So. what shall I type in here?
Wednesday, June 30, 2010 @ 2:28 PM
heyyyy - from marlene's house:D lalalalah~i"m sleepy
@ 6:57 AM
i feel deprived of my sleep. i said i'd sleep at 10.30 plus. ended up sleeping one hour later. ARGH! ): now i'm like damn tired! LUCKY SCHOOL ENDS EARLY:Dcurrently obsessed over Somebody to Love by Justin Bieb. i lovelovelove the songgg. omggg! ):
Ohhhhh ohoooooo
For you i’d write a syphoney!
I’d tell the violin
It’s time to sink a swim
Watchn’ play for yaaaa!
For you i’d be
But in a thousand miles just get you where you are
Step to the beat of my heart.
I don’t need a whole lot
But for you I need I
I’d rather give you the world
Or we can share mine!
I know that I won’t be the first one given you all this attention
But Baby listen,
I just need somebody to love
I don’t need to much
Just need Somebody to love.
(just need sombody to love)
I don’t need nothing else,
I promise girl I swear.
I just need somebody to love.
(I need somebody I-I need somebody
I need somebody I-I need somebody)
Everyday I bring the sun around,
I sleep away the clouds.
Smile for me (Smile for me)
I would take,
Every second,
Every single time spend it like my last dime.
Step to the beat of my heart.
I don’t need a whole lot
But for you I need I
I’d rather give you the world
Or we can share mine!
I know I won’t be the first one,
Given you all this attention.
Baby listen!
I just need somebody to love,
I don’t need nothing else,
I promise girl I swear.
I just need somebody to love.
(Repeat 2)
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody,
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody.
(Somebody to loooove, somebody to looove.)
I just need somebody to love.
And you can have it all,
Anything you want.
I can bring you, give you,
The finer things yeah!
But what I really want,
I can’t find ’cause,
Money can’t find me.
Somebody to love.
Ohhhhh Whoaaaa
Find me somebody to love oohhh.
I need somebody to love,
I-I don’t need to much
Just somebody to love.
Somebody to love.
I don’t need nothing else,
I promise girl I swear,
I just need somebody to love.
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody,
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody.
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody,
I need somebody,
(I swear I just need somebody to love)
I-I need somebody.
Oh Oh.
I just need somebody to love.
i don't know if the lyrics are correct. i just copypaste-d. :D
oh heck my battery just died on me D:!
Disappointment. Whatever,
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 @ 10:20 PM
ahhh well. didn't get in CrezAwards. didn't expect to anw:/ but winny got in!:D hahah. she's prooo[though she denies it]
bleah. stu-piack judges lahh. they were smiling like ANYTHING and it totally got my hopes up. but oh well.... should've known better.
it's not your fault teevee. i don't blame you for anything. it's my singing that's horrible(: don't emo don't emo *snaps fingers* :D
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now i'm emo-ing._. for a different reason.
home econs was DISGUSTINGLY WEIRD today... but heyyy next week we're COOKINGGGG! :D *does random dance around the room*
IT'S 10:30 AND I SAID I WAS SLEEPY AND I'M NOT SLEEPING O: i've not even packed my bag yet... oh dear me.
finished packing! i feel so accomplished^^
now i shall go sleep. like, ONLY FOR TODAY, it's late already._. cuz i'm seriously TIREDDD. eeeee i smell FATS. if you can smell them. ^^"
heck i'm side tracking.
I've run out of titles.
Monday, June 28, 2010 @ 2:34 PM
that worker at my void deck is scary. he keeps staring/glaring at me like he's gonna eat me up >.<"he knows which level i live in. cuz i took the lift up...
ahhh): i hope they can finish their job earlier so they can leave this place and i can stop letting my imagination run wild. like seriouslyyy...
i'm just thinking too much yeah? :D
Boredom in class!
@ 12:51 PM
bo-o-ru-wo , na-ge-re-ba ha-ne-ka-e-ru , yo-na , so-n-na , ma-bu-shi , so-ra-ni na-ru-to---
totally love the soprano 1 part for the first part of ant's summer! ((:
okay met our history teacher today (: MR JOSEPH THAM! :D:D
teehee. and he's real FUNNEYYY^^ we're lucky. very, very lucky.
okay now it's science... but the teacher ain't here. the weird/awesome/horrible teacher we're supposed to meet today. sadly...
okay i'm bored!!!! ):):):
eating chocolate~! secretly. SHHHHHHHH!:D michelle gave it(: THANK YOU MICHELLE!(:
nahh it's not michelle's fault. ---> to marlene.
ehh dam mean leh D: qing ish evil. litter all over the place. so now she go and throw. LOL. i hack into the com!! ----------> to qing from marlene:D:D
i never litter okay. it just DROPPED from my SKIRT. oh heck my skirt if full of chocolate now. stop gloating(: ------> to marlene.
and teevee and marlene don't get any:D:D:D BWAH. HA. HA. HA...
to be continued...
