Friday, March 18, 2011 @ 12:07 AM
Day 6!On day 6 we woke up fresh in the morning & went down to put our luggages. I didn't even take a last look at the hotel room, gosh. Then we went for breakfast, yayness! :D
Breakfast was quite okay, really. Potato wedges, fried rice, BEEEEEHOOOOOON, pastry, SAUSAGES, supersuper sweet glutinous rice... JUUUUICE! Yeah basically. Thennn I remember we were trying to get Swaati to eat. But she wouldn't. Bleh. So we were calling on Mr Goh. AGAIN. I think. But like, yeah. She refused to sit with us / eat. EVIL LA.
Okay then we went to the stone forest~ But I forgot what the entrance looked like. :/ OH, THE ENTRANCE WAS THIS ROAD THING. Wait, there wasn't even a real entrance. Okay then there was this staircase thingy leading up.
So prettaye <: LOL, so then there was this pond or lake thingy next to the staircase, where I took a picture of Gadi & Lily.
Okay & it was there that Mr Goh scolded us :/ "you girls ah, always like to walk SOOO slow, do you girls know that you're always the last? & ah, I realised you girls are always taking pictures while you walk. I tell you, no more of that nonsense from now on. If I catch you doing that, I will confiscate your camera."
& then we walked up the stairs thing. We were all in a bluegh mood. >: obviously 'cuz we got scolded right before the whole thing even started. -.- YEAH THEN WE GOT UP THE STEPS & IT'S LIKE, YEAH. UH HUH. We got to this... Shelter thing. Then we took a CLASS PHOTO~
They all ditched me, so I had to sit on the floor, & unexpectedly Mr Goh went to pose there. :/ OHWELLS. I set my camera's exposition thing higher so like, it kind of was really bright? Yeah.
Then we walked & walked down the steps, up the steps, left right left right lalala~
Basically this whole place was full of just walking & taking of many pictures which included individual shots with Mr Goh, many group shots, posing with the tour guides, posing under a fake cherry blossom tree & all that.
WuYan & I ~ :DD
Le Rock.
Us waiting for the rest of them as they SLOWLY STROLLLLLL~ Including Mr Goh -.-
Us with the tour guides! :DD you see the one on the left, he's the SUPER COOL LEO WITH AN AMERICAN-ISH ACCENT.
Under the fake cherry blossom tree! :DD
Not so clear but good enough~ <:
YEAH, THEN WE WENT TO EAT 过桥米线. Okay all I have to say is - if you wanna eat that, just go to the market & get fish beehoon. It's literally the same, just that the one you get at the market is probably not gonna have pork or fake ham, & it's definitely gonna be less oily.
OKAY, NOT SAYING THAT IT'S NOT GOOD, well it was nice, just that I expected something more...
Then there was this rice.. Roll thing which was really weird. It was served before the noodles were. So the below picture is how they don't get what's proportion.
ANYWAYS, yeah so that's what we ate & I forgot what else happened. Oh, Gadi was trying to mix Sprite & Coke, to make it look like she was drinking beer. But sadly it looked more like 凉茶 [in case you're reading this, Swaati, it's herbal tea]
Then we kind of kena scolded by the teachers. :/ or was this before lunch. AIYA THE SAME LA.
Anyways, we went to the WORLD HORTI-CULTURAL EXPO '99. OR SOMETHING.
YEAH. But there was nothing much, well, flowers I guess?
Then Leo was reallyreally nice, he told us that the way we were posing wouldn't capture the ... Essence of the place or something along that line [HELLO, 19 DAYS AGO YOU EXPECT ME TO REMEMBER CLEARLY AH.]. So he took it for us. 7 cameras, 2 times each.
Yupp~ then we basically just walked around, then went into this building, then like yeah. The only 2 interesting things there were:
Guess what it is xD
YAY! Afterwards we went to this greenhouse. & we had to cross this pond thing with rocks & it looked really freaky so being the coward I am, I took 2 steps forward then I jumped back. SO THEN, HUIYI WAS REALLY NICE! She held onto me then she stepped in front of me while I followed her behind. So I got across safely :DD without having to "just fall into the water & at the most, come up green!" - quote Swaati.
But then I realised that there was another way -.- that Mr Goh was smart enough to take. UGH.
