Friday, December 31, 2010 @ 5:45 PM
When I grow up, I'll make sure that my granny gets whatever she wants, and I'll make her the happiest granny who has ever lived. Mark my words.Thursday, December 30, 2010 @ 8:33 PM
I got in Council. I GOT IN COUNCIL. I ACTUALLY GOT IN COUNCIL!! I wanna cry lerhs :')It was a really long story but like, yeah I got in :D:D
Just that there's a part of it which was kinda... :/ yeah.
But sill. Yeah kbye.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 @ 5:53 PM
1. jian bao3. zuo wen
4. movie review
6. movie poster
7. clay marble
8. math
So, I'm left with ONE jian bao, clay marble and copying of math. Not bad luh huh. (:
@ 2:20 PM
Tomorrow's THE day. I really hope I can get in... :/@Wu Yan: LOL, no it's okay, eyy you're a reallyreally awesome friend! DONT SAY THAT LUH. I just didn't exactly show it or whatever... Sorry I didn't reply a lot yesterday x(
Tuesday, December 28, 2010 @ 10:30 PM
Today's Council Retreat was fun (: I mean, well I sort of bonded with my batchies. :D now I know almost everyone that came. EHEHEHE :DAnd the games were plain awesome! (Y) Ahahas, water games and stuff related to bursting and popping balloons. They were so freaking fun.
& apparently I'm a pro at blowing ping pong balls from one bowl into another. :D:D
I wish I went yesterday... LOL but if I did I wouldnt get some of my homework done, right? (:
Oh gosh. On Thursday the Sec 2 Councillors next year[meaning my batch] must go back to school from 9-11 to get the results of who got in Council/who didnt. And isn't it damn embarrassing if you don't get in and watch the others as they scream in happiness?
Furthermore I'm most likely one of the 10 people who didn't get in :/ I mean I'm not saying this so people can come comfort me, no. I'm saying this cuz I mean it! I didn't contribute during the stuff [plainly because I didn't DARE to speak] and it's like they take in LEADERS and not, well, people who act guai and sit there doing nothing.
@ 10:25 PM
Please pardon those days where I suddenly don't feel like talking to anyone & everyone on my list, no matter who it is ><It just happens... I mean there are certain days where I only feel like going on the computer for the sake of playing a random 1-minute game continuously for like, a few hours or something. And then proceed on to do homework.
LOL of course I'll make an effort if you're my closie (: okay well I'll either respond waaayyy slower, or just tell you straight... Yeahhh...
& btw, today is just one of those days...
Maybe it has something to do with me being tired. Not sure :/
Monday, December 27, 2010 @ 9:47 AM
"Knight gave the driver fell to his death bike" - what's that. Seriously? HAHA.
"The world's largest crane 25, electrical machinery dance" - uhm, a dance. Yay.
These are just like, two of the 2398457 articles that have ridiculously translated English. AHAHA is it typical Singaporean stuff or WHAT.
:D I finished my zuo wen.
Okay anyways. So did I mention that on Saturday I died!?
I mean, NOT literally. Okay so I went out with my dad and brother and LIKE ALWAYS, I was craving for a certain kind of food...
That day I was craving for some spicy soup kinda thing. And therefore we went to the food court in Raffles Place.
THERE WAS TOMYAM SOUP! And so my dad was like, okay, buy lorh. So he helped me buy...
IN THE END IT WAS SO FREAKING HUUUGE. I mean the serving. Yknow steamboat? YEAH THAT HUGE. I almost died drinking it T-T
Hahaha okay but anyway, of course in the end I didn't finish it, well if I could I'd be going for some sort of eating marathon. Butbutbut my point is, NOW I'M SCARED OF SPICY SOUPS T-T bleh I drank the whole thing without rice[plainly because I refused]. & now it's *regrets* . Sigh. xD
My dad ain't working today! :D and so I woke up at like 7.30[mum was in the room and all] and then I was like. I'M HUNGRY. So my dad got me to go to the hawker centre with him~ and I had... SPICY FISHBALL NOODLES. /cries
It was spicy ttvm okay. I didnt finish like, a bit of it. :3 okay I know I wasted food but, AT LEAST I FINISHED THE FISHBALLS AND FISHCAKES AND NON-SPICY SOUP :D
Sunday, December 26, 2010 @ 10:02 PM
Ariel is just so cute! AHHHHHH SHE IS CUTE TTM OKAAAYS.Ahahaha almost done with zuowen. Gonna move on to jian bao.
Okay screwed up plans. xD
@ 2:30 PM
I do not know how happy I am to have finished si han. & hey, it's a record! TWO FULL FOOLSCAP PAPERS. The date of the thing was written on the LAST line of the SECOND foolscap. Oh gosh, I feel like crying :')HELLO!? BACK TO JIAN BAO!
@ 12:14 PM
Thank you very much. (:
@ 11:57 AM
Today, I was my blog's 5000th visitor :')Friday, December 24, 2010 @ 8:57 PM
1. jian bao2. zuo wen
3. si han
4. movie poster
5. book review
6. Clay Marble thing
That's all I've done? REALLY!?
Believe me, it's easier
@ 8:23 PM
Today was freaking awesome ♥ HAHA, lots of stuff happened. Weird stuff. But those are just iddy biddy things that, as a whole, made today way more interesting :DI AM TOO TIRED TO DO THIS SUPAH DETAILED POST, REALLY.
So for now, just a few main points:
- I saw our Council Mistress at Toys R Us. Woah, freaky.
- We did something "illegal". LOL JK. We dropped sushi[before paying] and we left 'em in between Coke bottles. :P
- We accidentally splashed this lady's legs/tights[which were already wet] and she totally gave that bitchy look.
- Yanyan and I exchanged Christmas prezzies. :D I GOT NERD SPECS. Or well, sorta.
- Basically, today was awesome.
Pictures on FB[or well, soon to be, at time of post.]. Kbye!
Thursday, December 23, 2010 @ 9:47 PM
Complicated. Really, really complicated. Sigh.@ 8:55 PM
YQ, just focus on your si han and zuo wen and jian bao kaaay? AIYAH, just finish all your chinese homework today! It will be (Y)! Jiayouhhhs!Something 'bout love that breaks your heart
@ 4:08 PM
Had a 3hr long nap & now I feel refreshed ^^*looks into mirror* GAAAH MY HAIR MY HAIR IT'S A MESS! *freaks out*
Okay so. Today I woke up & bathed etc and realised there was nothing to eat at home T-T & my dad was like "HURRY GO TO THE MARKET AND BUY SOMETHING! TAKE EXTRA MONEY!" so I was like going crazy all that, I WAS TALKING TO MYSELF *shocked*. & yeah in the end I was like halfway walking to the market but I decided that there was no time & I'd just skip breakfast. Okay I wanted to get something at Cheers.
In the bus Andriana[is that how you spell her name?] came on and when we alighted we were talking & all that so I didnt get breakfast :/
Went to the student lounge, got briefed, & I got my job. (: I didnt get classroom duty and I was kinda sad at first :/ butbutbut read on, read on :D
I GOT FOYER DUTY (Y) and I was with XinChen & a few other councillors whose names are still unbeknownst to me :D & so yeah~
HAHAHA XinChen & I were being evil and went to look for weird names on the namelist. But we didn't like laugh at them luh, we were just pointing them out. And I found that two of them have the same kind of "name format" as me. xDD *dances*
AND THEN. The parents and children started to stream in~ so XC and I were just sticking to each other like supah glue. Then we were supposed to like greet the parents and children and then ask - 1) "Would you like to check your daughter's class at the board over there? & 2) "Would you like me to help you check for you? May I know what your daughter's name is?".
Then AHAHAHA XC was like "EH YOU FIND NAMES VERY FAST!" *ego boost* okay yeah. So okay most of the parents either declined politely or accepted our help~ and that's okay. But there were a few that uh... Kind of were like, rude? I guess? THEY TREATED US LIKE TRANSPARENCY. & there was a certain parent who kinda pissed me off :/ I mean, we volunteered to help and she treated us like maids liddat. ):
So this whole thing continued... And we got asked questions and all that. The Sec 1s got sent to help whichever place needed help, and they told us to get to the hall first. So we were greeting and like helping the parents at the steps. Afterwards a teacher came to tell us to usher the standing parents to the empty seats in between~ So we did and we were trying to get some parents to move in so others could sit... YEAH. And we got lined extra chairs which got filled.