Photos of trip!
Sunday, June 27, 2010 @ 2:51 PM
these pictures are in order of happening!(:alto 2 in singapore, before flight(: they said i look like a doll):
HAHAH cheryl, winny and i were sleeping in the same position, after 1.5hrs of snakes and ladders xD
cheryl and i(:
alto 2 at museum!
hana and i(: HAHA HANA. you're pretty!!
avenue of the stars~ hana and i posing^^
winny's hand): tsktsk.
i'm still wondering who took this. and HEYYY HANA WAS SMILING!
we had to duck a LOT of branches. like THIS.
fishy fishy!
lee kuan yew!(:(:
einstein! HAHA
HAUNTED HOUSE. hahahah mrs lim. -Ghost scares her- she goes:"OOOOOOOH" -runs to catch up with others- HAHAHAHAH.
hana secretly took a picture of mrs lim xDD
elizabeth and i(: love this photo! look at our food!
Elizabeth and i with the WIZARD!
us with STITCH!!:D:D:D ain't he CUTE?
Alto 2!
PILLOW FIGHT! with Elizabeth. xDD
Elizabeth and i with my squeaky ear-ed mickeyyy!
Elizabeth and i in the plane! we were sitting together:D
♥ these photos ttm!
Disneyland day. In "detail".
Friday, June 25, 2010 @ 11:59 PM
lemme just talk about yesterday? okay.well woke up at i forgot what time.. and like always, winny sang th wakeup call song to wake me up after i couldn't hear the wakeup call.. like always. but well she always does the picking up of the phone .. so oh well(:
okay. like always[so i don't have to repeat every pathetic thing that happened everyday] we banged on the wall... where the two rooms [hana's&cheryl's plus winny's&mine] join. and they'd hit back. blahblahblah.. yeah, you get me(:
okay. had breakfast at New York New York, and had omelet[detailed, yes i know].
then in the bus, had to do like warm ups and stuff. but basically i was just sleeping.
went to take photos first. BAH. mrs lim had to stand next to me... Dx and i was PUSHED by a VERY NICE TEACHER(:
well the teachers took a HELL long time to get the tickets and stuff. wasted our time... then we went in to the lockers? and the other people took a really long time to get the stuff into the lockers. so our section had to wait for a seriously long time[cuz we shared one locker, HK$60!].
yeah, we had half an hour before we got to the lockers. by the time everyone got their stuff in, we had? 15 minutes left. oh AWESOME._. so we just went into some weird store.
cheryl and i saw stitch capsules. and we immediately freaked out and went to look for the cute ones we saw in the display cabinet thing. after lots of digging and stuff, we eventually found them!
we threw them back later on.
because we thought that 1 for S$3 was a tad too expensive. soooo... we just gave up on those cute figurines...
LUNCH! at uh. that tomorrow land restaurant place. forgot the name. had fish burger! actually all of us did. the whole section. HAHAHAH I LOVE LUNCHING WITH ALTO2. laughlaughlaugh. jokejokejoke. niceeee.
uhhh after that had to go change. cheryl, hana and i... HAHAHAH. AHAHAHAHHA. nothing lah. we just shared the handicap blah cubicle. we were desperately trying to finish faster. hahahah. and desperately trying to zip up one another's gowns and keep our clothes and stuff. bleh.
makeup... Dx then the whole section was done[go A2!] and we went out... bleh that uncle william.
then blahblahblah and blahblahblah... then we went out. to perform.
HECK CAN. it was horrible Dx and my legs. woah. they almost died on me. blehblehbleh. i wont go into details for this.
after everything we went back to the bus[FINALLY] and i sat with elizabeth and then they presented this weird thing and we found out we have to go on stage on monday/tuesday to receive certificates._. EEEEEE don't want):
went to lockers after that... i had a hard time walking. for a certain distance i walked barefooted. SERIOUSLY IT SUCKED OKAY.
went to toilet to change and then i found i had a blister. which broke.
then played in disneyland for the rest of the day. won't go into details. just shopped most of the time. bought a little baby mickey with squeaky ears.
watched fireworks.
went back to hotel.
yes partying was better than disneyland crap ya know. and HEYYY winny was prankcalling. well hana and emily. HAHAHAH. then we had a "massage" session and stuff. in the end i slept at 3am. everything was mixed up... yeah.