When we got across, there was this shop thing that sold those insect necklaces/pendant things? AIYA, DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN SO I SHALL JUST POST A PICTURE:
Yeah. So Swaati/Gadi was there CHOOSING the pendants ohmy. She actually bought a few. Or 1. I forgot. ^^"
THEN WE, I THINK WE WENT AROUND THE PLACE, so we went into the Japan de. & we saw a hat that looks like this:
Don't ask me why.
UH, ACTUALLY we didn't do anything else... Other than walkwalkwalk. Then we walked back to the bus~ then went for dinner.
So we arrived at this hotel, it looked quite weird but it was okay. We all thought it was our hotel for the next 2 days & we were like O________O cuz it was supposed to be better than the 1st two hotels. But HEY! It wasn't c: we just went there for dinner. Then there was this wedding thing & the bride & groom were... NOT VERY GREAT LOOKING, but they photoshopped them to look WOW. Won't post the picture though~
So dinner was like quite fun. Those waitresses pushed trolleys full of veggies xDD
Then all of the mushrooms were WILD mushrooms, so they had to cook & cook AND cook. The soup was unbearably NICE! IT WAS SO GOOD I COULD DIE. Then plus the crunchy little mushrooms. & then there were noooodlez~ I ate the most la HAHAHA. Cuz there was more, then they asked who wanted more. So of course I raised my hands :DD
THEN, there was this silhouette cut-out thing, that costed S$2. I didn't do, cuz I have one at homeee~ HAVE MY NAME ON IT SOMEMORE. But Swaati & Christi did. HAHAHA, ON THAT GUY'S PANTS WAS... The word "NAKED". I wonder why. OHWELLS.
We had to meet outside this shopping centre thing, & we were told to speak in chinese so no one would know we were foreigners xD I HAD THE BEST CHINESE ACCENT MAN (Y) okay anyways. We all linked hands, like 3 people in front, 4 behind. The 4 were USUALLY the taller ones. So it's like, Swaati, Christi & Michelle in front, Sherri, YuQing, WuYan & I behind xDD Okay, so the first thing the 7 of us did was... To go find a toilet -.- so we went around the whole mall, just to find that it was on the 2nd level. Then we went up, looked again, then we found the sign that said it was on the 3rd floor -.- LOL.
Afterwards we left the mall & went to like shop around... Like slowly stroll & all that. Won't go into details, & I didn't bring my camera along cuz it wouldn't be safe. So we went around, and we saw this Snoopy store thing. That's where we saw Mr Goh, Ms Tan & Mdm Lim. They were laughing at us cuz we were linking hands & then the first person on the left literally ran into the store & we all got pulled in -.- But in the end the stuff was too ex. Thenthenthen we went into a Breadtalk store, LOLOL, & we got this small HelloKitty cake thing, which only cost S$2.40. :DD
Okay we kept walking further & further... Then we went into this clothes storeeee.
It was a lot like Giordano/Bossini. So we decided to get something from that store that would be like a "class" sort of thing. But we didn't know what & we were running out of time, so we kept walking.
THENN, we went to this little pasarmalam place, where Swaati got headphones. S$8 onlyy! But I didn't get it cuz I was afraid of the quality.
Then we realised we had like, 20minutes left. So we CHIONGGGGED back to the store. We decided to get like a shirt, then there was this offer where ever 3 shirts purchased, we'd get 30% off or something. So we went to 3rd level of the store, where we saw 3 other teachers. So we weren't that flustered, since THEY were still there.
The 3rd level had all not-so-cute/pretty clothes, & they were all short sleeved -.- we wanted to get short sleeved ones so we could wear them on the outside & wear something else inside. So we went down to the 1st level again :D
We had to 分工合作 & look for clothes, so WuYan & I went to the inside part of the store, where I found this really cute shirt :D there were only 3 pieces, but I asked the whole class anyway.