Then we were called to hand out the booklist. And some parents got really impatient and I was in charge of handing out for a certain two rows but the parent at the row behind kept raising his hand for one and getting pissed -.- bleh.
Afterwaaards we got out of the hall and we were stationed near the steps leading to the science rooms/parade square and we were told to tell the parents where the G block is. & we did not expect THAT many parents to ask xD
So then I was told to go to the steps leading to the canteen and then blahblahblah... Then XC came and we got approached by this lady who asked if there was an ATM in the school xDD HAHA. Yeah then we went downstairs after that.
Basically until break we were floating around~ and uhm, we were told to do "crowd control" at the bookshop. Little did we know that "crowd control" included... Moving benches from the canteen to the bookshop... I was DYING while carrying the benches. LOL Mr Lim was like "EH NEED THIRD PERSON HELP OR NOT?" lulz I forgot what else he said but it was damn funny xD
OKay afterwards we floated around somemore and got approached by random parents and had funny encounters. Loads of them. AND I SAW TERSHENNE. AHAHAHA SHE'S COMING TO CRESCENT! Sorry. Okay there were other Henry Parkers but I only recognise her xD
We went to the canteen. And we chionged to drinks stall when we found that the others were having a drink. PEACH TEA! It was like HEAVEN literally. xD oh then we slacked for like 10 minutes and we started walking around, and then within 10 minutes a senior councillor approached us & told us to gogogogo eat xD so I ate until I was damn fullllll!!
AFTERWARDS WE ASKED IF WE COULD GO AND YES THEY SAID YES. 11.40AM ONLY! Ehehehe so we went off and... Down the slope 111 came & I ran like crazy.
THE BUS DRIVER WAITED FOR MEEEE! I guess he saw me running like a madwoman or something. AHAHA HE'S SO NICE. When I went up he was like "aiyohhh, catch a bus only what. I will wait one, dont need to run so fast!" AHAHA.
And then yeah I got a stomachache because I ran with a full stomach -.-
I reached and I rang the bell, to find that...
My younger brother was at home and the padlock was like. Locked. AND THEN IT'S LIKE, I DONT HAVE THE FREAKING KEYS! My elder brother just went overseas and DID NOT GIVE THEM BACK T-T so yeah, I gave my brother my bag and I called my dad and my awesome dad told me to go walk along the Shop & Save area where my granny might be talking to her friends...
ALAS, SHE WAS THERE! Yeah then I got the keys and I went back.
End of story. Merry Christmas.
@ 12:37 PM
I would give a full and detailed recount about Sec 1 Registration but right now, I need to catch up on my sleep -.-Imagine SUDDENLY having your sleep routine disrupted. Like, 12 hours, 12 hours, 12 hours and suddenly 4 hours. 1/3 of what I usually get! I NEED MY BEAUUUTY SLEEP AHAHA XD
Okay thing is, it was fun (: like, I met 2 new friends :D:D and LOL I found that XinChen is actually really nice. (: I think I like this better than I would like classroom duty...
With that being said, goodbye.
Creating wonder
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 @ 7:36 PM
Those days when you look down on yourself. Sitting alone wondering why you can’t be that straight A’s student. Wondering why you can’t be as pretty as other people. Wondering why you can’t be as classy and smart as other people. You wonder why you can’t be that child that always makes their parents proud. You wonder why whenever you look in the mirror all you see is flaws. Yet, there’s no answer? All you can think of is negative things about yourself. You can’t find anything beautiful about yourself, because whenever you look in the mirror all you see is a hideous monster.
Truth is, you’re just wasting your time living a sad life. To the point where you just forget about who accepts you for you. To yourself you’re a hideous monster, but to others you’re nothing what you describe. Having straight A’s doesn’t always mean you’re smart, no one was born with a perfect brain; people are smart because they actually try. You’ll have that forever alone moment because you think you can’t be as beautiful as others forgetting that there might be someone out there that accepts you. You don’t need to be smart or classy like other people, everyone is unique in one way or another. You don’t need a 00 body, or a person why big hips and boobs to look amazing. You don’t need to wear makeup to look beautiful. You don’t have to make anyone proud, you don’t live to phrase anyone.
Just do what’s best for yourself. Of course you’re going to see flaws on your face, every girl that washes their makeup off their face will all see flaws. You can’t find anything beautiful about yourself because you don’t look hard enough. You have to thank your parents and God for actually giving you a face with a pair of eyes, one nose, and a pair of lips.
Got this from Cheryl's blog. So true. (:
@ 7:30 PM
Hi, I would just like to make this clear.I absolutely DETEST it when someone suddenly says "hi" and then proceeds to ask about HOMEWORK. FREAKING. HOMEWORK.
Did you ask me if I wanna answer your freaking question? No.
Did you ask me if I wanna go get my answer script to answer your question? No.
Oh, so you think I'm bloody free all the time for you to bombard questions at.
Sadly, I'm sorry, I do not live to answer your math questions.
& also, I have other freaking things to do. Things that are wayyyy more interesting than grabbing my math homework to pinpoint the question & its answer.
I only entertain my closest friends who dont just say hi and ask those bloody questions.
When I close my eyes
@ 3:41 PM
Have you ever had to choose between two people? If so, how hard was it?-Yessss I haaaveeee. It was really hard. :/
Do you honestly have any regrets?
-Like, a lot. :/
Which is harder: Walking away from somebody you love or coming back to somebody who has hurt you?
-The former I guess.
Is it easier to pretend everything's okay for you?
-I try but I guess I always fail. xD
Do you want a well paying job or a job you like?
-The latter! A job that I like will mostmostMOST probs mean a well paying job anyways. *hinthint*
What does your hair look like right now?
- Really horrible. I just randomly grabbed a hairband got my fringe up. xD
When you say you don't care, do you mean it?
- Sometimes? 8D
Does anyone call you babe/baby?
Do you prefer pasta, salad, or coleslaw?
Did you reject or accept your last friend request?
Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you?
-LOL nope xD no one's allowed to come to muh house anyways. :3
Have you ever made someone walk on your back before?
-LOL nopenope x3 I'm not so evil kays.
Could you date someone taller than you?
-I want to date someone taller than me.
Do you wish someone would call you?
-Depends on who ^^
What are you doing tonight?
- ... Maybe... Attempting to finish si han and zuo wen? :D
Would you rather sleep for 3 days, or stay awake for 3 days?
-If it won't do me any harm, stay awake. (:
Would you date a 18 year old at the age you are now?
-... UNDERAGE HORH. And anyway no -.-
Do you think you're good enough for the person you like/love?
- O_O
Will this weekend be a good one?
Have you ever dated someone in jail?
Are you stressed out? If so, why?
When was the last time you felt like throwing up?
-A few days ago, can't exactly remember when.
Are you a patient person?
- LOL NO WAY. Anything but patient. (:
Do you like to cuddle?
- I haven't cuddled before...
Do you ignore people when you're mad/upset?
- Like, a lot.
Do you like the person you are becoming?
- NO.
Do you think too much or too little?
- Too much XD
Does it bother you when your friends bring up your past mistakes?
- Uh huh. :/
Does it bother you when people smoke around you?
- It bothers me like, a LOT.
Who is your favorite person to have long conversations with?
-Marl? Yanyan?
Has anybody ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
- Uh yeah LOL. Cuz of my eyelids. xD
Do you want to see someone this minute?
- Not really...
Are you happier now or five months ago?
- In July I wasn't really a happy girl.
Do you ever think "what if" about anything?
- Very bad habit.
Do you clean when you’re upset?
- When I'm upset I just lock myself up in the toilet and bawl my eyes out. :P
Are you nice to people you dislike?
- ... I try to hint to them that I dont really like them.
Was this summer a good one?
- It's summer all year round in Singapore.
Do you honestly miss someone?