@ 9:12 PM
-CRIES- ohhhhh my goshh): i officially miss th trip to HongKong.. it was so darn nice i tell you!!bonded with my seniors(: mostly elizabeth. hahaha she's real nice:D our section keeps saying we look like sisters. uhhh.
i can't really be bothered to post about th trip. people will get jealous anyways:DD
i took lots of photos. uhrm .. gonna post them on facebook soon i guess? uh huh.
ahyahhh. in short,
i wanna relive th HongKong trip again. it's like as if i just reached yesterday then today i'm already at home. heck.
uhhhh. disneyland performance caused a blister. but shopping and riding and eating and playing and bonding and laughing[i almost cried laughing] with alto 2 is never a thing to be sad about. IT WAS SO SOOOO FUN. and i slept at 3 last night, talking and laughing like crazy till we all fell asleep.
elizabeth and emily and winny slept at my room, cheryl and hana and i slept at cheryl and hana's room. heh. elizabeth and emily ran in th morning, after hana, cheryl and i told them to, to pick up th morning call. if not they'd know we slept over.
hey they knew we slept really little and they didn't care!
ohgosh. i've not bathed yet.
Saturday, June 19, 2010 @ 9:04 PM
oooooh o.o i bought 4 magazines(:1. Tiger Beat
2. Seventeen Singapore
3. Cleo
4. Teenage
i love th first 2. especially number SEVENTEEN SINGAPORE!!
and this issue, Ashley Greene ish on th cover!
Tiger Beat has Justin B. and TAYLOR SWIFT and SELENA GOMEZ and TAYLOR L. posters! plus Big Time Rush[never heard.] and -vomits- Miley C.
and Teenage has Adam L poster. my junior would LOVE it. OOH it even comes with this Garnier blahblahblah thing o.o
Cleo .. uh .. Vanessa Hudgens on th cover...
ahyahhh. anw i just bought these magazines to read in HK. but i've like finished reading th first two. whutever. re-read lorhs.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. i got $44 court shoes. as in, th black coloured weirdweird kind with heels. like -vomitsblood- seriously. but i like th sound:D cuz heels marh. then it has that nicenice sound.
idk why but i can't wait for monday:D i like going to th airport. duhnno why though.. heh. i just hope i don't get severe motion sickness. like th other time when i was on th flight back to singapore from hokkaido. i felt like puking ):
AHHHH disneyland:D performing there:D with makeup and court shoes and gown D: buying stuff.. ^^" PLAYING ON TH RIDES:DDD *happyhappy* roller coaster..
that's probably whut WuYan would say. or scream, as a matter of fact. but that's exactly whut i thought when i got on it in P3
right now one thing to focus on : packing.
guess whut, my clothes are in heaps of MESS. like my cupboard = DISASTER. seriously. i can't find my stuff. bleh.
Th shortest post.
@ 2:15 PM
YAYYYYY BHAHAHAHAHAHA no more homework lerhh^^omgsh i just started blogging.
and i have to go for PIANO GROUP LESSON.
Piano. Argh.
Thursday, June 17, 2010 @ 10:38 PM
YAYY:D i've finished half my si han. and right now i'm left with
- half a si han
- half a maths worksheet
-one full maths notes + worksheets inside [ bleh, can die derh i tell you. ]
th former two ish ohkayyy. but omgg! one FULL maths notes[which includes examples, practices blahblah] PLUS that damn pathetic worksheets that i gotta doooooo! D:< -crumplesworksheetandthrowsaway- well. nah. later i gotta print again. no thanks.
ARGH I AM PROCRASTINATING AGAINN. gotta finish up my uh lovelyyy si han and get my butt on my bed.
holey sheet i just realised i've not freaking practised piano for th whole week.
diediedie. diediedie. diediedie. diediedie. HOWWWW?
ohmygoshhh. my SCALES. they are as bad as .. as .. NEVER MIND.
my pieces are ohkay but if i don't practise they are as good as fly sheet.
right now, off to do si han[ain't that bad, really:D]
Hit counterrrr
@ 9:06 PM
DON'T .. NOT VISIT MY BLOG JUST CUZ THERE'S THAT COUNTER THING PWEEEEEASE! *goes on knees and begs* :D beeeeee nicee!(:heh. uhrm. why th heck am i here when i'm supposed to be finishing up my chinese compo ):< bleh. th THOUGHT of it makes me shiver. si han somemore): can die writing two MORE pages of si han can? that ish like. a million lines x15/16 words. yeah): pathetic.