In the end, we all got shirts of like different colours xD like Christi, YuQing & I got pink, Michelle, WuYan & Swaati got yellow, Sherri got purple. Sherri was the only one la but IT'S OKAY, BECAUSE WE DIDN'T MAKE HER FEEL LEFT OUT <:
& then we went to the cashier. The store promoter person gave us like 15% of lehs. But then the guy at the counter was like, don't have discount cuz it's not long sleeved shirt -.-
Then he asked us what language we were speaking, LOL. When he said we were speaking English, he was like WAH! & then he turned to mumble something to the other cashier guy. Which was weird. So then 5 of us paid 500RMB, well YuQing paid more la, cuz she bought another shirt for her sister. Yeah then the guy was slowly folding the shirt, like really neatly. So we were going crazy cuz already 9PM, the time we were supposed to gather. So we were like "不用折了!我们赶时间!“ we said it in a friendly manner la, then he like don't understand liddat -.- keep folding, then we kept "screaming", & he finally dumped them into the bag & sealed it. Then I grabbed the first bag, someone else grabbed the second bag & we ran like madwomen.
All Mr Goh bought was chinese medicine, dk for who -.- LOL THEN WE WERE LIKE, HEYYY WE BOUGHT A "CLASS TEEEE~" & we said we'd be wearing it the next day. So he was like "GOOOOD! THEN EASIER TO SPOT ALL OF YOU ALREADY." :DD
Okay then we went back to the hotel. It's like, we expected it to be like really nice, so we were in the middle of 2 hotels, we were thinking it'd be the nicer one on the right. But NO, IT WAS THE SUPER ULU & DISGUSTING LOOKING ONE ON THE LEFT. So we all went like HUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Okay then we got to our rooms, & it wasn't that bad wor! It was really BIIIIG. But it wasn't as nice as the 1st hotel.
We were stuck next to Mdm Lim & Ms Tan.
Not my point. Anyways, we realised that we couldn't on that shower thing. I mean, it came out of the tap, but not our of that bigbig idk, SHOWERING THING, YEAH. LOL SO LIKE YEAHH, then Swaati came over. & then she had a torchlight with her. So we told her about our "problem", then we went to ask Mdm Lim & Ms Tan about it.
We rang the doorbell like 5 times before they finally opened the door. Then Mdm Lim was in shorts which was... Weird. Anyways, they said they'd call the hotel guy to come & fix the thing cuz they didn't know how to either. So we went back.
Then Swaati tried to fix the thing xDD
I almost died laughing man. She looked so hilarious, then I started laughing, along with WuYan. So hard that Swaati started laughing too & she almost fell off xDD
Haha, then I eventually gave up & went to bathe. Yes I bathed with the stupid little tap thing as shown in picture number 2 of Swaati's epicness. But eventually I did it la. :DD
So then I came out of the shower, then I went to pack my stuff, then Mr Goh came to do room check. Oh by that time, Swaati left already ):
Then I told Mr Goh about the problem, AND ALL HE DID WAS ON THE THING ON FULL BLAST, PULL THE KNOB & WATER CAME OUT. Dammit -.- & I juuuust bathed you know. ;^;
Okay then WuYan went to bathe while I made supper. Which is - 3 IN 1 OATMEAL WITH 3 IN 1 MILO. RATIO: 2 : 1 RESPECTIVELY. I SWEAR IT'S AWESOME.
Below is the making method:
Yes then we shared 1 cup noodles. :DD AIYA WE ALWAYS HAVE A LOT OF FOOD, considering how WuYan brought one whole HelloKitty luggage just for food. AHAHAHA.
Okay, then we went to sleep! :DD
The end.
Monday, March 14, 2011 @ 11:09 PM
Presenting to you... The 5th day. Which was, for me, the awesomest yet quite a bad day. OVERALL, OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF IT WAS SUPER DEE DUPER AWESOME!Oh I think I forgot something about the 3rd or 4th day. Uhhh, on either of those days, we went supermarket shopping! :D THE STUFF THERE ARE DAMNDAMN CHEAP MYGOSH. I could buy a whole supermarket worth of stuff with S$100. I bought a sausage which tasted weird/nice/both. Then a pack of YUMMYLICIOUS GUMMIES! [wangwang brand. Not bad la huh.] & then this pack of crackers. ALL FOR JUST S$1! :D
Okay anyway. So on the 5th day. We woke up earlier [OF COURSE!] to be kiasu ahmahs again & pack our stuff, check everything, yepp. So we were like all done & stuff, just on time to go down for breakfast. So we went to ring Leelee/Laulau's doorbells~ so we could, idk, go down togetherrr~
But when we rung the doorbell, we found that they. Were. Still. Asleep.