- Kinda.
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
- Uhm, nope.
You receive $50 without any reason, what do you spend it on?
- Save 'em up. (:
Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?
- When I need to talk to someone... Yanyan.
What is wrong with you right now?
- I feel like sleeping though I woke up at 12. :/
Are you happy with life at the moment?
- Lulz kinda I guess.
Who was the last person who called you, other than family?
- Vicky. xD
How many people have you had strong feelings for in the year of 2009?
- Hmm.. Forgot liaos :P
Have you had any beer this week?
Does anyone disgust you?
- A few..
Is your best friend single?
- I've no best friends, but all my closest friends are single xD
Someone tells you that you're beautiful, you say?
- "Uh...thanks?" I'm not that good with compliments XDD
Are you a jealous person?
- Yes! So smart!
What do you usually do when you have a bad hair day?
- I've never had a bad hair day... But anyway I bathe before I go out so it's okay...
Do you get drunk every weekend?
When people say "I don't ever talk about anyone" do you believe it?
Who do you talk to most on the phone?
- I dont talk on the phone anymore :P
Is there anyone who will always have a place in your heart?
What are you listening to?
- The stupid rain T-T
Is anyone jealous of you?
- LOL I dont know.
Has anyone ever used you?
- Hopefully not...
Are you single?
- YES :D
Are you wearing jeans right now?
- White shorts (Y)
Do you feel uncomfortable easily?
- Kinda :/
Do you get angry, depressed or nervous more?
- The latter two.
Above the clouds
@ 12:39 PM
What are you superstitious about?-The thing about if it's not even cold out & you suddenly shiver, then there's a ghost somewhere~
What's the story behind one of your scars?
-There was once I felt really bad for doing something wrong & I didn't wanna tell anyone so I kept scratching my left hand until it bled, then I peeled the... Dried blood or something off, so TADAAA! The scar -.- [in K1 okay.] Oh that's my only scar btw. (:
What are three things that you would rather be doing right now?
-At Yanyan's house[though I just went yesterday xD] playing. DOING ZUO WEN/SI HAN. Eating[I'M HUNGRY T-T]
What do you do when you're bored?
-Blog. Listen to music. ;D
What's your favorite thing to do? Why?
-LOL I HAVE A LOT OF "FAVOURITE THINGS TO DO". They revolve around slacking so... :D
What do you do when you're lonely?
-My only "lonely" moments are when I'm on my way to meet someone, so I just listen to my iPod[WHICH SPOILEDDDDD!] or text/pretend to text people :P
How do you measure the passing of time in life?
-By the various events that happen in each year of my life :3
What would constitute "the perfectly lived day" for you?
-A day where everyone is happy, I laugh a lot & don't think of anything baaad. ~
If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you do in your final days?
-Spend all that time with my family and friends and write little letters all that... :D
How many of your friendships have lasted more than ten years? Which of your current friends do you feel will still be important to you ten years from now?
-Uhm, none. LOL. Uhm, a lot, I guess? NOT SURE ...
When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at?
-My eyes, then forehead, then teeth. xD
Who was the most recent person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
-Vicky... xD
What's your relationship with the person?
A friend? O_O
What did your last text message you received on your cell phone say?
-This question AGAIN? LOL. "Qing! Lets organise a shopping dayyy!! 4rd jan can? One -day before sch reopens (:" -Yanyan xDD
How would you "label" yourself?
-I refuse to label myself.
What was your favorite age that you've been?
-13? xD
What is your current wallpaper?
Why is it significant?
What was the last thing you said to someone that you'd like to take back?
-There's a lot.
If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to go backin time and fix all your mistakes which would you choose?
-Being able to go back in time.
Who is your big celebrity crush?
What is your vision of heaven and hell?
-Heaven will be a place where it's just like earth, just that we have other people to replace the people who havent died yet...
Hell would just be fire.
An angel
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 @ 8:49 PM
1. Who is your best girl friend?I do not have a best friend.
2. If someone were to tell you they like you right now, would you care?
Question: who?
3. Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
Nope. :/
4. Where did you last sleep other than your house?
5. Do you have a best friend?
-.- no!
6. Do you smoke?
EWWW NOOOOO! *disgusted*
7. Do you remember what you were like when you were a kid?
Laaame. & a bit too hyperactive. Eheheh :3
8. Can you vote for the next election?
UNDERAGE 8D and anyway even if I could I wouldnt. :)
9. What are you listening to?
Somethin' Bout Love - David Archuleta
10. When will your next kiss be?
11. Who do you want to see right now?
14. Do you date smart people?
15. Where were you at 2:02pm this afternoon?
16. What does the last text in your phone say?
Cant be bothered to check. But it's by Marlene. Something about Yanyan & her playing Miniclip. Tsk. xD
17. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
18. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
19. Who did you last eat with?
My granny and younger brother and daddy :D
20. Do you text a lot?
I used to. Now I just text like, a little~
21. How old will you be in 13 months?
Fourteeeeen :3
22. When is the last time you tattooed?
Oh, that would be like a month ago. Temporary derh :D kiddykiddy-ish x3
23. If you like that person will you talk about your feelings or hide them?
The latter (:
24. Do you wear glasses?
Uh, only when doing close work. But like, I dont wear 'em. I just dump them to one side. :3
25. What are you looking forward to in the next month?
In the next month uh. JUNIORS~ okay not exactly...
26. Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
100% nope.
27. What color shirt are you wearing?
28. Do you have a reason to smile right now?
29. If you won a lot of money on the lottery, what would you buy first?
I'd give some money to my parents and grandmothers, donate some to charity then save the rest~
30. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with? What was it about?
My elder brother. He was asking if he could borrow my Uniball Signo pens or something.
31. Who was driving the last car you were in?
My piano teacher's eldest daughter :D
32. Who was the last person that called you?
Forgot liaos :3
33. What are you craving right now?
34. What if you married the last person you kissed?
Nonononono, incest!
35. What are you excited about?
36. Ever kissed your number 1 on facebook?
Number 1? O_O
37. When was the last time you cried? And why?
The last time I cried... NOT GONNA ANNOUNCE DAMMIT.
38. Ever kissed someone who's name starts with an A?
39. Is there one person who can make you feel better no matter what?
Marlene/Yanyan 8D
40. Last person you hugged?
41. What were you doing at 2:00 am last night?
42. Have you cried today?
Noooooope ^^v
43. What bed did you sleep in last night?
My bed? O.O
44. Are you currently frustrated with a girl/guy?
45. Ever talked to someone that was high?
Of course! :D
46. Does it snow where you live?
47. When is the next time you will see your grandma?
When I walk out of this room I will see her -.-
48. Have you kissed or hugged someone today?
49. Will you be married in the next two years?
50. Have you ever wanted someone you thought that you couldn't have?
:P a lot. CELEB CRUSHES. Etc.
51. Are you in a relationship, single, complicated, married, or engaged?
Widowed T-T ... xD
52. How have you felt today?
Loner-ish. Bored. HAPPY. :D:D
53. Do you like your name?
54. Are you happy at the moment?
Neutral bahs?
55. What were you doing at 10:00pm last night?
Drawing :3
56. Last person who drove you somewhere (besides your parents)?
Piano teacher's daughterrrrr!
57. Ever kissed someone in a closet?
58. Do you live alone?
-.- NO.
59. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you can talk to?
60. Are you crazy?
In the non-literal sense. :3
61. Who was the last person to call you babe?
Urh, have I ever been called babe? Nope, dont think so.
62. How has this past week been for you?
63. Last thing you drank?
64. Do you believe that every thing happens for a reason?
I guess :/ Okay I believe "everyone around you is here for a reason" more I think.
65. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
Not... Really sure...
66. If you were reincarnated as a sea creature, what would you want to be?
67. What do you normally order when you're at McDonald's?
MCSPICEHHH MEAL UPSIZED :D [I like the name McFish better than Fish Fillet.]
68. Last thing you read?
The Lovely Bones (:
69. Describe your mood.
Tired T-T
70. Describe the last time you were injured?
Lessee. That'll have to be Musical Evening. My shoes just suddenly went loose-ish and then I tripped on the silver platform thing because my shoes like got, what. Stuck? And yeahhhh...
71. Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with?
72. Rock concert or symphony?
73. Do you like taking the MRT?
It's like, the only form of transport that wont get me a freaking headache.
74. If you could only use a form of transportation...
75. What's your favorite kind of cake?
76. Look 20 degrees to your left, what do you see?
The really old and screwed up computer XD
77. Do you untie your shoes when you take it off?
I'm still wondering why others dont :/
78. Do you buy your own groceries?
79. What's your favorite fruit?
Seedless purple grapes :3 I like rockmelon toos. :DD
80. Do you like running long distances?
81. Have you ever eaten snow?
82. What color are your bedsheets?
83. Do you hate someone very badly at this moment?
84. Do you watch Spongebob?
85. What temperature is it outside right now?
123456789 degrees Fahrenheit. :D
86. Do you consider yourself a smart person?
87. How many piercings do you have?
On my ears, one each (:
88. What language do you speak at home?
Broken chinese. Like, SINGLISH ♥
89. How do you feel about your family?
90. What time did you go to bed yesterday?
1++ 8D
91. What CD is currently in your CD player?
LOL I DONT USE CDs. Plus, it's my bay battery inside the slot thing. xD
92. What do you want for Christmas this year?
Nothing. ;D
93. Favorite ice-cream?
Strawberry Cheesecake (:
94. What's the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name?
95. Lastly, whats your favorite color?
Uhm, grey and pink. :3
Believe in you
Monday, December 20, 2010 @ 11:17 PM
What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?CADBURY BLACKFOREST EHEHEHEHEH 8D
What’s the last food item you touched?
PENCIL *spasms*
Who ticked you off last and why?
The maid who kept ringing the doorbell. I didn't open it. :D I was in my freaking pyjamaaaas! SO IT'S LIKE. I IGNORED HER. :C
What would you change about your special someone?
Spongebob is awesome. Nothing to change. :D
What is your worst habit?
Blabbering without thinking.
Do you make fun of people who are different than you?
No way! I'm not that mean.
What’s the best news you’ve gotten recently?
I can't remember... O:
The worst?
That I have to get to school by 7AM on Thursday. GAAAH.
You have $200 to blow…what do you spend it on?
Nothing. I'll save it up. :D
One month to live…What do you do?
Donate blood. Live like there's no tomorrow~
Who do you call first with any kind of news?
I dont call... I text? Uhm, Marlene and Yanyan bah.
And then you call?
No one else. 8D
Who knows the most about you?
Marlene & Dana & WuYan know practically every single thing about me.
What makes you absolutely livid?
O_O dk.
You can only have one makeup item, what is it?
What’s the last thing you dressed up for?
The stupid dress code dinner thing by my aunt.
What TV show are you embarrassed to admit you watch?
I dont watch porn.
What band you’re embarrassed to listen to?
What’s you’re favorite ice cream place and what do you get there?
When you’re in a store and see this person, you try to not get noticed?
Who's the person ._.
The dumbest thing you’ve done lately is…
I do the dumbest things daily so.. I'm not sure :/
The dumbest thing you’ve seen someone else do lately?
My friends do dumb things with me so idk xD
If someone gave you a coloring book and crayons you would…
Favorite Disney character?
STITCH! Eheheh I like Belles too.
Favorite Disney movie?
Uhm. I dont know which are Disney movies so yeah...
My dream dinner party would be with…
The awesomest food and my fav celebs and friends and family~
I would serve _____as the meal...
And after dinner ________…
Last thing someone bought for you?
Pencils and eraser and pens. My dad. :D
Someone pranks you…your first guess as to who it is?
The last person you called a name was?
How do you want to be remembered?
"SHE DIED FOR SIA!" eheheh :D
Comparisons are easily done~
@ 11:08 PM
I woke up at 2PM today! EHEHEH. It's like, I didn't actually wake up in between :D okay once where I tried to wake my brother up for my granny. But other than that, *O*Okay so the reason is SIMPLEEE. I stayed up till 3.10AM[what a nice timing] to text somebodeh. JDPZL. AHAHAHAHAHA I LOVE THOSE INITIALS. Ahem. Yeah. Continuinggg...
DID I EVER MENTION THAT I LOVE ICED TEH-O!? AHAHAHAHA :D [oh, pronounce O as Aw]. I absolutely heart it. :D:D
Sorry that was totally random. 8D BUT YEAH.
Ain't fair yknow
@ 10:58 PM
Finish this sentence:- The last person I kissed…
I forgot. It's been a long time since I last kissed anyone [ON THE CHEEK.] :P
- Do you read magazines, or just look at the pictures?
Oh I only read SEVENTEEN mag so I read them articles!
- Do you have any piercings, where are they?
Me ears :3
- What was the last movie you watched?
Night At The Museum 2. AHAHAHA the DVD. :D
- Who was the last person you went out to eat with?
Uhrm. My dad? Brothers? O_O
- Do you have a piggy bank that’s actually shaped like a pig?
- First thing you do when you wake up?
LESSEEEEE. I go back to sleep :P EHEHEH. I check my phone :DD
- What color did you last paint your nails?
Uhm, black. At Michelle's house. Heh. :D
- What’s your favorite color?
Grey or pink. Wait. BOTH :D
- Would you rather have a smoothie or milkshake?
- Do you like mexican food?
I just realised that I've never eaten Mexican food D:
- Are you a fan of iced coffee?
I only do chocolate latte frappe. (: Or anything similar (x
- Do you like your hair?
I know, I'm so vain right.
Ain't fair yknow
@ 10:58 PM
Finish this sentence:- The last person I kissed…
I forgot. It's been a long time since I last kissed anyone [ON THE CHEEK.] :P
- Do you read magazines, or just look at the pictures?
Oh I only read SEVENTEEN mag so I read them articles!
- Do you have any piercings, where are they?
Me ears :3
- What was the last movie you watched?
Night At The Museum 2. AHAHAHA the DVD. :D
- Who was the last person you went out to eat with?
Uhrm. My dad? Brothers? O_O
- Do you have a piggy bank that’s actually shaped like a pig?
- First thing you do when you wake up?
LESSEEEEE. I go back to sleep :P EHEHEH. I check my phone :DD
- What color did you last paint your nails?
Uhm, black. At Michelle's house. Heh. :D
- What’s your favorite color?
Grey or pink. Wait. BOTH :D
- Would you rather have a smoothie or milkshake?
- Do you like mexican food?
I just realised that I've never eaten Mexican food D:
- Are you a fan of iced coffee?
I only do chocolate latte frappe. (: Or anything similar (x
- Do you like your hair?
I know, I'm so vain right.
The stars lean down
Sunday, December 19, 2010 @ 7:34 PM
And then when I rewatched it I was really close to crying. Shtz.
Yknow, he's one of the only dudes I "know" that CAN FREAKING PULL OFF SKINNY JEAAANS!? & HE LOOKS AWESOME IN IT!
Sorry, overreaction. -.-
We are who we are
@ 3:50 PM
It's official. I fail at drawing. Yay.Before YanYan ate the cake.
After YanYan ate the cake.
No, proshits, I'm not laughing at you. xD I'm laughing at YanYan's expression. AHAHAHA.
Okay so my first cake baking experience. Hmm, I think it was not bad. Not bad at all!
OKAY SO FIRSTLY THE PROSHITS DIDN'T HAVE EGGS. Proshits = Michelle, Vicky and Marlene.
And so they added more butter. And only ONE egg.
Haha anyway during their baking thing, Danay and I were crushing oreos... The wrong way. We suggested using a blender but they didn't wanna. SO WE ENDED UP CRUSHING THEM WITH PLASTIC BAGS. AND OUR BARE HANDS.
It was like. "KILL IT. KILL IT. JUST KILL IT. DONT TORTURE IT!" LOL. And of course it turned out... O_O . Yeah.
Vanilla essence. Hershey's semi-sweet chocolate. Icing. These were the three ingredients chosen to make the sweetest little cake.
But. Professor Marlenily accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concotion-
Okay sorry I'm being too lame here.