ohkayyyy. off to try to finish that PATHETIC si han + maths worksheet[left half!!!]. but i utterly hate those maths notes dammit.
kayyy buaiii
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 @ 12:20 PM
london choco roll , london choco roll ,
奶香choco味 ,双重口美味 ,
london choco roll , 香浓又美味 ,
choco roll , choco roll ,
london choco rolllllllll~
gosh. i am gonna FAIL LS CEP. damndamndamn. sighhhh. i live a wretched life. and i gotta deal with it till i die. yay.
uhhhhhh. after this post i'm gonna go take a nap for about 20minutes.. and then start on my homework. hopefully, i can finish all, if not most today. like ALL my chinese homework + maths worksheet + english novel writing thing. that's my target. if not.. just chinese and english will do. i'll finish maths tomorrow then.
ohkay uhrm. todaye i got drenched in th rain? yeah cuz i was running to catch th pathetic bus. then there was like a flood or something and a hell lot of water. sho my shoes and feet and all were wet:/ ehhh.. th umbrella was too small and i didn't hold it properly since i was running so.. you get me.
intensive training was uhrm. ohkay barh? valetta and jia hui were there.. then all i had to do was sing "ahhhhh" after th warm ups... if you ask me whether it helped.. i guess a little. at least now i don't have to wonder how th heck i'm supposed to like sing th pathetic songs. yay?
idk why. but i wanna go for choir tomorrow .. well maybe it's cuz now that i've "bonded" with my seniors, they seem, well, nicer? yeah. and we talk more. sho sectionals are fun. therefore i've decided i'm going back after my dental appointment:D
heh. i like poking elizabeth.
I can't stop them from coming
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 @ 10:13 PM
ouch.Avoidance. Idon'tgiveadamn.
@ 8:19 PM
Hot N' Cold by Katy Perry ish a GREAT song about opposites^^--
6 pieces of homework left. i'm gonna rush 'em tomorrow:D right now, i'll just slack a lill[actually, i've been doing that th whole hols. but whutever:D] after a long and "tiring" day of choir(:
basically, today all i did during sectionals was BONDD. with my senior(s). mainly Elizabeth. hahahaha i never used to talk to her. duhnno why suddenly talk sho much! from 9:40am - 11:40am talked non-stop. heh. eh well, we didn't really do sectionals.
sho when we broke for sectionals, we were supposed to go giga jam, but we stayed in th seminar room and winny was like "let's sleep!" and well, we started lying on th floor or on another's shoulders. teehee. you should've seen how epic it was.
and after that half of Alto2 went to dry their socks and shoes and skirts and all.. that's how we started talking.
i had SUSHI and MOSS BURGER for lunchhhh! YAYYYY:D took th train with sandra and brenda to Tiong Bahru and bought th stuff. ahhhhhh, veh fun.
then went back to th canteen and i saw marlene and SHE STARTED HITTING ME AND "massaging" ME WHICH WAS SERIOUSLY PAINNNN D:
well i already SAID that i thought it was 12th and not 13th sho i didn't wish her happy birthday! bleh. and she hit me, poked me, squished me.. pain.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. CHOIR WAS FUN. basically cuz now i'm more well... sociable with my alto 2 maties. and winny seriously made me laugh like crazy can. that RAT. oh my gosh. rebonded its whiskers. made it do th dance. made it do warm ups. braided its whiskers. ROFL.
th talk was ohkay. i'm rooming with Winny. how am i gonna sleep while laughing? she's sure to make me go crazy lah. in th. funny way. sighhhh.
oh and wth. we have to wear th frigging SCHOOL TEE to th AIRPORT. duhwann lehh! i wanna wear my OWN CLOTHES. bleh.
uhhh yeah. gonna go take a nap now. choir th whole dayyyy! tired. kay buaiii
marlene, you don't know how much i envy you. though to you it's nothing.
No time for regrets, no more looking back.
Monday, June 14, 2010 @ 9:14 PM
it feels like it was th best dream ever.. then i suddenly got sucked back into reality, th harsh world.well i wish it were a dream.. at least i wouldn't have to suffer now.. comparing whut it was then.. and whut it is now. and getting random mini heart attacks at certain times. and.. th difference? like a comparison between heaven and hell.
it's seriously hell now. and if i had a wish without being able to ask for more wishes, i'd wish i didn't have to suffer this kind of hell anymore. or that i could actually know whut was going on, in th first place.
now, it seriously makes me wonder if whut happened two months ago was just whut happened in my dreams, and well it did happen when i was about to sleep. AND if whut happened afterwards was just.. an illusion maybe? how'd i know?
or maybe, just maybe, i was being deceived? and i was too gullible to believe exactly whut i was being told? there's a possibility, ya know. a huge one, at that.
whutever happened after that, was it lie after lie? trying to make me wholeheartedly believe whut was said that night? and it was till th extent a lot would be given up just for that sake? but why? would it make one happy to see someone else suffer this bad? whut is th reason behind this?
if i could just be told exactly whut is going on right now, whut is happening around me, i'd be content.
right now. i'm clueless.
i've got many questions, zero answers.