Okay technically, they woke up already. 'Cuz of the doorbell. So there were like OKAYOKAY5IMUTES5MINUTESBYEBYEBYE~ then they slammed the door on us -.- LOL, so then right at that time, Mr Goh & Mr Bobby came out, 'cuz they're just opposite them. So we were panicking... Actually I was. So we/I told Mr Goh & he knocked on the door & were like "HURRY UP AH, GIRLS. VERY LITTLE TIME LEFT *points at watch*" or something like that. TEEHEE :X
Yes so we [meaning us + Mr Goh + Mr Bobby] had to wait for about 3 lifts. On the 4th, all of us squished in. MR GOH HAD NO LUGGAGE $*%&(@#&*@!^#&! yeah.
During breakfast, Mr Goh told us to take fooooood for the 2 princesses. I forgot, being the person with a memory of a goldfishy. BUT I TOOK JUUUICE FOR THEM, BEING THE KIASU PERSON I AM. I was like "HEYYYY JUICE! EH LESS THAN HALF ALR. HURRY TAKE FOR THEM, LATER NO MORE!" teehee. Not so 夸张 la but you get me <: but anyway, when they came down they went to take food & when Mr Goh asked "you never take for them ah?" & I said no, he was giving the typical mommy-has-finished-nagging look. I GOT THAT LOOK FROM DRAMAS, NOT FROM MY MOM.
Okay anyways we got on the bussss~ to go to. Where again? *checks photos* OHHH, THE COLOURED SAND FOREST *eyes sparkle* OKAY TIME FOR THE FUN PART YAY YAY YAY~ So basically it wasn't really as coloured as I thought it was. I remember Mdm Lim/Miss Tan's description was something like "你从不同的角度看,看到的可是不同颜色的彩沙哦!" but then all I saw were... Sculptures of... Weird stuff.

Class photo with Mr Goh~
Then there were other sculptures but aiya, I'm too lazy to upload all of them <: if you're really THAT [doubt anyone would be] interested in knowing what the other weird sculptures look like, either 1) GOOGLE IT! or 2) Look through my/WuYan/any other S1er's FBs~ So basically... We walked.
Up & down & in & out ~ yes we walked a lot a lot.
LALALA, then the "ending point" where we finally turned back was at this souvenir shop thing... Which had really really obscene photos. Then there was this place where we could buy the sand bottle thingies. We didn't buy la, cuz there were a lot a lot more at the entrance which were, though smaller by a little, way cheaper. At the shop it was like 10 RMB for one.
Gadi went to buy. YAY. HAHAHA so we were at the place outside of the shop,
Swaati was like, SEE SO PRETTY RIGHT SO PRETTY RIGHT, so then she was showing everyone, & when she wanted to show Mr Goh, she accidentally FLUNG it & the whole thing PIAAANG~ smashed & dropped on the floor. That was the end of the life of a wonderful sand bottle. So technically she bought a pink & weird box for S$2. Saddening. LALALA. I took a photo but I don't think she'll want me to post it up so I respect her decision <: COUGHCOUGH. So then we okay fine walked a LIIIITTLE bit further up ahead to the place where the scenery was BEEEEEEAUTIFUL~ & we, of course, took a class shot.
I look so out. Ah wells.
& then we turned back & kept walking. So the conversation between Mr Goh, S1 & the lady who tried to sell those cheapcheap sand bottles went like this:
Lady: 要不要买啊!一个1元,一个1元!
Us: 不要,谢谢!
Mr Goh: HAHA SWAATI, you already so heartbroken & that person keeps advertising.
& then we walk & walk & walk~ then suddenly the lady appears again! OUT OF NOWHEREEE~
Lady: 来买啦!两个1元,算你们两个1元!
Us: 。。。不用了谢谢!
Mr Goh: WAH, WHERE SHE COME FROM UH? *laughs* aiya, later we walk further down become 3 for 10.
The lady never appeared again.
