now... just that I CAN LET THEM DOWN. gahh... ugh whatever luhhs. i'll survive... NOT. CUZ MY MATHS RESULTS WILL BE OUT ON THURSDAY/FRIDAY. THEN I'LL FAIL, SO IT'LL MEAN... ANGRY-NESS? NO CUTTING OF BANGS??? ugh.
@ 12:52 PM
hellloooooo:D i'm in school... as you SHOULD know if your IQ is above 70. maybe. but whatever.currently listening to The Other Side Of The Door.. with Natasha!! and yeah. natasha, i read your blog. SORRY!! i didn't meeeeeean itttt D: don't hate meeeee D:
gah whatever. OOOOOOH teevee's playing taylor swift songs :D hahahah. i'm singing along to The Other Side Of The Door though. love story? teardrops on my guitar? uh.. rather not.
now. ummm it's supposed to be science now? but MS AZRINA ISN'T HERE :D YAYYYY! soooo everyone's using their TPCs. and you know.. doing all the facebooking... blogging... etc. :D:D hahah. ummm so we're actually supposed to be doing the Carbon Footprint thing. but apparently, no one is bothering to do so. well, can't blame them. cuz WHO DOES WORK WHEN THEY CAN PLAY? :D
omgshwthroflol. i'm left with 23 minutes. better end this post if not my TPC will die on meee!! hahaahhh. kayys then. SEE YAAA :D
I didn't post. Soooo?
Monday, March 1, 2010 @ 6:53 PM
sorry for not posting... hey by the way.. :D:Di'm upset. the tests in crescent are so freak hard. apparently, i got like. B1 for CHINESE. hello? c-h-i-n-e-s-e which is supposedly my BEST subject. oh, so what'll become of my other subjects? FAIL? thanks a LOT. but whatever, imma show you that that's the FINAL time imma get so freak LOW.
or maybe not? gahhhh. whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever, however, IMMA GET BETTER GRADES NEXT TERM :D look forward to it ;D but whatever. imma talk about my... few days. and NO, in case you're wondering, i don't get punishment for not posting^^
horribleness! nows. i know in school i posted and said there would be FITT run.. blah blah blah. but nope, no FITT run:D hahah. instead we had this horrible talk on umm.. TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY SKILLS. yeah, i totally wanna know more >.> we-ell.. we had to sit according to FREAK index numbers, and oh how HAPPY i was when i found out i was without a partner!
i had to freaking sit alone during the whole talk which made my wanting-to-sleepness WAYYY WORSE. i tell you, like, a million times worse. so there were.. a million teachers standing/sitting behind me... and i was practically falling to one side.. lucky i didn't actually doze off (#o#)zZz
okay then after that blah blah blah and blah blah blah happened... and then science. at the faraday lab^^ so over at our table, we were all rushing to memorise notes for geography. cuz after that it was the test. and ummm... yeah.. like the oceans.. continents.. where they are.. etc. and OOOH i can remember the 10 countries River Nile flows through!!! hhahaaahh. according to BEEESTRUCK, they are - Burundi, Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Congo and Kenya.
AWESOMENESS:D hahahahh no luhh. okay after that, DISGUSTING geography test, which i'm sure to fail. i tell you, a HUNDRED percent imma fail. because i got 6 marks minused on the first page [misreading of continents!] and umm the second page? HELLO? explanation?! which, for one question, i had no time to finish describing the differences!!
okay. umm there was music class...when i went, i was late by 5minutes. cuz it was raining. and i got my Gap sandals wet!!! D: okay so lesson was just like how it always is.. desperately waiting for it to finish... then i rushed home.. and bathed.. then we went to Swensen's! hahah.my elder brother treated us to dinner:D and umm.. i had penne? plus strawberry sparkling water. of which they gave a very... unique name. Sweet as Berries? oh... kay... eeeeeesh yeap. that's all for that day..
so on saturday... umm my mom flew to Malaysia D: part leisure part business. so she [by now] has climbed Mt. Kinabalu!! hahahah. however you spell that. and ummm... so i followed my dad and younger brother to my brother's class? julia gabriel:D and umm.. when my younger brother was having class, my dad and i shopped:D uhh.. for random stuff luh.
so .. like how my dad ALWAYS is.. he was like, rushing off to someplace all the time.. brisk walked. eeeeesh. i forgot where we went.. OH YEAH. we wet Borders. to get BOOKS for MEE! so i got two books. one's Hush Hush by Becca Fitz_____ or whatever her name is. then the second is How Mircy stole the Elephant by______. maybe it isn't Mircy. yeah it isn't but i don't care.
after that we went to Kinokuniya... shopped around a bit.. then went to buy Pretzels at Auntie Anne's. cuz i was really hungry and afterwords we were going to my aunt's house. so i bought 3. two for me, one for my younger brother. seeeeeee i'm so nice to my younger brother :D
okay. we went to Toast Box. at Wisma. or is it another .. shop. yeah and i had ice milo. i love their ice milo! i love Killiney's and Ya Kun's as well. this kinda shops'. yeeeeeah. and um.. my dad and i shared peanut butter toast? well i just had it cuz i was seriously hungry and no outside food was allowed... yeah.
then we rushed back to fetch my younger brother.. and took a cab to Jurong East to collect our car. at 5.. approx, we went to my aunt's. then read.. used TPC, then ummm had dinner, then
went to the airport cuz my cousin had to go overseas to study. GERMANY WORHH! hahaahh. so at the airport, i had another cup of ice milo [YUMYUM:D] and i read my book[Hush Hush] and we sent her off... and we went home:D
yesterday.. umm i was kinda forced by my granny to go to ... HER relative's house. and my dad was actually gonna bring me to the hairdresser's... well.. yeah.. never mind. but there wasn't any internet connection. brought my TPC for nothing. so i just continued with Hush Hush. yeah. nothing much.
ummm... start of.. Special Week? yeah. stupid bohring lessons. that's maths. then for science.. MS AZRINA WASN'T HERE:D:D and Mr Tan took over. i wish he were our science teacher. he's reeeeeeeeally good. and funny... yeah. then we did that Potassium[however you spell that] thingy experiment.. and Pavithra burnt the beaker xD well no luhh. just got soot all over it. then uhh.. we accidentally dumped the whole chunk of Po.. Taaa... Sium into the beaker. and we had to redo.
geog? just a stupid running around the school in our groups and taking temperatures.. trying to read maps. gahhh. then we didn't know how to read.. so got SeeMin senior to help us. hahahahahahhh... yeah. then we were like.. late?and ms sim was SO bad as to say 'very good' when we did it wrong. cuz? SHE HAD A BAD EXAMPLED TO SHOW THE CLASS. trying to demoralize us is it? THANKS.
yeah that's about it.. so bye.
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