Checkup. Uhh.
Saturday, June 12, 2010 @ 10:37 PM
goshhhhhh. i feel sickkk. i AM sickkk. back/waist painn. dizzy spells. tummyache. yayyyyy._.went for a.. uhrm.. checkup? today. it was weird... th doctor TICKLED my FEET. with that thingyyy. and he hit me DD: i squished his fingers:D i pushed his hand back. yayyyy:D teehee.
zai jiannn.:D
Raindrops Are Falling On My Head
Friday, June 11, 2010 @ 9:03 AM
sometimes oldies are better than current kinds of songs. for th fact that they make more sense. and have a meaning in them. unlike songs like poker face, tik tok.. i don't see whut they're trying to portray. seriously.that's why i love th song "Raindrops Keep/Are Falling On My Head" it's got a nice tune.. plus it's got a meaning. (:
raindrops are falling on my head---
and just like th guy whose feet are too big for his bed
nothing seems to fit
those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling
so i just did me some talking to th sun
and i said i didn't like th way he got things done
sleeping on th job
those raindrops are flaling on my head, they keep falling
but there's one thing i know
the blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
it won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me
raindrops are falling on my head
but that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red
crying's not for me
cause i'm never gonna stop th rain by complaining
because i'm free, nothing's worrying me
it won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me
raindrops are falling on my head
but that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red
crying's not for me
cause i'm never gonna stop th rain by complaining
because i'm free, nothing's worrying me
BANGBANG:D just got back from piano. had bubble tea (Y) peach red tea^^
ohmygodohmygodohmygod. teevee sent in th application forms for CrezAwards. i'm doing th song My Love - Westlife with her! yayyyy!
currently left with : 8 homework. sighhhhhhh. i seriously don't wanna do luhhhhhh. maths: omgsh brain dead. english: cannot think of a book. chinese: my hand will be veh PAIN.
seeeeeeeeee? ): left with next week to do. damndamndamn.
resolution: finish 2-4 pieces of homework today.
impossible pretty much:/ OOH OOH OOH:D:D:D i'll finish 2english[poems] and 1maths.:D:D:D kayyyyy. i'll do that.. ... .. in th afternoon^^"
yawwnn. woke up at.. 8+. tired cannn. going to sleeeeeeeep:D SHHHHH! buaii(:
Thursday, June 10, 2010 @ 10:21 PM
sighhhhhh.. i'm getting to know more and more HenryParkers. and they are real nice. how i wish i could relive th HenryPark days with still knowing my current friends, then LIFE'D BE SHO MUCH BETTER. ):yeah):
I still have 8pieces of homework.
@ 6:58 PM
you are a jerk. a jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk.typed every single one of that to show my hatred.
i had a weird dream last night. i dreamt that i received a golden retriever for my birthday or something. then i tried to buy th biggest cage[weird.] for it/him/her. and th cage it came in was veh small and his snout or something got stuck in between th metal bars ): i'm still wondering why it came in a CAGE . that was too SMALL for it. evil people.
then i kept making sure th doggy had space to move around in when i took it out with me. I'M STILL WONDERING WHY IT WAS IN A CAGE! and not. like. walking._. ..
today my granny made me drink this soup thing with some weird stuff which ish supposed to be good for blood circulation or blood pressure or something. well that's not th point. th point ish, IT TASTED HORRIBLE. i literally gulped it all down. and drank water after that:/ other than that i had wanton noodles^^
th whole day i felt like short of breath.
uhrm. then i went for choir. sectionals.. nth much. lunchtime! went to tiong bahru with section friends and bought mcdonalds/long john silvers/mos burger stuff and went backkk to school to eat. i had it upsizeddd~ CUZ I BOUGHT MCSPICY AND IT'S VEH SPICEHH. sho i need more coke. i didn't bring my water bottle[anw it's not enough to get rid of th spicyspicyhothot feeling in my mouth]. AND I GOT A FREE COKE GLASS which ish vehveh cute^^ it's on volleyball i think o.o BUT ANW IT'S PINK:D [dang th colour thingy doesn't have pink l:]
talked and all that with sandra and hana and ateateate. lucky i got it upsizeddd~ it was just nice(: when i finished th burger i finished th drink too^^ ohkay i'm being lame here. moving onnn~
1 burger
1 upsized coke
2/3 upsized fries[1/3 went to hana's tummy]
1 green tea.