So then we walked back, then at the entrance there was like this flight of steps we had to go down, then Mr Goh told me & Swaat, "you girls ah, must always check your surroundings, understand?" then I was like YESSSS~ CHECK MY SURROUNDINGSSSS *looks everywh-* & then I slip & fall. HAHAHA I DON'T KNOW WHY, I LANDED LIKE A BALLERINA. Gracefully~ THEN I GOT MALU-ED CUZ EVERYBODY, EVEN MR GOH, STARTED LAUGHING. Damn. >:
Okay anyways we went to buy the sand bottles & stuff. Then CHELLELEELEE DIDN'T HAVE TO BUY 'CUZ SHE WAS ALREADY GIVEN ONE OF THE MOVING SAND THINGIES BY HER STUDENTS. :c save $$ . Yeah. So we bought & all that while Mr Goh sat on the chair & RESTED. & he claims he ain't an ahpek/uncle. BLEH.
At the "guardhouse" thingy, I saw that YuQing bought a like, wooden sword thingy. So I was poking Mr Goh & WuYan.
yeah then we went for lunch at the idk what place. But the place we had dinner on the first day <:
& as always, we were fighting over watermelons.
Look at how Leelee looks like the evil stepmom from Cinderella XD
Yes then well I realised that I still had diarrhoea -.- so since Sherri had to go to the toilet too, WE WENT TOGETHERRR~ haha, Sherri was really nice, she helped me hold the door 'cuz the door had no lock for mine -.- yeah anyways.
After lunch came the exciting but not so exciting part!
Jiuxiang Cave!
We reached the entrance & took a class shot.
Yupp~ & then we waited for idk what la, but it took us really long before we went in. So we had to take this elevator down from the apparent SECOND level to the FIRST level. But it took us 1-2 minutes to get down there -.- which is retarded la, cuz 2 levels don't equal that long a distance.
So then once we reached, we began the HORRIBLEUGH but AWESOME~ journey through the Jiuxiang caves.
Firstly we walked up a lot of steps. More than 500 I would say.
Then we walked down a lot of steps. More than 400 I would say.
Then we walked.
& then we walked again.
It was tiring max. Here are some photos.
Basically we walked 50+ times the photo ^ up there. No joke. BUT IT WAS STILL VERY FUN TEEHEE. Cuz it was like cold, so we weren't really sweating yah~ so then halfway walking, Swaati got sand into her eyes >< so Sherri followed her to the toilet & then we waited, so in the end we were the last class. YAY! :D HAHAHA NO SARCASM, I like being the last class.
Then we walked & then there was this pillar thing. I was hugging it & asked dk who to take a picture, which ended up to be a class photo, WITH Mr Goh.
In this picture I'm still hugging the thing. It was really cold & nice to hug XD
Sorry, I'm being a little too lame.
Okay anyways after that we walked up this bat cave thing... Which had no bats -.- & it was like a longlonglonglong flight of steps up, so there was this service thing where some people would carry you in this chair thing up~ THEN THERE WAS THIS OLD PEDO/PERVERT GUY. Won't describe/explain/go into details. I shall just heed WuYan's words & pretend he was looking at someone else. Probably the old ahmah on the chair. YAYS!
I was just taking the picture over my head cuz I wanted to show how much we had to walk but I guess everything got blocked ):
Yeah then we just kept walking & walking & walking until WE FINALLY GOT OUT!
Afterwards we went on a SUPER毛毛RAISING CABLE CHAIR RIDE! There was a lot of drama but... Never mind. HAHA, so I sat with WUYANWUYAN PANGPANG~ It was superdeeduper FUN!
Michelle & Christi waiting to get on the chair~ [LOL, CHAIR]
So basically yes we took it & then we were taking pictures & all that.

A photo of us by Sherri! :D yes my skirt's sticking out.
Then uh, yeah. We reached & then we went to buy the picture. S$3, qute a rip off T-T but not bad la, so JUST BUY TO TREAT AS A SOUVENIR! :D
So I was trying to get out, & Mr Goh was like "AIYA, you must push la, push! Don't know how to get out, don't get in la. Why you so ladylike? Like that you will never get out. /facepalms" 夸张 max. HAHA I GOT OUT IN A FEW SECONDS. Yay me <:
Okay where did we go after that. Uhh, OH THE BRIDGE! Apparently the tallest/highest/WHATEVER bridge
Oops, Mr Goh looks unglam. :D
OKAY YEAH ANYWAYS. Basically we just went out on to the bridge for the sake of going out, & after taking some photos we just went back :/
YES THEN WE WENT BACK TO THE HOTEL FOR DINNERR~ The outside of the hotel was like. WAH.