So, as you see. In the end, the cake was too salty...
Afterwards, the noobshets decided to have a go at making a cake on their own. Noobshets = Dana, Wu Yan & me. And so we followed a certain recipe. They measured the flour, and sugar etc. Then they asked me to cut the butter. I SUCCEEDED. I ACTUALLY CUT BUTTER. YAY!
Uh, not the one in the bowl, the one on the mat. AHAHAHA FAILFAIL.
So this is what Dana and I started to do after we laughed so hard. Trying to scoop the egg yolk into the bowl. NO, WE ARE NOT DISGUSTING OR UNHYGIENIC. THE TABLE IS SUPAH CLEAN OKAAAAYS. ... I seriously cracked up. xD
Coughcough. Okay and then we started to mix the weird, slimy mixture.
Is it me or does Danay look guai-ish in the second photo? xDD and Danay was having like a little spasm in the former one.
If you move metal spoons during a picture, THEY WILL DISAPPEAR. *eyes sparkle*
Yeah. And we were having tons of fun doing this:
And then after like, half an hour of stirring and mixing and going bonkers, we started to pour it into the bowl with cling wrap. Did I mention how I love cling wrap? LOL.
So basically the convo between Dana and I during the whole pouring thing was:
D: POUR! *snaps picture*
D: OKAY POUR! *snaps picture*
... Well, you get it, don't you. (:
We then proceeded to BAKING it.
We spent like dk how long trying to bake it. Because the surface baked, the inside was still watery-ish. So it went something like this:
*presses* HURRY RUNRUNRUN! *hides in room*
HAHAHA. Former picture: the "cake" after it was being cut. And yknow the insides werent cooked so that's why it looks so... Well.. Mashed up. And latter: after we added HONEY into it. HAHA we added too much and we poured away some >< WASTE. XD
WE LET THE PROSHETS TRY AND THEY WERE LIKE O_______O *pukes* HAHAHA NAH JK. They were like. Riiight.
Uhm, THE UNCOOKED PART TASTED NICER. I mean, the liquidy part. & I got sick of eating it. Heh.
Kbye. Wow. This was a heck of a long post. o_o *spasms*
What you're worth
@ 1:15 PM
Answer honestly if you want the most accurate results.This quiz may not be very accurate because it is created for recreational purposes and different people have different perspectives. Having one trait doesn't mean anything, it's a series of them that creates the effect.
Do not be offended or affected by your results.
Have fun! :)
[ ] You hate most of the adults who tell you about what you should do (eg. teachers and parents).
[ ] You think that your parents should try to give you everything you want.
[ ] You are honestly not grateful to your parents for raising you up.
[ ] You think that your parents are not good enough.
[ ] You don't care about family time.
[ ] You don't care about your parents' feelings at all.
[ ] You complain when your needs are not attended to immediately.
[ ] You see no point in studying.
[ ] You like pink a lot.
[ ] You have many pink belongings.
TOTAL: [0/10]
[ ] You express your excitement over your favorite color.
[x] You have more than 5 close friends.
[x] You consider many people as your friends.
[ ] You will stand up for your friends, even if they're not necessarily correct.
[ ] You think that friends are a lot more important than family.
[x] You get angry at people often, yet you're still generally well-liked and have some or many friends.
[ ] You prefer going out in large groups (5 or more) than in small numbers.
[ ] You go out with your friends very often.
[x] You have a lot of clothes. [I think the cross here is expected by many xD]
[ ] You refuse to use/wear items that are considered obsolete.
TOTAL: [4/20]
[x] You have more than 4 pairs of shoes that you wear when going out. [lessee. Crocs, Papillo, Converse, *dont know the brand* pumps. This is strictly for my own reference only. LOL.]
[ ] You hate people who 'act cute'. [I wont tick or cross this because I've been told by a certain someone before that I do this. Idk :/]
[ ] You insult/ostracize people with bad english.[I'm only good at grammar.]
[ ] You like to put 'z' or 'x' after words. [Used to. xD]
[ ] You make a lot of noise in public without caring about other public users. [uhm, I dont know but. Maybe with friends? It's not that I dont care...]
[ ] You dislike the elderly.
[ ] You dislike young children.
[ ] You don't want to have any children.
[ ] You strongly insist that teenagers are different from kids.
[ ] You have at least 4 ex-boyfriends and you're below 21 years old.
TOTAL: [5/30]
[ ] You're very open-minded in terms of sexual issues. [AHAHA, definition of "sexual issues"?]
[x] You like to wear short shorts. [HELL YEAH :D]
[ ] You don't like to sit properly, especially because other people told you to do so.
[ ] You swear a lot.
[ ] You wear very short skirts in school.
[ ] You get into trouble with teachers a lot.
[ ] You add anyone who adds you on Facebook, whether or not you know or talk to them. [If there are more than 3 mutual friends, yes. (:]
[x] You like having many friends on Facebook. [LOL IT'S FUN.]
[x] You have at least 200 friends on Facebook.
[ ] You openly put information about yourself online.
TOTAL: [8/40]
[x] You uploaded at least 10 pictures of yourself online.
[ ] You like to put up a picture of yourself and claim to be ugly and wait for someone to tell you that you're pretty. [I will not tick/cross this because the reason why I used to claim I was ugly was because I seriously used to think so. ]
[ ] You dislike people who study a lot.
[x] You want/wear braces. [can I just tick/cross this? I mean, I USED TO.]
[ ] You want/wear contact lenses (applicable only if you're myopic).
[ ] You love taking pictures of yourself. [LOL I only do this with friends.]
[ ] You use a mobile phone camera to camwhore. [Uh, I use my camera to take pictures. :P okay well it's actually shared but I'm the one who uses it the most :P]
[ ] You use computers frequently (more than 10 hours a week) but you're not IT savvy.
[x] You like cheerleading/ you think that cheerleading is a sport. [the second option.]
[x] You hate sports (cheerleading is not counted). [I do like swimming though!]
TOTAL: [12/50]
[ ] You skip lessons/school activities with your friend(s).
[ ] You have long hair and pay a lot of attention to your hair. [I pay a lot of attention to my hair but I have SHORT hair. (: ]
[ ] You want/have hair reborn.
[x] You have an idol and go crazy over him/her. [AHAHAHAHA YES. ADAMYOUNG♥!]
[ ] You listen to music with your handphone/iPod touch. [iPod NANO!]
[x] You send more than 500 SMSes per month for chatting purposes.
[ ] Your phone is a slide/flip phone.
[x] You like cosmetics.
[x] You mostly only wear flats or sandals when you go out.
[ ] You expect people to entertain you.
TOTAL [16/60]
[ ] You make friends with people as long as they're fun, regardless of their true nature.
[ ] You refuse to talk to or work with lonely/uncool people.
[ ] You mostly only use handbags.
[x] You can't stand being alone.
[x] You'll feel uncomfortable without talking to anyone for one day.
[ ] You overreact to arthropods.
[ ] You only care about animals that visually appealing.
[x] You want to dye your hair/have dyed your hair. [I WANT TO.]
[ ] You wouldn't accept a guy as a boyfriend if he's shorter than you.
[ ] You wouldn't accept a guy as a boyfriend if he's ugly.
TOTAL: [19/70]
[x] You wouldn't accept a guy as a boyfriend if he's stupid. [stupid as in, non-academically. You get me, dont you.]
[x] You are hardly ever very sad for long.
[ ] You put many links to your friends' websites on your blog, even if you don't use them.
[ ] You have more than 100 unread emails. [Facebook notifications don't count, right?]
[ ] You dislike quiet people.
[ ] You wear revealing clothes (spaghetti stripes, tank tops, short skirts etc are included). [I dont ALWAYS wear short skirts so uh. :D ]
[ ] You like/want to wear eye-catching accessories such as dangling earrings.
[ ] You have/want more than 2 peircings or you have/want piercings that are not on the earlobe.
[ ] You have/want a permanent tattoo.
[x] You use Facebook a lot.