ahyohyoh. i eat too much. BUT I AM STILL UNDERWEIGHT.
anwww~ we learnt YOU RAISE ME UPPPPPPPP! yayy! it's vehveh nice i tell youuuu:D especially when combined. wahhhh that effect 令人 blahblahblahblah. rofl. duhnno th cheng yu:P
and this other song which ish like so nice lahh!(: but i still prefer you raise me up:3 ohkay sho i just realised that we're gonna sing a hell lot of songs D:
1.why we sing
2. virita criosa
3. salve regina
4. joiku
5. ant's summer
6. paru parong bukid
7. 大海啊!故乡
8. you raise me up
other than th 2nd and 3rd songs, th rest are NICE:D ! -applauds-
th best thing ish that th ending song ish AWESHUM:D:D
next week, monday, tuesday and thursday there's choir from 9am-4.30pm. then wednesday there's intensive training one-to-one from 10am-10.30am. WANNA KILL ME IS IT D:
lalalalalah~ omg i've not started on homework. DIEDIEDIE D:
never mind. i will start... TOMORROW. ohkay i'll try doing maths today.. grumblegrumble):
kay thennn.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010 @ 10:09 PM
raindrops keep falling on my head,
just like th guy whose feet are too big for his head
nothing seems to fit
raindrops are falling on my head they keep falling
so i just did me some talking to th sun
and i said i didn't like th way he got things done
sleeping on th job
raindrops are falling on my head they keep falling ;
cuz, i can join TWO items for crezawards!
one with marlene, sally, wuyan.
another with teevee.
oh gosh i'm sho happy i'm going lame.
nvm. baiii!
Monday, June 7, 2010 @ 4:13 PM
hahah overreaction lahhs. well it's my first time fainting. and it felt veh weird. and horrible Dx like one moment i was singing, th next moment everyone was surrounding me and i was on th floor.
kay sho it was a typical bohring choir session, with th teacher blabbering about.. and us just following her and singing th parts.. then all of a sudden, i felt seriously nauseous. like my head was spinning, and i felt like vomiting. i was thinking "this ish whut michelle said it'd feel like before fainting. cool. i guess i'll just vomit soon. whutever." i didn't really expect myself to faint. DURING CHOIR.
sho i was bearing with it, singing.. then suddenly i couldn't even sing. i was thinking "nahhh it'll go away. just bear!" yeah. but suddenly everything was blurry. i couldn't see properly and my head hurt a lot. like someone was trying to squash it.
then i found myself on th floor O: ohkay sho actually i could feel myself hit th ground. i just didn't know whut it was. then my head was still vehveh painnn! then i tried to open my eyes but i couldn't. somehow:/ i could hear everyone going "YONGQING ARE YOU OHKAYYY?" or "WAKE UPPPPP!!!" then i could feel myself being moved. sho i was lying like. straight?
mrs lim told someone to loosen my skirt[i found my skirt unbuttoned or unhooked when i went home. lucky th zip wasn't down and i was wearing PE shorts]. like O_O
kay anywayyy~ eventually i could open my eyes! then everyone was like "HEYY SHE'S WOKEN UP" and stuff. then they were like "you ohkay? you need to go home? you wanna sit on th chair?" bomarding me with questions, in short. then nicenice Yong Fong gave me a mentos sweet(: and mrs lim got me to sit on th chair. and everyone was staring at me. as if i were an alien.
after that th comm members were like "Mr Tan wants you to go home(: and he wants you to contact your parents. can call now?" sho i called and i didn't know whut to say, sho RuiTing senior helped mee~ and my dad asked her to call for a cab and send me home. and get my granny to go down and wait for me.
i ended up having to wait for like 10-15 minutes for Ms Seow. who didn't come. sho Grace and Su-Ann brought me to th G.O. kay Su-Ann just had to go lahhs(: then they were talking about how Emily alsho fainted but was worse off, cuz she bit her lip and didn't realise it.
uhrm. th cab came. and i felt really giddy on th way home. i thought i was gonna faint again O: but no lahh(:
$8.30. SHO EX RIGHT. it was actualy $5.30 then $3 added. i guess that was cuz Ms Seow called or booked or whutever it ish.
my granny was like "go get more sleep! go eat something! come i apply oil! you ohkay or not!" hahahhahhahah she was literally freaking out.
kay then. WOAHHH this post ish quite long. ROFL. but yeahhhh~ i just went into detail. (: ohkayyy. i shall go sleep a while i guess:/ for th sake of sleeping.