Then there were two entrances, & since the one ^ up there can't "unload people", we went to the other one. I saw merlions.
SEE!? Okay if you still don't believe me, below is a CLOSE UP SHOT. Literally.
Okay so basically we had like half an hour to put our stuff & all that. But at the lobby, diarrhoea was acting up again, so I was basically dancing around at the lobby to try to... Yeah. So basically I was going crazy & running up to the room & I just dumped my luggage on the floor & bag on the bed, then I hogged the toilet.
So WuYan was screaming ~
Me: Co-...?
Yeah. They put those stuff there. DISGUSTING MAX LA OMG. HAHA, then Leelee & Laulau [SO MATCHING, LOL] came. & I was still stuck in the toilet. >: HAHA YES so they were discussing about ... The C. & I told WuYan to help me take 2 bottles of PohChye Pills. I LOVE POH CHYE PILLS THEY TASTE REALLY NICE! :D
I had no time to eat them, so I had to bring them down for dinner. The worst part was that during dinner, we had to sit at the table next to the teachers'. :/ & THE DAMN BOTTLE WOULDN'T OPEN T-T okay it eventually did, thanks to MEEEEE~ LOL NAH.
Dinner would be terrible, if not for the SUPERDEEDUPER EPIC INCIDENT. Okay so the food was basically terrible, except for the... Fried chicken thing. & the veggies. The rice had black stuff. AHAHA, but the epic part came.
So Gadi refused to eat. AT ALL. So we were like OKAY VEGGIES, JUST A FEW. She refused. So we were stuffing her mouth with veggies. To be exact, Matilda/Sheryl was.
Then we did that like 2? More times. Then the watermelons came & we refused to let her eat. So we finished it all 'cuz she didn't wanna cooperate. She, again, resorted to running over to other tables to get the watermelons.
But of course, Matilda to the rescue!
TEEHEES, basically we did this until some teacher came. So (s)he asked what we were doing then we were like SWAATI WON'T EAT! Then (s)he, I now think it's Mr Goh though, was like "SWAATI, EAT LA, LATER NO ENERGY" okay this is just a rough idea of what the teacher said. My memory sucks so don't count on me for that. <:
Afterwards we continued stuffing her. We managed to stuff like, 4 pieces of veggies. HAHA, then when she was eating her watermelons, we stuffed the veggies along with it. YAY! HAHAHAHAHA.
Okay back at the hotel, we bathed & then went to LeeleeLaulau's room. & then us, excluding Sherri. Gadi(?) & YuQing, played Monopoly Deal. We found this word on the tv thing...
We had a little ranting/bitching session. About people. HAHAHA LAULAU WAS GOING CRAZY. XD Sherri too xDD I NEVER KNEW SHE WAS LIKE THAT AHAHAHA. But yes, I finally saw the other side of her. (: then Gadi. Aiyo.
OH DID I MENTION? HAHAHAHAHA, all 7 of us S1-ers didn't bathe that night. Because everyone was saying the water was disgusting. Like apparently it was brown. Then when WuYan turned the sink's tap on at its coldest, it was yellowish. Apparently. So we were all freaked out. & we decided not to bathe. OF COURSE I WIPED MY BODY LA. It felt disgusting, not bathing. But I think it would be worse if I bathed in dirty water :/
Okay so afterwards we went back to our ROOOOM~ & I wiped my body then we packed 'cuz we were leaving the next day.
Me: AHH I DON'T WANT TO BRUSH MY TEETH LA. I want to go sleep :/
WuYan: Since when have you EVER wanted to brush your teeth/not want to sleep?
Me: ... Never.
Yes seriously. Oh wells.
Then we found that the BED HAD A LOT OF DUST + CRUMBS LEFT BEHIND BY PREVIOUS PEOPLES. & I found this coffee packet thing [used] on the floor. UGHHH. It was terrible.
When Ms Tan came to do room check, the first thing she asked was "你们有冲凉吗?“ translation for GADI XD: Did you guys bathe? I was like NOPEEEE~ teehees, so she was like telling me to remember that wake-up was at this time, breakfast was at this time, blablablah. HAHAHA SO NICE :3
Aiya then I slept. I mean we.
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