TOTAL: [22/80]
[x] You are very weight conscious but don't exercise much. [FLAB ON MY THIGHS! MY CALVES! SCREAM! XD]
[ ] You cannot accept criticism. [Only objective criticism. "THE SONGS YOU CHOOSE ARE GAY. AND ARE YOU CHEENA?"]
[ ] You like 'bling-bling's.
[ ] You like to write things like 'xoxoxo'.
[ ] You write a lot about your hair in your blog. [I dont think so, right? I mean, the one about my hair being really long isn't counted... I guess.]
[ ] You criticize a lot about other people in your blog, nonchalant to their feelings.
[ ] You talk about the 'freedom of speech' and how people can choose not to read when they are upset about what you did in the previous point.
[ ] Your blogskin contains massive amounts of pink. [AHAHA. BLUE.]
[x] Your blogskin was not designed by you.
TOTAL: [24/90]
[ ] You complain a lot about other people's flaws but hardly talk about your own.
[ ] You are very vocal and merciless in complaining about what you hate.
[ ] You hate uneducated people.
[x] You gossip a lot. [Only with and about very few people.]
[ ] You hate people who tell you a lot about their problems.
[ ] You don't try to change even if you know your flaws
[ ] You love putting song lyrics as your Facebook status/personal message or posting them in your blog. [Uhm, does the title of the blogpost count?]
[x] You like posting in your blog inspirational pictures you found on the internet.
[ ] You do the previous two points, but you don't/hardly ever credit the source. [Lessee. I think the picture already states the source so yeah.]
[x] You feel excited when you get a new text message.
TOTAL: [27/100]
0: You're lying.
1 - 20: You're not bimbo at all!
[21 - 40: You're normal.]
41 - 60: You're potentially a bimbo.
61 - 80: You're a bimbo.
81 - 100: You're extremely bimbotic.
Saturday, December 18, 2010 @ 10:38 PM
I find old people really cute :3 AHAHAHA WHY DOES THIS SOUND SO WEIRD.Captains of the sky
Friday, December 17, 2010 @ 10:26 PM
Ugh, I just realised how I used to be totally low self-esteem like. Like not accepting compliments and going "ewwwwww" or " *Puke!!* " or something like that.And I just realised how annoying that is. *shudders*
AND, comparing myself to some other girl. Looking at the bad points instead of the good ><
Now I understand. -.-
Sorry to everyone who had to go through this #()*$&()@%(#* :/
@ 10:12 PM
♥ Calbee Prawn Crackers!I'm compromising
@ 8:40 PM
All I know right now is that I've set my personal record for the number of views of my cover in like, a day.52 in exactly 24hrs. Okay like, a little less than that. Wow. WOW WOW WOW.
Thanks guys! I mean those who watched it :3 and those who rewatched. And re-rewatched. I LOVE YOU GUYS! <3
I'm so sorry if I sound like I'm boasting in this this post. but. Yeah.
I think you're going overboard. Seriously. That's not the way you treat us. We're not a lump of useless s%^*.
Thank the Lord I'm not going bald
Thursday, December 16, 2010 @ 8:22 PM
Wow. My hair is long now. I can freaking tie it up! O_O except that a little bit can't be tied up. STILL.
You're gonna believe them
@ 7:54 PM
I'm really proud of my new cover. (:-> CLICK HERE <-
LOL. Sorry, am I being too egoistic? )x
My bloody valentine
@ 3:58 PM
Hi. I just wanted to say that I've got this reallyreally awesome dad and he's soooo awesome that his awesomeness can't be described using words.He's really supportive of us and he cares about us a LOT. And he's this really funny guy who forgives and forgets.
He's one who doesn't care if he's already freaking broke, and still gets us whatever we want. Or need, whichever.
He listens to us whenever we have something to say. He loves us and he shows it.
Whenever I cry, no matter what I did or who's in the wrong, he'll do his best to comfort me. Either that or he'll know to leave me alone. [Okay this doesn't apply to my younger brother because he cries over the littlest things -.-]
Okay so basically he's awesome!
But then I want you next to me
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 @ 5:43 PM
Hi, my name is:YongQing :D
Never in my life have I been:
out of Asia :C / tortured xD
The one person who can drive me nuts is:
MARLENE & WUYAN etc *pulls out hair*
When I’m nervous:
My hands shake like crazy :3 / I stutter / I cry. Okay not really cry.
The last song I listened to was:
Bloody Valentine by Tata Young [refer to below post]
If I were to get married right now my best man/maid of honor:
I dont know my best man but my maid of honour... WuYan? Marlene? LOL XD
My hair is:
One of my favourite physical features (: [the other's my eyes. xD]
When I was 5:
I watched catdog. T-T
Last Christmas:
I got a... Hello Kitty box thing WHICH I GAVE TO WUYAN because I dont have any use for it >< / my mum's company forgot about my Christmas present :( xD
I should be…:
Plotting the graph right now. LOL.
If I were a character on ‘Friends’ I’d be:
Friends? What? XD
By this time next year:
Either a full-fledged councillor or... NOTHING. XD
I have a hard time understanding:
You know I like you when:
Crush like - unless someone tells you, I dont think you'll find out. Okay unless I go crazy/be ultra duper hyper around you...
Friend like - I'll tell you! (:
Take my advice:
.. Dont hate, love! (:
The thing I want to buy:
Nothing ATM. (:
If you visited the place I was born:
GO ORCHARD ROAD AND SHOP TILL YOU DROP ;) or go around makan-ing awesome stuff (Y)
I plan to visit:
Italy someday. (:
If you spent the night at my house:
... No one will ever O:
The world could do without:
ME. XD JKJK NO WAY. XD uhm, complicated math that does not apply to daily life?
Most recent thing I’ve bought myself:
... More money on my ez-link card. (: either that or Mcdonalds MCSPICEH UPSIZED XD.
Most recent thing someone else bought me:
I dont know... I cant remember O:
Last night I was:
on the TPC like always :P OH and watching Spongebob Squarepants, the disc my daddy just bought for my brother and I :P
There’s this girl I know who:
is crazy. And that person is ME! :D *hey it rhymes*
If I was an animal I’d be:
A chimpanzee *no WuYan, not in a bikini!*
Imperfect at its best
@ 4:53 PM
Somehow Tata Young's song Bloody Valentine is kinda scary now.Deja vu, geddit?
Yeah, I think I know why. The period where I kept listening to this song was when everything happened. My god grandpa passed away and.. Other stuff.
And then I stopped listening to it altogether.
Right now it's stuck on replay all over again. WHY? I DONT KNOW.
Dammit, my life is screwed up -.-
All the time
@ 2:10 PM
My life has pretty much been boring these days. And I'm supposed to finish all my math homework plus do the corrections or re-dos[which is basically everything].School starts in like 2-3 weeks and I've not done a single homework.
Need to get off the stupid internet. GET OFF. GET OFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Monday, December 13, 2010 @ 10:04 PM
Why do I even like you anyway. You're so disgusting and fat and ugly and mean and evil and eww-y an...Who am I kidding.
Thinking of you
@ 5:36 PM
The Letter AAre you available?: NOPE. Single and unavailable, hell yeah C:
What is your age?: 13!
What annoys you?: Certain. People. And certain attitudes.
Letter B
Do you live in a big house?: *Compares to Michelle's* D: nope.
When is your birthday?: 2010! xDD
Who is your best friend?: I dont exactly have best friends, I guess. I have loads os supahhhh close ones though. E.g. : YANYAN XD
Letter C
What’s your favorite candy?: STICKY, NO DOUBT!
Who’s your crush?: Like I'm revealing it? -.-
When was the last time you cried?: A few days ago...
The Letter D
Do you daydream?: All the time xD
What’s your favorite kind of dog?: I dont know, I just like dogs in general xD
What day of the week is it?: MUHNDAY. [13122010]
The Letter E
How do you like your eggs?: Omelet-ed? O_O and scrambled. And sunny-side up.
Have you ever been in the emergency room?: Nooooooooope! 8D
What’s the easiest thing ever to do?: SLEEP. Zzz
The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane?: OF COURSEEEE~
Do you use fly swatters?: AHAHAHAHAHAHA NO!