I am backkk!
Sunday, June 6, 2010 @ 11:28 PM
I seriously detest those people who become Singaporeans for th sake of getting privileges[like not having to apply for visas, or PRs wanting to pay lesser school fees]. or in other words, love th privileges of being a Singaporean[$$$?], and not Singapore for what she is.but i love being Singaporean for many reasons!(: kay i'm being too. whutever. NEVER MIND.
from malaysia!(: and i can say it was quite nice. other than th toilets.. and transportation[basically, no public transport. took a taxi everywhere we went]
i drank very little water. cuz i was afraid i would need th toilet halfway. and it's not that th toilets are veh disgusting or whutever. it's just that they are all squat toilets. and i detest squat toilets a LOT. for th fact that my legs suffer. AND another reason.. (:
to aby: misuderstanding tyvm. it's resolved(:
to wuyan: you broke my heart): BY REJECTING ME xDD anywayy. we might get in, don't worry lahhs! (:
yeah. i shall update about my uhrm trip tomorrow. for th fun of it(:
yawwnn. right now i shall go SLEEP(:
I don't have a title!
Thursday, June 3, 2010 @ 4:03 PM
nobody would care if i died anyway..--
i just felt like uploading:/
ahh well.
I believe in love at first sight. I don’t kill bugs.[my dad does] I’ve failed a test. I’ve seen a shooting star. I have brown eyes. I like to sleep. I don’t take compliments well. I love Winnie the Pooh. I own a lot of DVDs. I can’t live without music. I’m scared of snakes. I’m not allergic to anything[i'm allergic to floor detergent:/] . I like apples. I’ve been on a plane. I’m more of a talker than a listener. I have siblings. I’m a perfectionist. I wish my life was a musical. My ears are pierced[newly pierced!]. I like techno music. I think I’m a good person. I’ve had surgery. I bite my nails. I like sunny days. I watch Hannah Montana. I don’t like chocolate. I’m a health freak. I’ve been kissed in the rain. I love to dress up. I like neon colors. I believe in God. I read fanfiction. My razor is blue. I own a lot of stuffed animals. I’ve had sex on the first date. I’ve seen the Northern Lights. My toenails are painted. I’ve been in love. I always do my homework. I’ve had a crush on someone of the same gender. I’ve cried myself to sleep before. I can speak more than three languages. I’ve accidentally caught something on fire. My toothbrush is green. I’ve laughed out loud today. I’m a student. I’ve smoked weed. I can do the splits. I drink coffee. I have a driver’s licence. I have dated my best friend’s ex. I am currently in my pajamas. I would rather swim in the ocean than a lake. I cry easily. I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger. I’ve been called a slut. I have scars. I love my friends. I’ve had braces[correction, i HAVE braces]. I’m online 24/7. I like sushi. I live in a small town. I often hide my emotions. I have read a Jane Austen novel. I have long hair. I love to shop. I like being the center of attention. I’ve seen my favorite movie more than ten times. I’m sarcastic. I’m picky about grammar. I am a morning person. I’ve been to Africa. I’ve hugged a stranger. I worry too much. I read the labels on the shampoo bottle. I’m wearing a black shirt. I’m an excellent cook. I love scary movies. I have been to over five countries. I’m a dreamer. I have freckles. I am currently in a relationship. My favorite song makes me cry. I use “lol” in real-life conversations. I am shy around the opposite sex. I went to camp as a kid. I have gotten stitches. I’ve fallen asleep in class. I like pizza. I would consider living abroad. I love Disney movies. I have a tattoo. I’ve run a red light. I wear contact lenses. I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed. My biological parents are still together. I have more than two piercings. I open up to others too easily. I’ve consumed alcohol. I am left-handed. I’ve had a crush on someone of the opposite gender. I’ve skipped an entire day of school. I believe in ghosts. I’ve been skiing. I’m addicted to Facebook. I feel strongly about equal rights. I shower every day. I can play a musical instrument. I am happy with my life. I have been cheated on. I have danced in the rain. I would rather take the picture than be in the picture. My days are fast-paced. I sleep on my side. I can’t dive without plugging my nose. I am a television addict. I’ve kissed someone and regretted it. I believe in Santa Claus. I’ve been in a play. I nap a lot. I have low self-esteem. I have many regrets. I read for fun. I’ve participated in a snowball fight. I’m good at remembering faces. I have ran into a glass/screen door. I use my fingers to do simple math. I bite my lip when I’m nervous. I have a good singing voice. I swear a lot. I’ve been in a fist fight. I’ve had my heart broken. I’m prone to getting colds. I have betrayed a friend. I’m stubborn. I wish I could fly. I have had a dream come true. I believe in myself.
i think i've not finished packing up for later. awww damn..
ignore th complaints. why am i complaining sho much. i should be happy i can go! (:
my granny just helped me put on a pure white gold necklace (: it has a little angel on it. sho nicee! it shall be my lucky charm(:
i'm gonna sleep with my bolster later.