Have you ever used a foghorn?: WHASSAT O:
The Letter G
Do you chew gum?: I'm kind of allergic to gum, in a way...
Are you a giver or a taker?: BOTH :D
Do you like gummy candies?: GUMMY AS LONG AS IT'S GUMMY. XD
The Letter H
What color is your hair?: Bla... Dark brown.
The Letter I
What’s your favorite ice cream?: Oh gosh, I dont have a favourite. I LOVE LIKE, ALL!
Have you ever ice skated?: I CAN PROUDLY SAY THAT YES, I HAVE! And I fell *only* three times! XDD
Do you play an instrument?: Piaaaano~
The Letter J
What’s your favorite jelly bean brand?: JELLY BELLY :D
Do you wear jewelry?: Earrings count, right?
The Letter K
Who do you want to kill?: No one. C:
Do you want kids?: Probs? Like, TWINS. :D both GIRLS.
Where did you go for kindergarten?: Maris Stella! :DD
The Letter L
Are you laid back?: Kinda xD
Do you lie?: I'm not a good liar. But sometimes I do...
The Letter M
Whats your favorite movie?: Despicable Me! :D:D
Do you still watch Disney movies?: Urh, I guess? O:
Do you like Mangoes?: HELL YEAH :D
The Letter N
Do you have a nickname?: Not exactly nickname luh.
What is your real name?: Yong Qing. O_O
Whats your favorite number?: 20
Do you prefer night over day?: Never!
The Letter O
What’s your one wish?: It's a secret :X
Are you an only child?: No, & what's worse is that I'm stuck in the MIDDLE.
The Letter P
What one fear are you most paranoid about?: ...A lot.
What are your pet peeves?: People starting a chat to ask me ... For homework.
What’s a personality trait you look for in people?: Friendly & funny! :D
The Letter Q
What’s your favorite quote?: AHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL
Are you quick to judge people?: Nahh, not really. I usually take 10 mnths. (:
The Letter R
Do you think you’re always right?: LOL nope (:
Are you one to cry?: Hell yeah.
The Letter S
Do you prefer sun or rain?: SUN!! *thinks about suntan* HELL YEAH.
What’s your favorite season?: Spring (:
The Letter T
What time is it?: 9:44PM.
What time did you wake up?: 11:45AM LOL
When was the last time you slept in a tent?: In my previous life, if tents had been invented then.
The Letter U
Are you wearing underwear?: If not then?
Underwear or boxers?: ... Perv.
The Letter V
What’s the worst veggie?: Bittergourd. And eggplant. Ew.
Where do you want to go on vacation?: USA? Italy? Anywhere, via SIA! *hints to WuYan*
The Letter W
What’s your worst habit?: Sitting like a guy.
Where do you live?: In Singapore.
What’s your worst fear?: I fear a lot of things xD
The Letter X
Have you ever had an x-ray?: OF MY TEETH :D
Have you seen the x-games?: Harh o.o
Do you own a xylophone?: Nooooooooope, I used to have this miniature one. xD
The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow?: AHAHAHAHA not bad not bad xD
What’s one thing you yearn for?: :X
The Letter Z
Whats your zodiac sign?: Libra (:
Do you believe in the zodiac?: HELL yeah. xD
Favorite zoo animal?: Otters! :D
Average Teen!
Saturday, December 11, 2010 @ 11:15 PM
To Emily and Cheryl: AHAHAHAHAHA SEE!? IM AN AVERAGE TEEN. C:What do you have:
[X] Mother
[X] Father
[ ] Step-father
[ ] Step-mother
[ ] Step-sister
[ ] Step-brother
[x] Brother/s
[ ] Brother-in-law
[ ] Sister/s
[ ] Sister-in-law
[ ] Half sister
[ ] Half brother
[X] Nephew
[X] Niece
[X] Mobile phone
[ ] Own bathroom
[ ] Own room
[ ] Have/had a swimming pool
[ ] Have/had a hot tub
[ ] Guest room
[X] Living Room
[X] Own computer
[ ] Own TV
Total so far: 8
[ ] Full size/Queen bed
[X] More than 8 pairs of shoes
[X] MP3 player/iPod
[ ] PS2/3
[x] Nintendo DS or PSP or 64
[X] Gameboy/Advance
[ ] Gamecube
[ ] Xbox/Xbox 360
[ ] Wii
[X] Your own laptop
Total so far: 13
[ ] Basketball net/hoop
[ ] Air hockey table
[ ] Pool table
[ ] Ping pong table
[ ] Football table
Total so far: 13
[ ] Night stand
[ ] Stereo in bedroom
[x] DVD player in bedroom/portable
Total so far: 14
[X] Go shopping at least once a week
[X] Camera on phone
Total so far: 17
[x] Go cart/car/quad
[ ] Guitar/drums/bass guitar
[X] Piano/keyboard
[x] Any other instrument
[x] Been on a cruise
[ ] Traveled out of the continent
[ ] Had a personal trainer
[X] Expensive jewellery
[X] Met a celebrity
Total so far: 23
[ ] Straightener/curling iron
[ ] Have been to a batting cage
[ ] Have $100 on you right now in your pocket/wallet.
[ ] Credit card or atm card or debit card or bank card
[x] Have a TV in your room
[X] Mirror in your room
Total so far: 25
[X] Window in your room
[ ] Been to Paris
[ ] Been to Rome
[ ] Been to the Bahamas
[ ] Been to Mexico
[ ] Been to Jamaica
Total so far: 26
[ ] Have owned or own a jet ski/boat
[ ] Have/had a camper
[X] Been to 3+ states
[X] 80+ buddies on Facebook/MySpace
Total so far: 28
[X] Home cooked meal almost everyday.
[X] Been in a limo
[ ] Been in a helicopter
[X] Own a camera
[x] Have been to Disneyland
Total: 32
[ ] Have/had a dog
[ ] Have/had a cat
[ ] Have/had a bird
[ ] Have/had a snake
[ ] Have/had a turtle
[X] Have/had any other pet
Total: 33
Post as;
1-25 = Ghetto! (and tag 5 people)
26-40 = Average Teen! (and tag 10 people)
41-50 = Spoiled TEEN! (and tag 15 people)
51+ = Upper Class Snob! (and tag 20 people)
Walls of insincerity
@ 11:10 PM
Okay so I guess I got part of what I always wish for at 11:11 whenever I can? Well part of one of the wishes.And of course, I'm happy C:
Just that well the other part of it isn't fulfilled. And I dont think it ever will be.
Ah well. Good enough anyway.
Faking smiles
@ 9:46 PM
Day 1 of Thailand trip :I shall fast forward to the part where we reached Changi Budget Terminal. Ahaha so yknow my mum's company has this affiliated taxi service thing, I think, so they can directly book taxis from there, and so we got this uncle who's really nice! C: Urhh yeah. :D
Then we went to queue up and omg, budget is seriously budget please. Toilet also -.- and so we had breakfast at Mac's and then we went in~ :D
Okay so budget = must carry your own luggage and no ... Thing that links you from the terminal to the plane... Thing. LOL. Yeah. And so it was a freaking long and tiring walk from the terminal to the gate and THEN to the airplane. Omg I almost died. -.-
Urh then we got on the plane we flew to Phuket International Airport or whatever you call that and I slept throughout. BECAUSE I HAVE MOTION SICKNESS FOR THE 2398457TH TIME. >:C and we reached and we got on the taxi to get to our hotel~
A lot more photos @ me FB account C: and IT'S DAMN NICE RIGHT!?
Okay then we left our bags there and went to walk around the place. So when we stepped out of the place, there was this guy who approached us for this service thing like to tour Phuket. And he seemed like a really decent guy so we urh, yeahhh. Gave the deposit and all that. Yes he turned out to be a decent guy anyways AHAHA.
After that we walked and walked and we decided to have lunch at a certain place, which we found was at the hotel we were GOING TO book. Well we didnt in the end cuz it was [or should it be is?] too ex and anyways the one that we DID book is way nicer C: picture:
LOL. Okay after that we went to check in and the room is SPLENDID~ pictures:
yeah. THEN, we started to walk to the shopping centre near the hotel. :3
And it was really seriously damndamndamn scary because halfway there, a guy sitting on this stool thingy at the pavement we were walking at suddenly said to me "你好!我爱你,你爱我吗?“
It was seriously damndamndamndamndamn scary okaaay! HE HAD A PERVERTED LOOK. So for the rest of the walk to the shopping centre I was gripping my elder brother's hand. LOL. xDD
Had a little tea break at "The Coffee Club" where we wasted our money eating and drinking stuff that was HORRIBLE. Dx except for my chocolate drink C:
Walked around the shopping centre and then went to a certain restaurant to eat. Okay it was like. We were gonna walk, then we walked past this chain of restaurants where when we walked past, someone would be holding the menu into our faces and go "very nice! Very fresh ... ..." and wouldn't let gooo. So we finally managed to get away from them... After getting drenched.
So we stumbled upon this restaurant and we decided to go eat... Until we saw that there was no live seafood and the music they were playing was. ._. and like yeah so we just anyhow ate some food then left to the restaurant where we finally had dinner.
That restaurant's the one where I well ALMOST got "abducted" at 9 years ago. By a tuk tuk. Like cuz I was the first to get on and it drove off? MY PARENTS WERE HOLDING ON TO ME SO YEAH :DD
The food was niiiice C: just that the restaurant was the place I got my phobia of the food I'm about to eat looking at me thing. Because WE WERE GONNA HAVE LOBSTER SASHIMI AND THEN THEY THOUGHT THAT DIGGING OUT THE FLESH OF THE LOBSTER WHILE IT'S STILL ALIVE IT WHEN THE MEAT IS THE NICEST. The staff I mean.
And the lobster which was ABOUT TO DIE was staring at me!! Like (*%^&(*@$^@(^
Okay I moved my chair away and turned the plate so it didnt exactly face me but yeah. *shivers*
Okay then we went back and it was pouring buckets but whatever.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah that's about it. Shall go to sleep... I mean wait till 12AM to wish my friend Happy Birthday, THEN go to sleep.
Shall post about day 2 tomorrow, I guess. KBYE!
I really dont hate Christmas!
@ 9:44 PM
HAHAHAHA OHMYGOSH I LOVELOVELOVE HEINZ DOOFENSHMIRTZ! From the Phineas & Ferb show. 8D He's just... AWESOME! Ehehehe, unexplainable awesomness just makes him even MORE awesome :DOh btw, the title *points* is from a song by him. The song title. Yeaaaaaaaah. KBYE!
@ 9:44 PM
*Crosses fingers*Friday, December 10, 2010 @ 8:57 PM

@ 8:56 PM

@ 8:55 PM

@ 8:52 PM

I was given grace and love
@ 8:25 PM
Rules: Fill in the blanks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twelve people. Continue the sentence! It's fun! (the answers do not have to relate to the questions)1. In case of a fire you:
do not use the lift. C:
2. When you see a dead cat on the ground:
Look away and think "RIP" :C !
3. When you see an aeroplane coming to crash into your house you:
Run and scream like there's no tomorrow because if I dont, there really is no tomorrow.
4. In a fight, you:
I dont fight! :D
5. If you're bored you:
Eat. Use the TPC[includes FB, Twitter, Blog etc]. Sleep. 8D
6. When you're in a relationship you:
Carry on with my darned life.
7. In a relationship the most important thing is:
Ask that girl *points* or that guy *points* C:
8. If a person of the opposite sex told you they loved you:
... SEE YOU! *runs*
9. When you've lost the person you love, you:
Depends on who it is, if it's my family or close friends, cry my ass off. :C
10. In a jungle you:
act like a chimpanzee. ^^v
11. If you're alone & you see a person of the opposite sex crying alone you:
wont know what to do O:
12. When in the night and you see a fullmoon you:
Oh. Wow, a full moon. *walks away* :D
13. In life you:
Pee & poo & eat & drink & live my stupid life.
14. If you could be an animal what would it be?:
15. When it's raining you:
Eat. xDD
16. In this world, you:
Love loads of peoplez that may not love me back ♥
17. If you became a milionaire you:
Donate money to charity, give my grandmothers and parents money and go on a MAJOR SHOPPING SPREE! 8DD
18. When you love someone what do u always think of?:
Yaaaah I want to go suntanning again. D:
19. In the toilet you:
20. If you found out the person you love doesn't even like you:
No big deal. Used to it C:
21. When you grow up you:
Singer? LOL quite imposs. I wanna be an air stewardess[SIA and SIA only!] cuz it's damn cool but. Judging by how my motion sickness lasted till this morning...
I guess I'll end up as a cleaner in a restaurant C:
22. On a date you go to:
Beach? Movies? NOT SO HIGH-CLASSY restaurants? I NEED TO EAT TOO OKAY.
23. When there is a natural disaster in your town you:
24. When someone calls you at 3am in the morning you:
Depends on who it is C: usually I just leave it, but if I see a specific name...
25. If a rabid dog charges towards you barking and bearing teeth, you:
Just let it bite my leg off :D
The storyline ends
@ 8:11 PM
Awww, can I do the post tomorrow? :DI dont feel like blogging about it! I mean, #*($^*
I'm lazy :D
@ 12:38 PM
You are honestly better off dead.She got a tan & I got a sunburn
@ 12:30 AM
They got a tan & I got a sunburn.Wait. My brothers got sunburns too. Oops. :3
HI! I am finally back from Phuket, Thailand. I will do the SUPAAAH detailed post[for you, WuYan! HAHA] with details on when I pee-ed and when I drank water and how many steps I walked and how long the journey was an...
Just kidding. C:
But yeah the detailed post will be up tomorrow[why am I sounding like some superstar? Oh well.] and below will be, in point form, the main things that happened.
- I lived in a 7 star hotel. O: O: ... Just kidding. xD It is a 4 star one, but is like a 7 star one. Refer to my Facebook pictures if you want to see! 8D
- I fell sick. Really sick. Okay so I think I got gastric and then it got really bad, so in the end I couldn't eat anything at all. I got it before dinner. Then during dinner it got really bad and I just drank 1) 3 spoonfuls of mushroom soup 2) 4 sips of my banana milkshake 2) 1 spoonful of lasagna which was totally UNCOOKED 3) nothing else . I puked it all out. o_o
- My dad fell reallyREALLY sick, he went to the hospital to get an injection. Wait. Two injections. And he fell sick at the same time I did. :/ After a stupid massage. Which brings me to the next point.
- I have a phobia of massages now. Because we went to this massage parlour thing[dont think sick.]. Urh the guide[will explain more] brought us there and after the whole experience I'm like. Yeah. *pukes*
- I officially have a phobia of having the head of whatever I'm about to eat stare at me. O_O I think it's unclear so a real life example: having a live lobster which I'm about to eat stare at me on the verge of its death, while the staff of the restaurant is digging out the meat. Yknow, fresh sashimi? Okay, nobody has to be digging out the meat but as long as the head is facing me, I'll scream. Especially when it's a scary lobster head with googly-ish eyes. *screams*
- I cried several times, one time because of my dad[refer to 3nd point]. The others... WUYAN OR WHOEVER IF YOU WANT TO KNOW ASK ME. Wont announce it heh. ^^"
- I bought souvenirs for my darlin' OM friends C: okay just one little small thingy each. But still. I DONT HAVE ONE HORH. I BOUGHT IT FOR YOU GUYS ONLY. I waaant :C
- I absolutely detest airplanes. Because I have motion sickness. And everytime I take the airplane I feel like puking. And it lasts for the next 2-3hrs or so. For example, right now I'm typing this with a major headache.
- I realised that in Phuket, zebra crossings are just for show -.- . When you are at a zebra crossing there, you have to act like you're jaywalking.
- Bargaining at those roadside shops things is quite easy... As long as you dont go to those markets where everyone makes their prices the same and they are rude.
- I will continue the list tomorrow. Wait I will start on the actual post tomorrow. Kbye. xDD
Sunday, December 5, 2010 @ 11:36 PM

@ 11:33 PM

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@ 11:30 PM

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@ 11:10 PM

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