I don't like this box.
@ 11:04 AM
leaving for Malaysia tonight(: till sunday that ish. veh short i know.. but at least i get to go an unwind a little(: some people don't even get to go out D:but well, staying at home sometimes ish a good thing.
just that i'd rather go overseas for now. since marlene and wuyan aren't free to sms/talk. one's overseas and th other in camp. urgh): sho yeah. at least overseas there's something for me to do(:
I WANNA BRING BOTH MY BOLSTER AND MY SOFT TOY COW[belles]! but my mom said only one of th two ish allowed. sho i shall bring my bolster[it's really small xD] since belles has a seriously huge hole on her butt and 1/4 of her right leg ish coming out): don't worry belles! th hole won't be there for long(:
uhrm. i survived yesterday's choir practice? yeahh. valetta was being seriously mean lahh. "ALTO 2 SLs STEPR OUT NOW!" then made them do 20 pushups. Grace argued and all that.. in th end, they had to do 5 rounds around th school. like wth!
but yeah. brenda and i are too anti social. DURING CHOIR. seriously that's th only time i can't be bothered to "socialize". if you see me in class, it's a totally different thing.
idk whut to blog about now.
nvm. i'll just end off here. buaiiis:D
Tuesday, June 1, 2010 @ 5:59 PM
choir wasn't sho bad(: teehee. cuz mrslim was not here muh. YAYY! teehee. anyways. choir was epic. vehveh epic. funneh and stuff like that!(:lemme talk about yesterday first. yesterday i went to WUYAN'S house! with marmar. marmar's mom fetched us. and uhrm in th lift up, she pressed th button, then halfway up th guy in th same lift was like "you're going to th __th level right? you didn't press(:" we were like O.O then idk why, laughed like crazy. when we left marmar actually said bye to him._. and he ACTUALLY said bye back! with a smile. then i was like "uhrm bye..." and left...
her house veh nice ya know! teehee. we were posing at th front door after we rang th doorbell. then she opened th door and fell backwards O.O teehee anyways. sho we went to 参观 her house.. and all that. th bathroom mat says "出入平安" hahahah. maybe they are afraid th person who goes in might fall down :/ idk.
we spent more time taking pictures than actually doing th CrezAwards thing. no lah. uhrm. like we spent half an house taking pictures. an hour playing a fool. like going on msn too. talked to someoneee~... oops :/ BUT NUU IT WAS VEH FUN CANN! hahhhahha. i spilled green tea on th floor >< but i cleaned and wiped it till it SHONE[eh, is there such a word?] anw.
yupp. this ish only one of th MANY photos we took. anyway, th smiles of ours were kept there for 10 seconds. you know th 10seconds timer thing. yeah. we did that for all th photos we took together.
it was raining when we left. slight drizzle. OOH i forgot my bottle and umbrella when we left :/ went all th way back up to get it again.. to find that my umbrella couldn't open D: sho, i used marleney's. hahahahahah.
i think we scared th person in th same lift as us :/
anyways. marlene tripped and fell Dx on her butt. as always.
yeahhhh. got home at 7.20.. made up lots of excuses. well some were true(:
mmhm. todaye's choir was average.. sho yeah nth to say lerhs. buaiii.
[p.s. if you're reading this WuYan and Marlene, 我不会不开心啊!我反而开心得不得了! :D and yesh i will try. this small thing ain't worth my tears. or my time. it was, but now i've thought it over. shall listen to th teacher on that piece of advice "indirectly given to ME." 放心吧!]
Choir?! CHOIR?!
@ 12:04 PM
TT choir todaye. wtfreakkk! going in about 15-20minutes. worh bu yaooo! tomorrow there's choir. th day after tomorrow there's choir. next monday there's choir. next tuesday there's choir. and a few more practices. 9x3 = 27hrs of mrs lim. -BawlsMyEyesOut-never mind.
i've got loads of issues. marlene's tired of them xDD
argh. better go pack up now. choir starts at ONE. ends at FOUR. yayyy TT
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